Prepping to Defensively "HARDENING YOUR HEART".

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Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.
You can “harden your heart” in order to protect yourself from being emotionally injured. As to how it is done, that is usually a matter of advance decisions, and self-discipline. You decide in advance that you will do a specific thing, or will respond a certain way, and then in the event, you steel yourself to actually follow through.

In defensive “hardening,” you anticipate that you are going to feel a great deal of pain, suffering, and mental anguish so you in advance try to persuade yourself that the pain you will experience is to be expected and essentially ignored. You still experience it, but because of your advance planning, you don’t also suffer from fear or panic because of how you feel.

Are you mentally and emotionally prepping to survive immersion in a hellish reality...?? Hardening one's heart in a survival environment may be the difference between being paralyzed and unable to react as needed or overriding that and acting swiftly for the survival of others and yourself.
You can “harden your heart” in order to protect yourself from being emotionally injured. As to how it is done, that is usually a matter of advance decisions, and self-discipline. You decide in advance that you will do a specific thing, or will respond a certain way, and then in the event, you steel yourself to actually follow through.

In defensive “hardening,” you anticipate that you are going to feel a great deal of pain, suffering, and mental anguish so you in advance try to persuade yourself that the pain you will experience is to be expected and essentially ignored. You still experience it, but because of your advance planning, you don’t also suffer from fear or panic because of how you feel.

Are you mentally and emotionally prepping to survive immersion in a hellish reality...?? Hardening one's heart in a survival environment may be the difference between being paralyzed and unable to react as needed or overriding that and acting swiftly for the survival of others and yourself.
It is quite a dilemma. On one hand, if you are a Christian and live the faith, you are to give, maybe even the shirt off of your back. On the other hand, you can give your life to help out people who can't figure out how to get out of a bag.
It is quite a dilemma. On one hand, if you are a Christian and live the faith, you are to give, maybe even the shirt off of your back. On the other hand, you can give your life to help out people who can't figure out how to get out of a bag.
Charity begins at home. You can't hand out unlimited charity. If you give everything away, you die and your family dies, and you can no longer help anyone. By pacing your charity you can do more in the long run. You are not responsible for the world.
Charity begins at home. You can't hand out unlimited charity. If you give everything away, you die and your family dies, and you can no longer help anyone. By pacing your charity you can do more in the long run. You are not responsible for the world.
True! Also a dilemma is once people know you have food, you will have to keep feeding them. If you kick them out, they will come back in numbers.
Charity begins at home. You can't hand out unlimited charity. If you give everything away, you die and your family dies, and you can no longer help anyone. By pacing your charity you can do more in the long run. You are not responsible for the world.

Exactly what Joel Skousen said, practically verbatim... :oops:
Most are going to experience substantial difficulty making it through the first (3) years of (7) seven years of prepping/survival horror.
Most are going to experience substantial difficulty making it through the first (3) years of (7) seven years of prepping/survival horror.
Ever notice how all the planning information talks about one year of food? So many people can't even come close to that. If a person were to have 7 years of food, I would think that by the time year seven rolled around, it would be lacking in much variety. Before the more recent price jumps, purchasing 25 pounds of something like rice or beans each month could really build up a basic food supply, real basic. Then add a case or two of canned good each month or week, and you can add variety. Sugar, salt, yeast, spices, etc. Yes, I think the horror is coming. Revelation talks about it. I think if you've read that and believe that, you might prefer to be dead.
I've been dead inside for years. Now I only consider those worth considering, the rest might as well be cattle or some kind of rodents
unless I know them and that is no guarantee I like them.
The sad fact is, the only time I even think of the majority of mankind
is how much effort I have to invest in keeping them away from me or
how much ammo I might need if they don't take the hint the first time.

Look up Misanthrope, it has my picture next to it. The world has never had a place for me, and I have no use for it.

Everyone keeps thinking one years or seven years, we are going to need those preps LONG before the tribulation! there are 27 years of this crap to come and it is just getting started!
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I think my heart is already hardened. If people are stupid enough to not prepare, and doubly stupid by voting for Democrats, IMHO they deserve what they get. I have a very short list of people I would help.
Stupid should be painful.

It is quite a dilemma. On one hand, if you are a Christian and live the faith, you are to give, maybe even the shirt off of your back. On the other hand, you can give your life to help out people who can't figure out how to get out of a bag.
This reminded me of a situation I dealt with when I was in a leadership position in my church back east. We had a member who was constantly bailing out friends & family, and then turning to the church when he couldn't put food on the table or keep the utilities on. We counseled him to take care of his family first and to provide charity from his excess.

So in a survival situation, you take care of your family 1st and provide charity from your excess... It's that simple IMHO. The same principle of putting your mask on 1st on an airplane.
This reminded me of a situation I dealt with when I was in a leadership position in my church back east. We had a member who was constantly bailing out friends & family, and then turning to the church when he couldn't put food on the table or keep the utilities on. We counseled him to take care of his family first and to provide charity from his excess.

So in a survival situation, you take care of your family 1st and provide charity from your excess... It's that simple IMHO. The same principle of putting your mask on 1st on an airplane.
I agree. I have known people who no matter how much money came their way, were always in need. Giving to people may feed them once or take care of an immediate need, but in the long run, it does not.

