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Worx WG430 13 Amp Electric Leaf Mulcher​

Is what I use to grind up the leaves. And no it doesn't grind up medium & larger sticks & I'm sure it doesn't do acorns. But as I'm dumping the leaves in the top I generally see & throw sticks to the side. It's a very simple machine & uses a weed eater line to cut up the leaves. When the line wears out it takes about 3 to 5 minutes to change it out. And it does a pretty good job I am NOT interested in buying an expensive machine to sit there 11 months out of the year.

The one thing I didn't like about it the first year was that you couldn't fit a full size garbage can under the frame. The 2nd year I got smart & put the leaf bag on the frame & then set the top back on. One warning though, you condense those leaves enough that if you fill the bag you can't pick it up without the bag ripping (too much weight). The title above is what it's listed on Amazon as. Be sure to read the negs, like always.
This post inspired me to order a wood chipper today . It is not one of those big expensive ones , but wanted one that would chip at least twigs as I mulch up leaves . My plan is to put the mulch on the garden and also use it in starting a mushroom bed . I ain't worried about the leaves in my yard , I actually don't have a yard or even own a lawn mower , but have a cabin in a wooded site on a very steep slope , I leave my leaves at the cabin vicinity for soil erosion and flood purposes from heavy rains sending water down the slope . I plan to go to a different spot to gather leaves and twigs to mulch and bring back to the homestead . The ticks get bad where I plan to go get the leaves during the summer so I want to get that done before spring . Last summer I was working in the tick infested area and counted 77 ticks on me, before I simply stopped counting . The reason for those ticks though , is because of the deep leaves there .
🤔 ..This count?


..but, Srsly, only grow it to make 'Canna-butter', as 'Deep-Pain Balm'.. Pinky-Promise.. 😇 Stuff is Awesome for that.. 👍

Overall, This is how I personally feel about the Importance of the need to Learn and Practice LTGardening:

😎 Yep.. 👍 ..But, indeed, the 'Reality' is harsher than people Think..

We, at least, Constantly grow our own 'Countertop Herbs' (Mint, Basil, Green Onion, etc, etc) and Have 'proven out' the Soil-quality, here by growing from 'just scraps'.. Tomatoes, Potatoes, Romaine, Celery, Cantaloupes one time, Strawberries, 'bucket Carrots', etc, but..

..Just don't have the 'Space' (nor are we in Our 'BOL', currently :rolleyes: ) to yield 'Enough to be anything Serious', but.. Know-how is there (at least for raised-beds / 'Poly-Barrel growing') and Do have some 'Greenhouse-understructure' materials stashed in One of our 'caches' (up in NorCal, tho..) and Pumps / Hoses / fittings / drip-line, etc, etc.. But.. Yah - 'Long term Gardening' eludes us, for the moment, still...

..But, IF we can manage to 'Survive the die-off / First Year'.. I think we'll make it thru, one way / another.. Do have "Plans B, C and D", but.. As-always... We shall see.. o_O

I thought there was a separate thread for 'what you grow' 😂
I hope you got some good winter grow lights for em. Not that I would know AAAAANNYYYYYYTHING bout growin *that* stuff'😇😇😇
Post up some pix of windowsill/countertop herbs... I gotz sweet taters n houseplants in mine and also bags of apricot and donut peaches that haven't germinated.
“What are your plans for the coming year in your garden?"

Since you asked… I gave it some thought. I’m thinking I’ll plant Sunflowers. Why? They’re easy grow, and when they no longer point towards the sun… it’s time to run for the hills. ;)

Edit: Forgive the NPR link, but it came up first in a search looking for info about such things and it’s good info, for those interested in such phenomena….

Sunflowers are fairly easy to grow. But in my experience... the hard part is keeping your harvest. Birds robbed me blind! When they were ready to harvest I was busy with cattle for a couple weeks. I ended up with only a handful of seed.

Talked with neighbors about it... they have the same issue. The consensus was to plant a lot, a half acre at least, more than the birds can take. The single row I planted was just a feast ready for the taking.

