..Uh, that would be '
Lord of the Buds', Sir Hashbrown's

'Not really Worthy'...
Welp.. Right
Now, all we've got goin is some Green Onions (not particularly sexxy

But here's some (and Cilantro..) gleaned from the 'Counter-planters' awhile back...
..and, though I don't usually take many 'Kitchen-grow selfies', have-snapped a few to send to Sonny-boy, there.. ie: Gingy-scraps..
..and, not "Kitchen-grown", but last time I did 'Bucket-taters'..
(..that was just from ~2-3 'eyes'.. IIRC, total yield was ~12 or so that grow..

Super-easy.. And, here's some Older snaps, with a Romaine re-sprout, and an Avo-pit that
Really took off..
..Sadly, we had to leave that Beaut back in Cali (and, One-move / House
Previous to our just-before-the-AZ-move, so... AFAIK, it's Still there / growing, but.. Haven't been able to get back there / see If it's still Up / growing.. Ah well..
So, yanno.. Not pretending we're 'Growing All our Groceries'
(like my Son nearly-is.. 
but.. It's the 'Proof of Concept', that I've pleased to see be 'relatively-easy' over and over.. (especially Taters, Carrots, Lettuces / Basil, etc) It's getting a Garden(s) to the
Size, Consistency, and Longevity to 'make a difference for SHTF-purposes' that's the Challenge, but.. I'm
certainly Gonna Try..
..But Hey, Folks! Guess What?! I got some
GREAT NEWS this past week!
NOW, ya can get Rid of
Aaaaaall those nastly, stinky, pesky
Chickens! (well, at least just de-head 'em / pluck / boil / blenderize, and Freeze for their Meat, but.. for
Eggs?? Pfff, LOL!! Why - there's No
Need for That shugar anymore, cuz the 'Eco-Wizards' up in the WEF / NWO-cartel have Blessed us with....

ONLY $7.99 for a whole 16 oz - We're SAVED!! 

I.. just can't Even with these Zommies, Omg..

Anyhoo, back to
Reality... That is all, Carry on...