Cougar, A 77 Year Old Guy, A Mini 14 And Fire!

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I know a lot of things, but master very few
HCL Supporter
Jan 8, 2018
S.W. Oregon
So our dear friend down the road calls to say there is a cougar calling that they think is close to us, so I break out my Mini 14 and shine the flashlight uphill, no cougar but I fired three quick rounds toward a 15 gallon barrel I have near the top of our property and after the last round was fired I saw some kind of loop of burning material about a foot long flying through the air, thinking that that was strange at the time I came back inside and refilled the magazine and then went outside to look up hill and saw that there was a small fire burning. At that I came back inside and grabbed a small fire extinguisher and strapped the rifle over my shoulder, cougar could still be around, walked up the hill to the fire, which was about 100 yards up the hill and had grown to about a 10 foot circle. By the time I got there I was really wiped out, still healing from the 2018 congestive heart failure, said a quick prayer to God for strength, pull the safety clip from the extinguisher and put out the flames, which ran the extinguisher out, after which I grabbed an old tree branch, broke in in half and beat the coals with it as well as stepping on an area that caught fire again. Meanwhile my wife didn't know where I went, she thought I'd gone over to our friends place and called there and since I wasn't there he came over to our place, I yelled at him to bring a shovel and he came up and helped me knock down as much a we could, but we could see that there was a lot of smoke coming up from around an old rotted stump, thankfully he had brought a two way radio with him and he told my wife to call the fire department. When they showed up they said it was a good thing because the fire would probably flare up and brought up a hose from their truck and dumped 300 gallons on the burn area and told me to check it out tomorrow. This all happened from 9:00 to 10:00 PM and while some of this was going on my friend Tom said he kept hearing things going on in the woods around us. Starting a fire with 55 grain copper covered FMJ bullets may never happen again, so from now on I'll probably stick to a shotgun, less likely to ignite anything that far away. An interesting thing is that when the much younger fire fighters came up the hill, they were huffing and puffing, so I didn't feel so bad being able to do what I did. Anyway the whole thing made me realize just how easy a fire can start with so much dried out pine needles and broken down rotted wood around. I'm going to do some research to find out what caused that glowing string of whatever it was that started that fire, it looked like a fuse that had burned all at once.
Was there any residue in the barrel? Maybe there was a flammable substance in it originally.

Did anybody ever see the cougar? With all that commotion I would hope it would be long gone.

Stay safe.
Well wonders of wonder, it's raining today and that's good as it should quell any embers that may have been left. I haven't checked out the barrel yet and I want to check out the path the bullet took, this was just too strange of a situation, considering how fast that fire started. The barrel was totally clean inside, it's riddled with holes from me shooting at it for probably 5 years and the place the fire started is about 70 feet away from the barrel, yes I thought about that I had hit the top sealing area and it did something strange, thing is the distance to the fire just doesn't make sense, not to mention, the fire should have been closer to the barrel in that case.
I ran into my gunsmith friend in Wal-Mart yesterday and told him about the fire I started and he thought it might have been from a steel jacketed bullet, I have considered that as well as some of the 5.56 military 65 grain bullets have a steel cone in them and could do some weird things like I saw. As to cougars, he told me that he's been looking for a huge male cat that's over 300 pounds, last seen in the same area I saw a huge cat back when we still owned the 1978 Bronco, somewhere in the late 80's, so the cat he's looking for my be a grandson, thing is the large amount of big cats around here has really done away with whatever deer we used to have around, we haven't seen any in over a year and that's very unusual.
If all that happen, WOW.
If not you should be writing books, not hunting big game at night.
Great story, be safe.

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