I had bees at the time, lost a lot of bees to birds also.

Sunflower d  (6)a.jpg
Sunflower g.jpg
Sunflowers k (1).jpg
I thought there was a separate thread for 'what you grow'

..Uh, that would be 'Lord of the Buds', Sir Hashbrown's thread... :eek: :cool: I'm... 'Not really Worthy'... ;)

Post up some pix of windowsill/countertop herbs....

Welp.. Right Now, all we've got goin is some Green Onions (not particularly sexxy ;) But here's some (and Cilantro..) gleaned from the 'Counter-planters' awhile back...


..and, though I don't usually take many 'Kitchen-grow selfies', have-snapped a few to send to Sonny-boy, there.. ie: Gingy-scraps..

..and, not "Kitchen-grown", but last time I did 'Bucket-taters'..


(..that was just from ~2-3 'eyes'.. IIRC, total yield was ~12 or so that grow.. :cool: Super-easy.. And, here's some Older snaps, with a Romaine re-sprout, and an Avo-pit that Really took off..


..Sadly, we had to leave that Beaut back in Cali (and, One-move / House Previous to our just-before-the-AZ-move, so... AFAIK, it's Still there / growing, but.. Haven't been able to get back there / see If it's still Up / growing.. Ah well..

So, yanno.. Not pretending we're 'Growing All our Groceries' (like my Son nearly-is.. :cool: but.. It's the 'Proof of Concept', that I've pleased to see be 'relatively-easy' over and over.. (especially Taters, Carrots, Lettuces / Basil, etc) It's getting a Garden(s) to the Size, Consistency, and Longevity to 'make a difference for SHTF-purposes' that's the Challenge, but.. I'm certainly Gonna Try.. :cool:

..But Hey, Folks! Guess What?! I got some GREAT NEWS this past week! NOW, ya can get Rid of Aaaaaall those nastly, stinky, pesky Chickens! (well, at least just de-head 'em / pluck / boil / blenderize, and Freeze for their Meat, but.. for Eggs?? Pfff, LOL!! Why - there's No Need for That shugar anymore, cuz the 'Eco-Wizards' up in the WEF / NWO-cartel have Blessed us with....

:eek::oops::cool: ..and ONLY $7.99 for a whole 16 oz - We're SAVED!! 😆🤪:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

I.. just can't Even with these Zommies, Omg.. 🤬 Anyhoo, back to Reality... That is all, Carry on... ;)

..Uh, that would be 'Lord of the Buds', Sir Hashbrown's thread... :eek: :cool: I'm... 'Not really Worthy'... ;)

Welp.. Right Now, all we've got goin is some Green Onions (not particularly sexxy ;) But here's some (and Cilantro..) gleaned from the 'Counter-planters' awhile back...


..and, though I don't usually take many 'Kitchen-grow selfies', have-snapped a few to send to Sonny-boy, there.. ie: Gingy-scraps..

..and, not "Kitchen-grown", but last time I did 'Bucket-taters'..


(..that was just from ~2-3 'eyes'.. IIRC, total yield was ~12 or so that grow.. :cool: Super-easy.. And, here's some Older snaps, with a Romaine re-sprout, and an Avo-pit that Really took off..


..Sadly, we had to leave that Beaut back in Cali (and, One-move / House Previous to our just-before-the-AZ-move, so... AFAIK, it's Still there / growing, but.. Haven't been able to get back there / see If it's still Up / growing.. Ah well..

So, yanno.. Not pretending we're 'Growing All our Groceries' (like my Son nearly-is.. :cool: but.. It's the 'Proof of Concept', that I've pleased to see be 'relatively-easy' over and over.. (especially Taters, Carrots, Lettuces / Basil, etc) It's getting a Garden(s) to the Size, Consistency, and Longevity to 'make a difference for SHTF-purposes' that's the Challenge, but.. I'm certainly Gonna Try.. :cool:

..But Hey, Folks! Guess What?! I got some GREAT NEWS this past week! NOW, ya can get Rid of Aaaaaall those nastly, stinky, pesky Chickens! (well, at least just de-head 'em / pluck / boil / blenderize, and Freeze for their Meat, but.. for Eggs?? Pfff, LOL!! Why - there's No Need for That shugar anymore, cuz the 'Eco-Wizards' up in the WEF / NWO-cartel have Blessed us with....

