My cancer journey.

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Dec 4, 2017
ATM.....I am sifting through vast amounts of data online - medical journals, peer reviewed papers, alt media etc...

I have a information on a LOT of non-surgical, non chemo substances that purport to be anti-cancer.
Precious few of these are welded into a workable protocol.
Dosages of various substances is problematic and requires a great deal of math and that is only if the stated percentage of a chemical is actually present in the product.
If the herb product they are selling is actually named correctly and not a different sub species with more, less or none of the desired chemical agents.
This is HARD.
At every point when you investigate a new substance you wonder how this would work into a protocol.
You wonder if it would negatively impact other substances.
If you dropped it out of a protocol because it simply wasn't available, cost was stupid high and out of reach......etc...makes you second guess " DAMN!! Was this the one thing that ensured I survived?"
Since I'm kinda new here, you can take this with a grain of salt. But I do wish the best for you and yours, since cancer does affect everyone around you. Sorry if it's a long read, but some background might help.

I have always had some belief in the idea of 'Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food'. My biggest problem has been sticking with that cause I get lazy and fall into not so healthy eating habits.

Almost 8 years ago I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer and a golf ball sized lump in my left breast that showed up in just a few short months. I didn't want chemo, but after finding out how fast & aggressive it could be, I caved. I didn't think there was enough time to make alternative choices. I did the 6 rounds of chemo that included what's called 'Red Death' amongst other drugs, but refused radiation, then had a lumpectomy to remove whatever was left. I am glad chemo saved my life, but now I live with the side effects. Mostly peripheral nerve damage and whatever else I'm struggling with. The one thing about Triple Negative, is that it's not hormone related, is the fastest most aggressive and hardest to treat of the BC's and has a higher re-occurrance within the first 5 years. But if you survive the 5 year mark, all chances drop to the lowest of reoccurring.

Then my husband was diagnosed with Stage 3b Squamish Cell Lung Cancer (sorry, don't remember the exact names given) almost 2 years to the day of my own diagnosis. After a 3 year battle of ongoing chemo treatments, and radiation, he did not survive. Surgery was never an option because of the location of the tumor. At, on, around the bronchial tubes to the entrance of the lung and arteries to the heart.

Anyway, during all that I found out a few things about cancer.....

1. We all have cancer cells in our bodies from birth, they only become a problem when they chose to attack our systems and/or our immune system isn't up to par to keep them in check.

2. Cancer feeds on sugars, Acids feeds on cancer.......maybe try eating more acidic and/or fermented foods (pickles, kraut, yogurts, keifers, etc)

3. Kale is a biggy, cooked, raw, or however you can stand it. If you don't like it, try dehydrating and grind to a powder, then sprinkle into other foods or dishes. You'll still get the same benefits.

4. Besides kale, but other brassicas/cruciferous type veggies are also good.....along with lots of greens. Did you know you can also eat radish and carrot greens as they contain a ton more nutrition than their root.

5. Turmeric with pepper does the most good. Turmeric on it's own is ok, but works better when combined with a pepper. Not sure if the type of pepper matters (black, cayenne, etc). Word of caution, even just a few bits of turmeric will turn everything yellow, so it's hard to hide.

I know there's alot more info about it, but I just wanted to include some of my own findings with those listed above....

While I kinda played with it during my cancer, I really stepped it up for my hubby. He was all about conventional medicine going to be his miracle and wasn't interested in anything remotely 'alternative witch doctor stuff' so that made it difficult for me but I did start putting kale and turmeric in just about everything I could hide it in......until he got suspicious and swore I was trying to poison him and he refused to eat my cooking. Only drive thru or frozen/canned.

Whether it really was the additions of kale & turmeric, or just the course his cancer took or modern medicine or what....we'll never know for sure BUT as long as I was doing his cooking with the hide ins, his tumor had stopped growing and had even shrunk a little. Once he refused to eat my cooking, it wasn't long before it started growing again.

Again, I take no credit here and it could very well just be coincidence.......,BUT

ok, enough of my ramblings but I do wish you the best and pray for you to have a successful journey
As a kid, Yeah, I took magic mushrooms. I know of no medicinal benefits of it, but I sure got buzzed.
I see them handed around in pill form because they are legal to own and use in Denver, as approved by the voters a few years ago. They are not legal to sell, so people grow them and create pills of them to give to people they know. I saw it two days ago and was offered one, which I declined. I am sure that some people sell them, because that is how the world works.
I used to belong to a mycological group that hosted expert speakers a few times a year. I learned some great things. Mushrooms are healing. I am sure that some heal some things while others heal other things. One thing I learned relative to mushrooms, but not body healing, is that after there is a fire somewhere, mushrooms are the first thing that grow in that area, and they help to heal the burn.
This is a mushroom that I learned about that is healing and some use it for cancer, or so I have been told. Chaga--Inonotus obliquus - Wikipedia
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I haven't studied mushrooms closely but I have first hand information of 3 people who were helped by Chaga in their battle with cancer. The last I heard all 3 were doing well.

