Somebody calls a neighborhood meeting, and declaring himself the chairman...

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The Lazy L

Old Cowpoke
HCL Supporter
Dec 6, 2017
Found this on a different forum (this is during or soon after a TEOTWAWKI):

"Somebody calls a neighborhood meeting, and declaring himself the chairman announces that what we need to do is go through everyone's house and make an inventory of what everyone has, so it can be shared out equally to what everyone needs. What would you do?"

First one that posts, what I judged to be the best way to respond to this Chairman, wins a hardy "Well done!"

OP was edited to included the TEOTWAWNI time frame
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Get up, say "you're gonna need a warrant" and walk out.
"Let's inventory YOUR (chairman) house first! I get dibs on the valuables!!!"
Go to the meeting and declare yourself the chairman. Then inform the former self-appointed chairman any attempted trespass will be met with overwhelming physical force.

We had 3 guys try to start an HMO. They were kind enough to take on the responsibility of running it till an election could be held. That did not sit well with people. A lady sat through the whole thing and finally got up, gave all 3 guys a letter from her law firm notifying them she would bring legal action against them personally if they tried to force the HMO. She told them it really didn't matter if she won because she wouldn't have to pay for a lawyer and they would.
The meeting was over and there was no further mention of an HMO.
We bought our current house and I was researching the restrictions of the HMO. I discovered that the developer was required to have an HMO so drew one up and got it approved. The subdivision was approved and they started development. Before the first lot was sold they had a home owners meeting and voted to dissolve the HMO with a 100% approval.
Not really on point but it expresses my opinion.
OK, after the time frame was established my reply would be "stay away from my place because I shoot to kill."
In a real TEOTWAWKI, you cannot let that type of person gain any power. He would have to be dealt with swiftly and permanently.
Hiwall has the best solution.
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Aren't there always people who think they are the boss if it is a situation where there isn't one? I have a neighbor who thinks he is the boss of everyone. My lack of a response at times must be a little frustrating for him.

I would suggest that we start at his place first.

In a TEOTWAWKI situation, I believe it may be very important for people to work together, but not because someone has appointed his or herself in charge or makes demands. Showing what you have that will be inventoried would not be one of the things I would suggest or ever agree to.

I can be kind or quiet until people start pushing me around or not listening to me, and then they get their feelings hurt, sometimes without me doing anything, such as not responding to their demands.
I would address the room, pointing out that it will start with sharing the food. Then maybe sharing your guns? How about sharing your daughters? In an effort to make people on the fence realize the slippery slope they may embark on with this.

I would warn them of the possibility of lead poisoning should they attempt that at my house. Considering that this is part of a community you will probably have to live with through the crisis warnings are not for the guy in charge, he will do what he likes regardless. Its for the others so maybe they don't ostracize you afterwards too badly.
I think I'd have to ask this guy, "Who died and put you in charge?", it's my opinion that self appointed people, most often have a power complex, they are self absorbed, and may even be psychotic. Then there is the issue of the your home being your castle, it's no ones business how much food or other emergency supplies you have on hand, it's not your fault others haven't prepped, especially if you have been warning others in the community, even the Bible says that if you don't work, you don't eat, that being said, I'm sure many here would help others in dire straights, but you just don't cast your pearls before swine. If someone had appointed themselves chairman of the neighborhood, I'd probably ask them if they are the new communist party leader and intend on turning our community into a communist encampment, these type of people do not have your best interests in mind and I might just have to take them out in the woods and leave them to deal with the cougar and bear, maybe he can ask them to share the food.
No one is chairperson, until everyone votes on a Chairperson. Anyone who is not allowed to vote, does not have to comply to the rule which will be voted on. All who vote agree to the rules of said vote.
There is an o!d sayin....Keep your friends close but your enemy closer.
Smile at him ,encourage him ,let the sycophant personality prone people's gravitate to him,you need to keep him busy like a dryer lint filter and you identifying the busy bodies and real trouble makers before the real trouble need to know how and who to handle .
This is what he is about to do to you.
There is a quote from Benjamin Franklin: " Two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch is Democracy. Two wolves and an armed sheep voting on what to have for lunch is Liberty." Just because you take a vote and elect a chairman doesn't make what the group wants to do right.

I agree. I would leave the meeting, and say I am not going to participate. I would also make everyone aware that anybody who trespasses will meet with severe consequences.
O.K. Lazy L. You have piqued my curiosity. How did our answers compare to those on the other forum? Are we all like-minded or were there some large differences? Just curious.
I wouldn't leave because when you turn your back they'll decide to search your house first. I would make a motion to confiscate and divide up the "chairman's" property first - whomever that chairman might be since the first guy might decide to resign if he has to be first. To enable a complete search, let it be known that searchers can use tools like hammers and axes in case floorboards or sheetrock has to be removed. Then make a motion that property owners are not allowed to stay in their home while it's being searched and can't object to anything being hauled out of their home. They can only stand in their front yard and watch their possessions being taken away.
Tell him: 'Suuuure, Mr Farquaad, come right on over! You've just GOT to meet my Cousin, Kubota! 😈 Matter of fact, we're headed out to our 'Top Sekret BOL' in the high-desert This weekend! You've just Got to come see what we've done with the place, the underground tunnels are just.. dynamite! 😬 Don't say no, now.. '

Yeah, this would be a Hard Nope, never gonna happen.

I wouldn't leave because when you turn your back they'll decide to search your house first. I would make a motion to confiscate and divide up the "chairman's" property first - whomever that chairman might be since the first guy might decide to resign if he has to be first. To enable a complete search, let it be known that searchers can use tools like hammers and axes in case floorboards or sheetrock has to be removed. Then make a motion that property owners are not allowed to stay in their home while it's being searched and can't object to anything being hauled out of their home. They can only stand in their front yard and watch their possessions being taken away.
I think Calico may have hit the nail on the head
Fortunately I only have one real neighbor, unless you count the bears. The bears, unfortunately, already play this game. And they don’t share what they take, Bears, like the bad governor in the OP, will always come back for more if they think you are a food source. Best to never let them sniff around your place to start with. That analogy probably fits the OPs scenario.

The other issue that @Morgan101 pointed out is if you try to force a vote, the hungry people will probably outnumber those who have food, so you know how the vote will go. Another reason to live the ol‘ Remus code. Avoid people.