What radio(s) do you use?
For me at the moment I am using an Icom IC-7200 with Goal Zero solar generator for power. I know it won't exactly fit in a bug out bag.
Hop a plane to Newcastle for a weekend and you can have access to my gear, I even have a complete spare set brand new you can have.this is something I NEED to fix..
Silent Earth, how does a dual band operate on digital modes? I have a lic and my address is a POB in another town. No excuse for not getting one. I'd have no clue how to operate HF I SHTF if I had not been experimenting with NVIS the past year with a license and reverse beacon
- Jim
Good read, I didn't know preppers where using CBs again. Limited ability though, at least have a shortwave to listen to regional news on the normal ham bands.
- Jim