Love them wild birds

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Old fashioned
HCL Supporter
Nov 24, 2017
West Ky
Just been keeping a watch out for the birds that are flying around here.
Birds are so beautiful.
They sing, they strut, they fight, they eat non stop.

Here's a couple I see .

These are native to KY.
Show some in your part of the country, or just some that you appreciate.

What I've seen in my tiny yard this week:
Carolina wren
Tufted titmouse
B.C. Chickadee
Some type of woodpecker
And 2 or 3 others that I dont know what they are...maybe some type of sparrow.

Squirrels are jerks and quite the nuisance around here.
I've been feeding the birds for a few weeks again...or has it been months already?
I too love the birds. It is so peaceful sitting in the yard and watching them. I love the pictures, and I have seen all of those in my yard. My wife keeps the feeders well stocked, and yes, we have had issues with squirrels. My wife doesn't mind. She feels like the squirrels need to eat to.

Weedy: I don't know what type of feeders you have, but if they are mounted on a pole driven into the ground I have seen people grease the pole with oil so the squirrels couldn't climb. There are a host of other methods on You Tube.

Pileated Woodpecker

I've several of those around here. One's been working on a chinese popcorn tree in the yard for a couple of weeks now.

A blue bird has been hanging out in the same tree. I haven't been able to get a pic of either... My front and back doors open in plain sight of the tree. If I open either the birds are gone.
Here's a noisy dude..
View attachment 35894
Aggressive also..


Looks like a Mockingbird. We see them frequently. We also have a fair amount of Morning Doves who like to nest in our planters. We have seen several families come and go.
Looks like a Mockingbird. We see them frequently. We also have a fair amount of Morning Doves who like to nest in our planters. We have seen several families come and go.

Mockingbird here rules the back yard. He loves the holly berries. We have Doves and the the way they walk is so cute. And of course PrettyBird the crow.

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