Some people have real issues with money and struggle to know how to not over buy and over spend. I've told of a man I know who has well over $50,000 in credit card debt, as told to me by his ex-wife. He secretly accrued this debt, and then in divorce court tried to force the split of this debt with her. He has traveled to the Caribbean, England, and has way too many things that he does not need, such as 30 watches. Rescuing these people often only emboldens them.
My comment, elsewhere (be interesting to 'compare reactions' / comments... 🤔

EMS training / service was Outstanding for this.. Similar (but, obviously NOT 'identical'..) to Mil-training, in having to a) Stay calm, and Think & solution thru the chaos, and b) Act thru the chaos - and make Correct decisions, because on Many calls, you Literally have someone else's Life in Your hands..

I have an 'odd' view of Death, in that I'm not 'afraid' of it - for Myself - and I've been around it enough to be Able to just 'set it aside' / Do what needs to be done, but.. I'm terrified to leave my family to deal with the loss of me, should that ever happen. Yes, they'll 'manage' / move on, eventually, etc, but.. I just Hope they don't have to suffer thru that.

..But, I Absolutely Know that I Will have little trouble staying calm / focusing, and 'pulling the trigger' if / when it's Time.. My greater concern is I won't Stop. I act against threats to my Family with Extreme Prejudice.. :mad:

PS - Always been one of my favorite Poems: Out, Out– by Robert Frost ..Salient line: "...And they, since they Were not the one dead, turned to their affairs." 🤔 Yep, that's Life.

Most are going to experience substantial difficulty making it through the first (3) years of (7) seven years of prepping/survival horror.

Making it past the first 3 years is much easier when you're already dead, as most people would be. You'd see a wave of deaths after a few short weeks. A second wave after a few months. After that, not many would be left at all - except for the hard core people who desire, and prepped for, living in that Hellscape. I don't think it will be as romantic/nostalgic as some envision it. I'm all for prepping. But each person/family will have a different length of time that they prep for, depending on lots of factors ... The amount of money they have to prep with. Their age and health. How much fun they think life will be in a post-apocalyptic world. Etc. For me, that's "several months". But most definitely not "7 years". Not even "3 years". It's an individual decision.
people who desire, and prepped for, living in that Hellscape. I don't think it will be as romantic/nostalgic as some envision it.
So, you don't believe in the Bible....???
In defensive “hardening,” you anticipate that you are going to feel a great deal of pain, suffering, and mental anguish so you in advance try to persuade yourself that the pain you will experience is to be expected and essentially ignored. You still experience it, but because of your advance planning, you don’t also suffer from fear or panic because of how you feel.

I have those thoughts every day just about, it's called anxiety disorder....
You will GET panic attacks if you do this enough
I have always thought that if you are happy, something bad will happen ( and it does generally)
It is quite a dilemma. On one hand, if you are a Christian and live the faith, you are to give, maybe even the shirt off of your back. On the other hand, you can give your life to help out people who can't figure out how to get out of a bag.

Jesus gave to those that were in need and said if you do not work but are able, starve. (Paraphrased).

If shtf, You take care of your self and your people, You can not feed the world
You must learn to turn others away in order for you and yours to survive

And you can do it in a Christian manner
After you say NO, Tell them to have a blessed day !!!
So, you don't believe in the Bible....???
If that was intended as a joke, it fell flat. I know, many of mine do too. So I sympathize.

We just have different ideas on how long we desire to prep for. Me, it's a couple of months. You, it's 7 or more years. I wish I had your amount of preps on hand. But in truth, it would be overkill for me. And ultimately, wasted in the end.
It seems nearly all of my youth was endless training in hardening my heart to death and sorrow. Culminating in an event I witnessed, and just walked away from with very little physical or emotional reaction, yet it still haunts me.

Being 14 years old and alone, watching nine mutilated children and two mutilated adults dying.
lot walked away in bible and was told dont look back. his wife did and that was her end.

someone mentioned caleb and joshua....maybe not i dont see it now..but anyhow...they were the only adults that left egypt that entered the promised land. them and all the young ones that had grown into adults by then. the rest was walked around desert till they all died off but the two mentioned above.

lots more in scripture... this is enough.
It seems nearly all of my youth was endless training in hardening my heart to death and sorrow. Culminating in an event I witnessed, and just walked away from with very little physical or emotional reaction, yet it still haunts me.
That sounds like short term hardening, resulting in long term ill effects. My heart goes out to you, witnessing what you did.
It seems nearly all of my youth was endless training in hardening my heart to death and sorrow. Culminating in an event I witnessed, and just walked away from with very little physical or emotional reaction, yet it still haunts me.

Being 14 years old and alone, watching nine mutilated children and two mutilated adults dying.
Mine was driving by an accident that needed scooped up.
Don't mean nothing, keep trucking.
Jesus gave to those that were in need and said if you do not work but are able, starve. (Paraphrased).

If shtf, You take care of your self and your people, You can not feed the world
You must learn to turn others away in order for you and yours to survive

And you can do it in a Christian manner
After you say NO, Tell them to have a blessed day !!!

Matthew 6:25-34

Do Not Worry​

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[a]?

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