gun control

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  1. Dallas Dixon

    The Day to End The Rest

    Reading through a lot of these articles, it brings about questions to me. Quite a few. So, if civil war, martial law, etc. happen, is there any rough estimate when? I'm starting to work on my armory and I need to know when I need to be finished or etc. Is there a rough estimate for any...
  2. Dallas Dixon

    Idiots and Gun Control

    In the U.S.A, currently there are many active rallies on gun control, after mass shootings in Florida and other states. Many of the protesters want to ban AR-15s and assault weapons, but aren't all firearms, hell, any object that can physically harm someone technically an assault weapon? Just...
  3. RevV

    School Safety NOT "Gun Control"

    Like all of us in this firearm-friendly community, I am broken up over the school shooting in FL. In fact, I led a prayer service for the victims and their families the day it happened, and they are still in my daily prayers. Some lib-tards are crying that prayer is not enough. I believe prayer...
  4. Clyde

    Gun Stolen From Federal Official Tied To San Francisco-Area Murder

    The fatal shooting of an Oakland muralist marks the second time in roughly two months that a gun stolen from a federal official allegedly was used in a San Francisco-area murder. A local CBS TV station reported Tuesday that the gun allegedly used to kill muralist Antonio Ramos on Sept. 29 was...
  5. Clyde

    Gun Stolen From Federal Official Tied To San Francisco-Area Murder

    The fatal shooting of an Oakland muralist marks the second time in roughly two months that a gun stolen from a federal official allegedly was used in a San Francisco-area murder. A local CBS TV station reported Tuesday that the gun allegedly used to kill muralist Antonio Ramos on Sept. 29 was...