Hurricane survival; sometimes we are our own worst enemy

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Bugged out
HCL Supporter
Oct 2, 2020
Posting off topic, since this is about stupidity. Probably drunk college kids and I hope they survived:
In full disclosure, I was a college kid attending the University of Hawaii in the early 1980s. Hurricane Iwa hit Hawaii. At the time, it was the most destructive Hurricane to hit the islands. Of course we had a hurricane party. When the eye hit, my roommate and I got the absolutely brilliant idea to jump on our mopeds and head up round top drive. About half way up we noticed that the eye was passing and we headed back as quickly as we could dodging the same downed trees and power lines that we navigated going up. But with a lot more haste and perhaps some fear. We made it back about 5 minutes after the eye passed lucky to be alive and happy to resume the party. Stupid indeed. Youth and tequila.
Dumbest thing I’ve seen during a hurricane was something I was ordered to do (navy). A hurricane clipped Norfolk VA. Every warship able to leave the pier did so. We were sent to an anchorage in the Chesapeake Bay. When a navy ship is anchored the ensign (flag) is transferred from the top of the foremast to the jackstaff located on the fantail of a ship (a small flag pole on the stern).

During the hurricane the jackstaff began to come apart from large waves crashing across the deck. 5 guys were selected… including me. We were tied together so no one person would be lost over the side of the ship. I guess all of us being washed overboard was acceptable. :rolleyes:

Anyway… I was sent to save a flag pole during a hurricane!!! Literally! 🤣

It’s on my short list of dumbest things period, not just during a hurricane.🤣
As a twenty-something in South Florida, I have been known to go walking around outside, drunk, during hurricanes.
Today, almost 50 years later, we will stay at home for a Cat 1, but anything bigger than that we are leaving.

Right now, Ian is over 200 miles away and we are in the outer bands way up here in NE Florida.
Those at the epicenter are in big trouble.
Posting off topic, since this is about stupidity. Probably drunk college kids and I hope they survived:
In full disclosure, I was a college kid attending the University of Hawaii in the early 1980s. Hurricane Iwa hit Hawaii. At the time, it was the most destructive Hurricane to hit the islands. Of course we had a hurricane party. When the eye hit, my roommate and I got the absolutely brilliant idea to jump on our mopeds and head up round top drive. About half way up we noticed that the eye was passing and we headed back as quickly as we could dodging the same downed trees and power lines that we navigated going up. But with a lot more haste and perhaps some fear. We made it back about 5 minutes after the eye passed lucky to be alive and happy to resume the party. Stupid indeed. Youth and tequila.
I have pictures of great hurricane parties down here.
We party down here 'like there is no tomorrow' every time one is gonna hit.:drink buddy:
I don't wanna go sober either😞.
Guess how this drink got it's name😁...
Dumbest thing I've done in a hurricane.
I was in the Marines, stationed in NC, lived in town, not on the base.
It was my first ever hurricane so of course I needed to have a party.
Partied very hard then went to bed.
I woke up to a phone call. It was my Captain asking me why I wasn't at work.
My mind is groggy and I'm wondering what day this is and how long (in days) I was passed out.
Well, I didn't know a hurricane can hit one evening and be completely gone by morning. Oops.
After graduation my dad and three of his buddies flew from Alaska to Seattle and bought a car. They took off across country having a great time. When they hit Florida they ran into a storm. They were running along the coast and wondering why they were the only car on the road. To them it was just another storm. When they pulled over to take a break they found out that the hurricane had sandblasted the paint off one side of the car. The next day they found a car dealer and traded the vehicle in for a car with paint.

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