Help identify a weed

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Dec 20, 2017
Noticed something that wants to take over part of the backyard. I think it might be called bedstraw catchweed. It has very shallow light roots, forms a rosette and spreads out from there, has tiny white flowers and sticks like it is inserting little hooks into your skin but then quickly lets go. I didn't take a photo of it but the closest i could find that matches it is what I mentioned, bedstraw catchweed. I had no skin irritation from it but daughter said someone we know is allergic to it.
It is an annual so hopefully we'll get it all out and no return. It likes waste areas, what's that tell ya about my yard? Don't answer that.
Anybody know what it might be?
I use an app called picture it. You snap a pix and it tells you most likely apt to be X.
I am not very good at remembering the names of things I can’t eat 😂
I have a friend who just told me she did that on her iPhone. She snapped a picture and it immediately told her what the plant was. I don't think she even had an app. I have an Android, but I will be checking it out to see if my phone does that.
Cleavers aka galium aparine is an interesting plant... it was used to filter milk by the ancient Greeks. In the middle ages women lay on a bed of it when giving birth.

Deer on both continents will give birth in patches of it. Fawns are often left in patches when the doe leaves to graze or drink. I've found them a couple of times.

Native american healers classify it as deer medicine, which is a branch of their medicine.

Funny, it's distantly related to the coffee bush, roasted seeds even tastes like coffee and has caffeine.

It a must know for treating the lymphatic system, kidneys, and the nervous system. A very helpful plant... (beware, it has coumarins and will thin the blood)

Does your plant look like this?

Cleavers d  (18).jpg
Clevers 100_v1.jpg
Yes, cleavers was another name listed for however I reversed it, catchweed bedstraw. I think I had plantnet on my android at one time but someone thought i needed that other kind of phone.
This is cool how I can ask this kind of question and so many helpful answers! Thank you 😍
Unless it's in a very shady and moist place it'll be dead by May. I let it grow under my fig trees. It gets 2ft tall and can be thick. It chokes out other early spring weeds. So, by july, when the figs get ripe there's just a lite tan mat of weeds flat on the ground. It rots back into the soil and grows again the next year, handy and good medicine.

Edit to add photos.. it's very clean under my figs. I don't do anything other than allow the cleavers to grow. They grow and die quickly. By june the figs are leafed out keep anything else growing underneath.

Figs b (3)a.jpgFigs b (5)a.jpg
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I have a friend who just told me she did that on her iPhone. She snapped a picture and it immediately told her what the plant was. I don't think she even had an app. I have an Android, but I will be checking it out to see if my phone does that.
It should. There are many plant identifying apps for Android!
Cleavers often doesn't look like it's 2 ft tall because it lays low to the ground (likely sticking to something lol). It might be easier to visualize it as "length" rather than "height."

Also, just a word of warning with Picture This - it isn't always accurate. It's the app I use, but I like to see what they say something is, then research that plant a little to make sure it's the plant I'm trying to identify.

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