:eek::oops::cool: ..and ONLY $7.99 for a whole 16 oz - We're SAVED!! 😆🤪:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

I.. just can't Even with these Zommies, Omg.. 🤬 Anyhoo, back to Reality... That is all, Carry on... ;)

"Carry on"?? Not until I figure out how plants lay eggs!! And all along I thought free range chickens were laying those eggs in the grass!! If anyone asks me what I have learned today, I now have something to tell them!! 🤣🤣🤣
I could place a bet that those eggs from plants is a chemical nasty dyed concoction. A sil who is vegan left some "cheese" in our fridge when she visited, and the ingredients were so bad, it couldn't even go to the chickens.
But, you know, whatever. People can eat whatever the heck they want, I don't care.
I could place a bet that those eggs from plants is a chemical nasty dyed concoction. A sil who is vegan left some "cheese" in our fridge when she visited, and the ingredients were so bad, it couldn't even go to the chickens.
But, you know, whatever. People can eat whatever the heck they want, I don't care.
It takes a lot of chemicals to make stuff taste like real food! 🙄
NOW, ya can get Rid of Aaaaaall those nastly, stinky, pesky Chickens! (
Them's fightin' words! 🐓🤣🤠 I will get rid of my never...unless I'm replacing them with more!
The chickens are...
Part of the does not simply, 'get rid of the chickens' and expect to have a healthy and productive garden! That nasty, stinky, chickencrap is extremely valuable stuff. 😎 That's like more than half the reason I have chickens!

And, did you get GINGER to grow!? I've never had luck growing ginger. Wrong climate I guess.
Them's fightin' words!... The chickens are... Part of the system.....

Aye, M'Lady...


Agreed 💯👍 I was sarcastically-speaking from the 'perspective of the NWO-cartel / WEF-Zommies'.. They are the ones who charge that 'Catastrophic Climatemergency' is from 'all teh Animal farts', and then invent / try and Force-feed 💩 like 'FD'd Crickets' and 'Eggs from Plants'... :rolleyes: But I digress..

And, did you get GINGER to grow!?..

Easy - from Other Ginger - just like Taters.. :cool: Simply purchase / ask for a chunk off a Friend, etc / save one of the 'buds' ("rhizomes") and drop it in a glass of water (change every other day, Tops..) with 'suspension T-picks' (so it's not Totally submarined / gets good Sun, etc, as-shown, there..) and.. They just Grow. :cool:

Once sprouted / leaves pop out, transplant to a fairly 'loose' / aerated-type soil, and just water 2x a week (sparingly, don't 'drown') and when the leaves start to wither / die-off.. 'Harvest' the larger Chunks of Gingy, and cut the 'baby buds' to Re-plant in the soil / keep growin... It's Quite-near 'Perpetual'.. :cool:

Anyhoo, back to 'Gardens Gone Wild'.. ;)

Vegan eggs have come a long way, and with more climate conscious consumers looking to reduce their consumption of animal products, egg substitutes are growing in popularity. Our head of research, and long time Vegan, Leigh Matthews gives her top picks for plant-based eggs.

It’s just about 16 years since I went vegan, and over the years I’ve used a lot of different things as substitutes for eggs. There are great alternatives for eggs in pretty much everything – from breakfast scrambles, to baking, to frittatas, and even meringues. And in recent years there’s been an, ahem, eggsplosion of commercial plant-based eggs such as Just Egg, Vegan Egg, and more.