In general terms I do know that fresh herbs are always superior to any other form, tincture being 2nd best. I highly recommend fresh herbs when available.

I don't know the details of how to use chaga or a good website. I found this one, maybe it's a place to start.

Chaga HQ | Discover the King of Medicinal Mushrooms

I hope this helps in some way...
I haven't studied mushrooms closely but I have first hand information of 3 people who were helped by Chaga in their battle with cancer. The last I heard all 3 were doing well.

In general terms I do know that fresh herbs are always superior to any other form, tincture being 2nd best. I highly recommend fresh herbs when available.

I don't know the details of how to use chaga or a good website. I found this one, maybe it's a place to start.

Chaga HQ | Discover the King of Medicinal Mushrooms

I hope this helps in some way...
I dated a man who was into mushrooms. He went on a long road trip and found Chaga growing in New England. He harvested some, brought it home, and dried it. What I have read is to make tea with it, probably in powder form. He died from cancer a few years after we broke up. I am sure he was using all the alternatives he could, because he always did.
Something else I should have included's not just your physical health, but mental and spiritual as well. Positive attitude and a strong spiritual belief can go a long way as well in your overall health. Whatever your belief system is. It is very true that whatever happens to you is only 10% and your attitude is 90%.

Personally, I am a Christian and for years we'd had lots of troubles (if it wasn't one thing it was another, sometimes daily) that I had seen as a spiritual battle and from the devil, so by the time I had cancer, I could only laugh at the ridiculousness of it that became my weapon of choice......,laughter. Just sayin
tankgirl im so sorry you are going thru all this. its no fun for sure. there is so much good info out there and yeah it gets daunting. i got overwhelmed. i had stage 2 invasive ductal carcinoma, they warned theyd have to remove 1/3-1/2 of my breast and take a ton of radiation. i started researching the snot out of everything and decided on Rick Simpson oil--cannabis oil. and no surgars of any kind., plus essiac tea and apricot kernals said to stop the spread. as they said it was heading for my lymphs.

i had 4 weeks til surgery and i crammed a 3 month treatment into that. it worked. when i woke up from surgery the nurse told me they only had to remove a piece the size of my thumbnail. the surgeon said gee how amazing it shrunk to almost nothing, could hardly find it. my lymphs were clean and t i never took the radiation.

i d still take a couple of the cannabis cancer capsules every night.

ive read of people taking ivermectin to successfully kill their cancer but ive not looked into it much. i know there are different forms of cancers, some virus, some parasitical, maybe thats why it works but i dont know the protocol. id love to learn about the chaga mushroom treatment and will look into that.

if your a praying person ask God which treatment is best for you, follow your gut instinct. i know it can get overwhelming, praying for the exact right treatment be shown to you and perfect healing.

cancer sucks but you can beat it
apricot kernals said to stop the spread.

That's all I had to offer. Although we eat the seeds of apples, pears, grapes, etc. Somewhere in the Old Testament, it says that God gave us the fruits and the seeds of the fruits for food. I believe it is Vitamin B-17 or Laetrille in the 70's.
What the others have said.
And if/when you pray, pray with the vision of what you want to see, not what you dread. Envision the docs. amazed, envision a clean bill of health, envision feeling really good. . . see it and feel it & it will be.

They won't treat me until I'm vaxxed so they can go pound sand.
I'm going to survive out of sheer spite.
@Tank-Girl , all I can do is pray for you.
I have no advice on meds, or magic to offer for you.

All I can tell you is that I've been on deaths doorstep several times , and I believe that friends and family prayers were very effective , because each time , somehow I made it thru. I believe that the somehow was God letting me continue until he's ready for me.
So. I'll pray that God will work for you.

They won't treat me until I'm vaxxed so they can go pound sand.
I'm going to survive out of sheer spite.

with that attitude you will scare the crap out of the cancer---go girl! it aint the boss of you, kick its cancer butt. you can do it.
if i can help give me a hollar. your not alone in this fight.
with that attitude you will scare the crap out of the cancer---go girl! it aint the boss of you, kick its cancer butt. you can do it.
if i can help give me a hollar. your not alone in this fight.
If all we can do is be here to listen, give our best advice, and let you know we are behind you, then that's what we'll do!
one important thing to keep in mind---the jabs damage or kill off those T cells and another thing that i cant recall that is the bodys naturtal response to fight-supress tumor growth. the cancer rtates among the jabbed have soared--up 20-30 times normal. avoid the jab. God will help if we ask
one important thing to keep in mind---the jabs damage or kill off those T cells and another thing that i cant recall that is the bodys naturtal response to fight-supress tumor growth. the cancer rtates among the jabbed have soared--up 20-30 times normal. avoid the jab. God will help if we ask

They did me a favour in refusing me care on THEIR terms.
I told my Devil Dog I'm not ready to join him in heaven yet.
I've never back down from a fight yet.....I kinda chuckle when I pictured myself standing toe to belly button with him during a argument. He was a hair over 6'4 and I'm 5'2.
Yeah..when I work up a head of steam things get interesting.
So sorry to hear you are going through this, you are in my prayers.
There's a lot of natural/alternative cure discussions on Telegram, people sharing 1st hand knowledge about their experiences. Some channels you might find interesting: Level Nutrition & Health - Health,Nutrition & Knowledge From Around The World.

