
Homesteading & Country Living Forum

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  1. R

    Arkansas Intel Summary 15 MAR 2022

    15 MAR INTSUM All Sources Available at Covid United Airlines will let unvaccinated employees, previously suspended, come back to work. GiveSendGo will refund all remaining donations related to the Canadian Trucker convoy. This will prevent seizure by Canadian courts due...
  2. R

    Arkansas Preparedness Team Zoom Meeting FEB 26th

    Our first official meeting of APT! Join us for a class on how to build a basic 72-hour kit, a discussion of local and national events and more. Join us by phone or through the Zoom app on Saturday February 26th, from 4pm to 5:45p. Join Zoom Meeting
  3. taterbug

    Hi ya'll

    I never know what to say on these intro messages. I am 50, female, married, empty nester. Unless you count our two fur-babies. An old grumpy Corgi and a 2 year old Jack Russell. Have finally found our off-grid forever property. For 1/2 the price of our property sale in Wyoming, we have...