Like all other plant-based egg substitutes, Just Egg is free from cholesterol and is associated with fewer carbon emissions and less water use, among other things. However, because it is packaged in liquid form (which is certainly convenient!), it does have slightly higher carbon emissions associated with it compared to the powder type plant-based eggs.

Just use a mung bean protein to create their egg substitute, along with canola oil, turmeric and carrot, and water to give it an ‘eggy’ color. This impressive food engineering results in a ready-to-pour product that has all the same qualities as a regular chicken’s egg.

Eggcitables is made of chickpea flour, oat flour, carrot powder, tapioca starch, nutritional yeast, baking powder, black salt, and xanthan gum. An impressive 97% of the ingredients are sourced from Canadian suppliers with 70% coming directly from Canadian farmers. This makes it pretty eco-friendly in my book.
..Uh, that would be 'Lord of the Buds', Sir Hashbrown's thread... :eek: :cool: I'm... 'Not really Worthy'... ;)

Welp.. Right Now, all we've got goin is some Green Onions (not particularly sexxy ;) But here's some (and Cilantro..) gleaned from the 'Counter-planters' awhile back...


..and, though I don't usually take many 'Kitchen-grow selfies', have-snapped a few to send to Sonny-boy, there.. ie: Gingy-scraps..

..and, not "Kitchen-grown", but last time I did 'Bucket-taters'..


(..that was just from ~2-3 'eyes'.. IIRC, total yield was ~12 or so that grow.. :cool: Super-easy.. And, here's some Older snaps, with a Romaine re-sprout, and an Avo-pit that Really took off..


..Sadly, we had to leave that Beaut back in Cali (and, One-move / House Previous to our just-before-the-AZ-move, so... AFAIK, it's Still there / growing, but.. Haven't been able to get back there / see If it's still Up / growing.. Ah well..

So, yanno.. Not pretending we're 'Growing All our Groceries' (like my Son nearly-is.. :cool: but.. It's the 'Proof of Concept', that I've pleased to see be 'relatively-easy' over and over.. (especially Taters, Carrots, Lettuces / Basil, etc) It's getting a Garden(s) to the Size, Consistency, and Longevity to 'make a difference for SHTF-purposes' that's the Challenge, but.. I'm certainly Gonna Try.. :cool:

..But Hey, Folks! Guess What?! I got some GREAT NEWS this past week! NOW, ya can get Rid of Aaaaaall those nastly, stinky, pesky Chickens! (well, at least just de-head 'em / pluck / boil / blenderize, and Freeze for their Meat, but.. for Eggs?? Pfff, LOL!! Why - there's No Need for That shugar anymore, cuz the 'Eco-Wizards' up in the WEF / NWO-cartel have Blessed us with....

:eek::oops::cool: ..and ONLY $7.99 for a whole 16 oz - We're SAVED!! 😆🤪:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

I.. just can't Even with these Zommies, Omg.. 🤬 Anyhoo, back to Reality... That is all, Carry on... ;)

I had to look that up. Here is the ingredient list. Pretty sure those mystery ingredients are healthy 🤪

I had to look that up. Here is the ingredient list.

Most of that is reasonably benign (save for maybe the 'TSPP', no thanks..) but.. "Transglutaminase"... 🤔 Good Heavens... ..Sounds like a 'Recipe someone found on the Floor at Rocketdyne'.. o_O

Bugs better watch out, His Chocolate Bunnies lose Their ears also...!!!

Don't worry, Bro.. I Ate him for Breakfast.. Bugs Bunny's 12 ga Accident ;) jk...

OK, Now back to GARDENING.. 🤭 Sorry for the derails.. ;)

Vegan eggs have come a long way, and with more climate conscious consumers looking to reduce their consumption of animal products, egg substitutes are growing in popularity. Our head of research, and long time Vegan, Leigh Matthews gives her top picks for plant-based eggs.

It’s just about 16 years since I went vegan, and over the years I’ve used a lot of different things as substitutes for eggs. There are great alternatives for eggs in pretty much everything – from breakfast scrambles, to baking, to frittatas, and even meringues. And in recent years there’s been an, ahem, eggsplosion of commercial plant-based eggs such as Just Egg, Vegan Egg, and more.