Telegram can be a bit confusing if you are new to it, you can find a trove of info searching trough forums for earlier posts on the topic you're interested in, or create a post letting people know what you're looking for and there are usually a ton of helpful people willing to help.
As a kid, Yeah, I took magic mushrooms. I know of no medicinal benefits of it, but I sure got buzzed.
LOL - apparently they can have great benefit in treating depression, PTSD, anxiety, etc. Same principle as ketamine therapy, which big pharma pushes, because they can't make $ off a fungus.

I suffer from most of the above, and tried magic mushrooms at a party in college. Had a horrible trip, but my depression was significantly lower the next couple of years. I'm just wrapping up a course of ketamine therapy now, and it's taken 6 courses of it to equal what one little fungus did back in the day - go figure!
They did me a favour in refusing me care on THEIR terms.
I told my Devil Dog I'm not ready to join him in heaven yet.
I've never back down from a fight yet.....I kinda chuckle when I pictured myself standing toe to belly button with him during a argument. He was a hair over 6'4 and I'm 5'2.
Yeah..when I work up a head of steam things get interesting.

dang girl, your gonna be fine.
this is how a friend taught me to think about my cancer. it is War. you declare War on the cancer--make a mental declaration

everyone has cancer cells floating around, for some they get triggered and grow for others, nothing ever happens. . the cancer cells are stomping all around growing, d getting uppity and think they are the boss of you, like leftists they are not as powerful as they want you to believe. you can kick their ass big time.

you are gonna win. i believe in you.
They won't treat me until I'm vaxxed so they can go pound sand.
I'm going to survive out of sheer spite.

With that kind of attitude, you'll do just fine.

Keep doing your research and you do whatever works for you.

I am sorry they refused you treatment, I had not realized this mess had come that far. But will be better for you in the long run. You definitely have the support and encouragement around here, with everyone here in your corner to cheer you on.
tank girl, you have my best wishes / prayers, there are a lot of natural sources out there, clif_high has a sleep product that he developed during his victory over cancer, perhaps you might want to look at his stuff, best of luck , stay away from big pharma and it's minions
Thank you everyone for the heart felt well wishes, prayers and support.

So, These are the protocols I have decided on for the moment based on, chiefly, financial constraints and the biggest bang for my buck.
These decisions are also based on sound research - yanno...."science". LOL. Peer reviewed studies, medical journals etc.
YES, I have left some out and it pained me to have to do so but it is what it is.


Joe Tippens protocol Fenbendazole: From MD Anderson to Joe Tippens | Ultimate in Integrative Holistic Cancer Therapy, Houston, Texas
BUT here is the thing :
- I am substituting the Fenbendazole for mebendazole which is available as a over the counter human dewormer.
-Vitamin E
- Mega Turmeric complex to provide the Curcumin.

GcMAF and Modifilan
GcMAF protocol - something I invented on my own cells exude a enzyme called Nagalase - also known as Alpha-NaGalase that prevents the body from making GcMAF.
To degrade a cancer cell's ability to produce Nagalase a enzyme called Fucoidan has been used to great effect. This enzyme is found in species of brown seaweed and algae.
The Effect of Fucoidan from the Brown Alga Fucus evanescence on the Activity of α-N-Acetylgalactosaminidase of Human Colon Carcinoma Cells .
I found a brown seaweed supplement - Modifilan, that has significant amounts of Fucoidan to take in conjunction with the McMAF to counteract Nagalese production.

CoQ 10
It's a mega antioxidant.

Liposomal Vitamin C.
- Ordinary over the counter Vitamin C tablets have a very low absorption rate. When it's added to a lipid - a fat, the rate is much MUCH higher. Liposomal vit c has an absorption rate of 800mg per 1000mg compared to OTC vitamin C tablets which have an absorption rate of 200mg per 1000mg.

Mega Vitamin D.

CBD Oil.
- The oil I brought is Active Cannabinoids - 33.33mg/mL

I now have to work all these into an overall protocol.
If you want the Fenbendazole I found this. : fenbendazole for humans


Can humans take panacur C?

It's branded as Panacur C and can be ordered online. Tippens did some research and learned the drug is considered safe for humans, with no serious side effects.
If you want the Fenbendazole I found this. : fenbendazole for humans


Can humans take panacur C?

It's branded as Panacur C and can be ordered online. Tippens did some research and learned the drug is considered safe for humans, with no serious side effects.

I got it and Ivervec and Valueheart tablets (guess what those tablets are made of) in online sites as we speak.
I already blew though over $1400 and so the funds are drained atm.

The 25ml bottle of GcMAF was a hair under $700 that REALLY hurt.
I needed the strongest GcMAF they had because I'm not allowed to get surgery to get the masses removed, which is called debulking, I need something that will essentially desolve them.
I just found out this drug is the reason WHY all the alt doctors were being murdered.
They were curing cancer.

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