N Korea bio WMD ?

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Awesome Friend
Nov 26, 2017
Read from different site today that one of the 4 NK soldiers who defected this year has anthrax antibodies in his system. Crazy fat kid is really pushing the envelope.
anthrax can and does occur naturally in some places. Just one person having the antibodies in his system might mean something or might mean nothing.
Plus the world knows that the Norks have anthrax and likely are working with it.
Plus the world knows that the Norks have anthrax and likely are working with it.

I was just reading up on that the other day. Kim Jung Plume needs to dial it back a bit!
It is VERY hard to weaponize biological pathogens. Harder in fact than producing GB or GD.
anthrax can and does occur naturally in some places. Just one person having the antibodies in his system might mean something or might mean nothing..
I know I do. When I was a kid we had a cow die of a confirmed case of anthrax. We kids stayed up all night cremating it. 1500 lbs is a lot to make disappear.
We had plenty of contact with it before the vet told us to reduce it to ashes.
:bang Head:
It one thing to have anthrax...it's another to weaponize it and stick it into a warhead that can survive re-entry. The heat destroys the bacterial spores...

But...it is easy to put anthrax into an artillery shell and launch it from the DMZ between North & South and hit Seoul population centers only 30 miles away.

There in lies the problem...and the only reason the US has not acted to this day.
It one thing to have anthrax...it's another to weaponize it and stick it into a warhead that can survive re-entry. The heat destroys the bacterial spores...

But...it is easy to put anthrax into an artillery shell and launch it from the DMZ between North & South and hit Seoul population centers only 30 miles away.

There in lies the problem...and the only reason the US has not acted to this day.
There is actually more to it than that. There is making the spores dispersable so that moisture doesn't clump them into a ball all in one spot. Biological warfare of this type is tricky to say the least. The far more dangerous form of biological warfare is the introduction of people contaminated with a hard to detect, long dormancy, debilitating disease which can be spread on many surfaces. Imagine 20 people entering the US as tourists and sight seeing all around DC, in the museums, houses of congress, FBI, CIA and Whitehouse leaving an unseen trail of the disease behind which they will not show signs of having for three or four days and neither will those who catch it. That is the real danger of biological weapons because 20 people could destroy DC and you know NC would not blink at killing 20 of their own people.