Like all other plant-based egg substitutes, Just Egg is free from cholesterol and is associated with fewer carbon emissions and less water use, among other things. However, because it is packaged in liquid form (which is certainly convenient!), it does have slightly higher carbon emissions associated with it compared to the powder type plant-based eggs.

Just use a mung bean protein to create their egg substitute, along with canola oil, turmeric and carrot, and water to give it an ‘eggy’ color. This impressive food engineering results in a ready-to-pour product that has all the same qualities as a regular chicken’s egg.

Eggcitables is made of chickpea flour, oat flour, carrot powder, tapioca starch, nutritional yeast, baking powder, black salt, and xanthan gum. An impressive 97% of the ingredients are sourced from Canadian suppliers with 70% coming directly from Canadian farmers. This makes it pretty eco-friendly in my book.
I will never understand why vegans use name of food they would never eat.
That like saying Christan Porn, or Islamic pigs, it makes one look foolish.
11 days later the elderberry cuttings are developing nicely.

View attachment 170060

Root development

View attachment 170061

View attachment 170062

Meanwhile the walnut cuttings are stubborn. So I took another set of cuttings and started another batch using a different approach.

I used a razor knife to cut the bottom instead of pruning shears thinking the shears may be crushing the ends. I also scraped the bark from the bottom and used rooting hormone. Instead of soaking in water they went into moist sand.

What a difference between the elder and walnut. This made clearly obvious when I emptied a bucket holding excess cutting that had been out in the yard. I found an elder cutting in frozen block of ice with roots forming.

So wait another month and see what happens.

12 days latter.

There may be roots forming on the English walnut cuttings. Been changing water daily.


The elder cutting have been getting a weak fertilizer solution.


And elder roots!


Next cloning attempt will be an olive tree.

12 days latter.

There may be roots forming on the English walnut cuttings. Been changing water daily.

View attachment 170898

The elder cutting have been getting a weak fertilizer solution.

View attachment 170899

And elder roots!

View attachment 170901

Next cloning attempt will be an olive tree.

And today I found this!


That is one of the english walnut cuttings.

I am excited because none of my searching turned up any info about how to clone English walnut trees.

Be still my heart!

The green cabbage is starting to head, red cabbage takes longer. Onions and garlic I planted recently are coming up after this last storm. Broccoli and purple cauliflower are getting eaten by what I think is birds. If I really wanted to save it I'd make little tents out of fine mesh netting but I'm going to just let it go.20241230_122943.jpg
Yesterday and today I finally got the bean trellis pulled out, and dug all of the 1/4" micro spray irrigation out of what used to be the canyard (potted plant area for those not up on ag-irrigation lingo), emptied all the old planters, dumped youngest son's little garden planter out. Then I weedeated all the 🤬🤬 devil grass down and put more black plastic in, from the chicken coops to the berry rows. My row of artichokes is totally gone now, but will replace them someday. They need to be replaced every few years anyway and they were kinda old so 🤷‍♀️
I still don't have the devil grass as under control as I want it to be, but a good chunk of the garden will be usable next spring. Bermuda grass is awful stuff.20241231_123043.jpg
Yesterday and today I finally got the bean trellis pulled out, and dug all of the 1/4" micro spray irrigation out of what used to be the canyard (potted plant area for those not up on ag-irrigation lingo), emptied all the old planters, dumped youngest son's little garden planter out. Then I weedeated all the 🤬🤬 devil grass down and put more black plastic in, from the chicken coops to the berry rows. My row of artichokes is totally gone now, but will replace them someday. They need to be replaced every few years anyway and they were kinda old so 🤷‍♀️
I still don't have the devil grass as under control as I want it to be, but a good chunk of the garden will be usable next spring. Bermuda grass is awful stuff.View attachment 171011
🤣🤣🤣Did the child live???😂😂

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