Home Defense Myths

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We might as well end with a doozy. The anti-gun crowd loves to share a “statistic” like this one:

“If you have a gun in the home, you’re three times more likely to get killed.”

This little fake-news tidbit that just won’t die comes from a study by Dr. Arthur Kellermann. After years of stonewalling his data and methodology, a couple of things came to light. First, he only counted homicides, where the homeowner died. He didn’t study how many lives were saved by the presence of a gun. Considering that 92% of defensive gun uses don’t involve a shot being fired, that’s a big deal. So, by not including no-shoot scenarios and those where the homeowner didn’t die, he cherry picked about one percent of data to arrive at his conclusions. Oh, and then it was discovered that he also counted homeowners who were killed by guns that were NOT in their home prior to the attack. Meaning if a home invader came in with his back street special and killed someone, that went into his tally. Excellent science there buddy.
^^ FAKE NEWS...!! ^^

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If your question is addressed to me Top...

Per havasu's ( Mark's ) article above... quote:

" This little fake-news tidbit that just won’t die comes from a study by Dr. Arthur Kellermann "

