Does anyone else do this

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@Patchouli we are fortunate on here that everyone is supportive and willing to offer any information about prepping that the other person wants to learn about. I saw how a community came together for gumpy when he was in trouble and helped to the best of their ability, some with cash, some with helpful information and a lot with love and genuine concern. We have a great community here thanks to everyone.
thanks, baby girl. It is nice to read kind words on crappy days. Like today. Actually days are okay, it's nights what get to me. But I digress.

I haven't scouted around on many forums at all. One I was on before this one got to the point where people were bullies, argumentative, insulting. I check back in there once in a blue moon, it has grown a lot after it shrunk into near nothingness, but the attitude and some same core people are still there bullying.
Patch ... they say haters gotta hate. Sometimes you just have to leave toxic people behind

You have been nothing but a sweetheart in the time I have been here.
That right IK.
Timmie has the right idea.
Lady, I dont smoke a pipe but I am old and got a beard. Lol
I don’t have a beard because I like them and my wife doesn’t ... so we compromised. I can still like them but can’t have one.

I don’t smoke a pipe either but confess that I love the smell of a good pipe tobacco.
I wasn't allowed a beard or long hair when I lived at home so now I have both.
wife's nephew used to have long hair but now dosent, his current wife says he's banned from having long hair!! hmmmh! I wonder how long that marriage is going to last(his 3rd her 2nd).
The day the Aircraft carrier was leaving a guy I didn't recognise walked into the shop. I asked if he needed something and he said no. It was one of shop crew, I had never seen him clean shaven. He was the ugliest guy I had ever seen. He said his wife only let him shave when he went to sea and he had to have his beard when he returned.
My daughter has a friend, a man almost my age, whom I had only seen with long hair and a long beard. He had come into some money and decided to not work for a couple years, and not shave or cut his hair during that time.

One day, I was at my daughter's place and a man knocked on the door. I did not know who it was. I told my daughter that there was a man at the door I did not know. It was her older friend. He was applying for work and was clean shaven and had a new hair cut. Amazing what a difference that makes.
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When we got married my honey had a mustache with extremely pokey but long hairs, kissing him was like kissing a wire bristle brush, he also had a ponytail. Eventually he cut his hair, eventually he shaved. He grew a beard a few times, that was ok.
People change, some become more tolerant, and some more intolerant. Facial hair and ponytails should be the least of our worries.
Not an earth shattering question, more curiosity than anything else, rightly, or wrongly, as I read the posts on this forum or others, I form a mental picture of what a person is like. Not so much physically, but more along the lines of I could work with this person, or I would never hire that person. Maybe it’s this person can teach me a lot or that person is an arrogant so and so that I want to choke (those I usually put on ignore pretty quickly). I know internet/forum personas may not match with the person in real life but I do categorize them.

Knowing Sewing Creations is from Australia causes me to read her posts with an Aussie accent.
I am always surprised to learn someones real age age on the forum. I usually have a different mental picture based on their writings.
I think that in person, half of the forum would not care for me and vice versa. That's America I guess.
From the time I was about 14 until basic training, I had a moustache (such as a teen can grow) after basic I grew it back. My wife said she has never seen me without so I shaved it, that lasted one day, from then until about a year ago I always had a moustache or goatee (never the full beard). My eldest is pushing 40 and he has never seen me without facial hair. As a kid and young adult it made me look older, nor the absence makes me look 10 years younger. Many people don’t recognize me without it.
Not an earth shattering question, more curiosity than anything else, rightly, or wrongly, as I read the posts on this forum or others, I form a mental picture of what a person is like. Not so much physically, but more along the lines of I could work with this person, or I would never hire that person. Maybe it’s this person can teach me a lot or that person is an arrogant so and so that I want to choke (those I usually put on ignore pretty quickly). I know internet/forum personas may not match with the person in real life but I do categorize them.

It came to mind today as I was reading posts on another forum and found myself thinking “if you worked for me I’d fire you” or in “reality tv” terms I’d “vote them off the island.” I haven’t found many like that here.

There are things I could learn from the annoying ones, it’s just harder to read them/listen to them.

If you do this, please don’t tell me who the annoying ones are, my feelings might get hurt. I am not fishing for compliments, I just wondered if I was normal or not.
You know, I never thought about it but I guess I do have a mental image of the members. Of course I've seen pics that a few have shared here or at other forums I've been part of. But I guess the images come from what y'all say that you do...BlueZ is a muscle man, because I read his fitness posts. Amish I always see in a long dress, just because of the name. And LazyL, well that avatar kind of overpowers any mental image I can make of you. :D and I always imagine Backlash on a ship wearing dungarees.

Most of you know what I look like - it's in the top left corner. No mystery here.
@Amish Heart ample cleavage is not good when your head is stuck between them let's just say that ;) .
Not sure I agree with that.
I had a long discussion with school kids on a train from Fremantle to Perth. I said I liked their accent and they said it was me with the accent. One little girl finally said it was their country so I had the accent. She won the discussion.
You know, I never thought about it but I guess I do have a mental image of the members. Of course I've seen pics that a few have shared here or at other forums I've been part of. But I guess the images come from what y'all say that you do...BlueZ is a muscle man, because I read his fitness posts. Amish I always see in a long dress, just because of the name. And LazyL, well that avatar kind of overpowers any mental image I can make of you. :D and I always imagine Backlash on a ship wearing dungarees.

Most of you know what I look like - it's in the top left corner. No mystery here.

40 years ago you would have been correct. Today it's strictly blue jeans so I guess you aren't far off.

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