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Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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So, I went to the store and got some of Mom's RXs but the one she really wanted was not called in. I got home and she was upset saying she was out of that medicine. She called it in and they said it would be ready after 6pm. The pharmacy closes at 6pm. I told her that so she called them and asked them to expedite so they said it would be ready in an hour. So she demanded that I go back in to get it instead of waiting for tomorrow. I get it, she wants the meds, but she shouldn't be out because the last refill was for 30 days and was filled earlier this month. Truck was making horrible noises on the way in and back home. I got there and waited in line and they told me there was nothing filled. Her meds had a hold on them. I asked if it was insurance and they said "yes". Said that insurance won't clear it to be filled until tomorrow. Without insurance it's $120. So now I have to go back again tomorrow. Went home and told Mom and she was upset. She said she didn't blame me for them refusing to fill it. She found the RX bottle for the meds she's out of and it is from last month. I told her that it was refilled more recently than that and she accused me of not giving it to her. I clearly remember giving it to her so she's on crack. But now she will blame me for being out of her meds bc she misplaced it AGAIN. This is the 3rd time she's misplaced this same medicine and I don't know why she keeps losing it. I'm going to have to search her bed for it to see if she dropped it on the bed or if it rolled under a pillow or something.
Your post made me smile because my mom would say something ridiculous, and I'd tell my sister that mom must be on crack again.
It's a pharmacy type of day today. Walgreens, husband's pharmacy has recently had to close on the weekends for lack of staff. So Mon thru Friday, and closed for a lunch break at 1:00. Otherwise 9 to 5. It's 25 miles away. They had a sign up last week that they'll also be closed for Memorial Day, so an upcoming three day close. So we went there today...got out of my gardening clothes to take husband before they closed. They were closed all day because their computer systems are down. Not to waste the trip entirely, we stopped at Braums and got ice cream to take home.
So, I went to the store and got some of Mom's RXs but the one she really wanted was not called in. I got home and she was upset saying she was out of that medicine. She called it in and they said it would be ready after 6pm. The pharmacy closes at 6pm. I told her that so she called them and asked them to expedite so they said it would be ready in an hour. So she demanded that I go back in to get it instead of waiting for tomorrow. I get it, she wants the meds, but she shouldn't be out because the last refill was for 30 days and was filled earlier this month. Truck was making horrible noises on the way in and back home. I got there and waited in line and they told me there was nothing filled. Her meds had a hold on them. I asked if it was insurance and they said "yes". Said that insurance won't clear it to be filled until tomorrow. Without insurance it's $120. So now I have to go back again tomorrow. Went home and told Mom and she was upset. She said she didn't blame me for them refusing to fill it. She found the RX bottle for the meds she's out of and it is from last month. I told her that it was refilled more recently than that and she accused me of not giving it to her. I clearly remember giving it to her so she's on crack. But now she will blame me for being out of her meds bc she misplaced it AGAIN. This is the 3rd time she's misplaced this same medicine and I don't know why she keeps losing it. I'm going to have to search her bed for it to see if she dropped it on the bed or if it rolled under a pillow or something.
YOU will have to find and handle her meds! She can't do that anymore!!
YOU will have to find and handle her meds! She can't do that anymore!!
Yeah. It's frustrating because she keeps them in different ziploc bags, different drawers, etc. She keeps some in her room and others in the living room on or near her desk. She also has a slew of vitamins she takes as well. She used to be great at handling her meds, but has been having trouble ever since the ketoacidosis. At least she's better at remembering to take her meds than I am about taking mine. The times she misplaced stuff was while she was sick.

I got her to start putting her pills in a short cup so she doesn't drop them out of her hand or have them stick to her hand and fall onto her bed. When she was in ICU I took the opportunity to clean up her bed and found a bunch of pills she'd dropped.

I'm feeling a bit stressed on the planning for fixing stuff up in the pump house. The new pump is in Florida right now.

I also got a phonecall from the diabetes supply place while I was in the store. I told the lady I was in the store and was hard-of-hearing and preferred to talk via e-mail or text but she said it had to be through phone stuff. They've approved the insulin pump but said Mom needs to pick the infusion sets. Neither of us know anything about the infusion sets. Well, I know they have different types of cannulas, and that's about it. Not sure which ones are better.

Anyone know much about them? She's getting the Tandem T:Slim Control IQ I believe. But they won't send it until the accessories are chosen. I guess I'll have to call the NP at the doctor's office tomorrow to ask her. I've got a video queued up on info about infusion sets.
I need to pick up some stuff from HD for the plumbing modifications but I don't like how my truck is sounding and acting. Friend said the break pads are gone (I ordered some from Rockauto earlier this week but they haven't even been shipped yet). If I don't get the pads soon I might have to get new rotors too. I also don't like sound it makes while driving. Sounds like something is rubbing or dragging. I looked under and didn't see anything that would be rubbing the tire or ground.

Meanwhile, my jet pump is in a UPS facility in a town an hour away. It arrived there at 1:50am but they say it won't be delivered until Tuesday. If I thought I could get through to a live person I'd call them and ask them to please deliver it today.

My guts have been hateful today. Went to the post office to get mail and cringed the entire time I heard noises from the truck. Stopped at McDonalds to get breakfast and used the bathroom there. They only have 2 stalls in the bathroom now and its like being in a dungeon. The stalls are like actual rooms with floor to ceiling walls that are covered in dark gloomy tile. Only way it qualifies as a stall and not a closet is bc the doors don't go all the way to the floor or ceiling. They got rid of any bright or cheerful colors inside and outside. Inside the same dark tile is used behind the cashiers and the lighting sucks. Outside its all gray and bleh. Must be depressing for the workers. It's certainly not inviting to customers. I think that is the point though.

My friend joked about wanting a steak bagel but I did get him one and then asked him to listen to the truck. He looked at my brakes and said pads were gone. Ugh. Also need to get an oil change.

The CV axle replacement will require more transmission fluid and I'm waiting for that to arrive. My truck takes a particular type.

Also, someone parked my favorite curbside spot at McDonalds. All the other spots were open and they took the one I prefer. :p

Ok, last one I'm not mad about, but I joked with my friend about it with things like "How DARE they take my spot!"

Gonna have to refill another bucket to be able to flush toilets. Not looking forward to that.

Was looking at whole house generators at Lowes and HD. Both are on sale right now but would require pro installation. Found some that looked good but they only use liquid propane or natural gas and I don't have access to either. Don't know where to get the large tanks to hold that stuff. Looked at those stores and saw nothing. I wonder if I can get one of those outside enclosure thingies for a generator that can run on diesel.

Worried about hurricane season coming up.
I generally try not to go to public or pay to play shooting ranges because, surprise, not all shooters are very bright and the rules of proper safe gun handling has not been permanently drilled into their brains. But, this Romeo4XT Pro red dot just needed to be zeroed and the private range I normally frequent was unavailable. Sure enough tactical timmy and his friends from the royal keyboard commando brigade were there with their brand new colorful plate carriers, bump helmets, and spray painted poverty pony rifles accessorized by the good folks at wish/temu, running around pretending that their airsoft skills and you tube training perfectly transitioned to the world of high speed tactical operations. I intended to put in some time, but instead I got that optic right where I wanted it and got out of there. No need to have that life insurance policy pay out already.
So, Rockauto says they shipped my brake pads but USPS is saying they never received them and that only a label was created.

Meanwhile, the AC compressor in the CRV is dead so that needs to be replaced along with the condenser, serpentine belt, some other belt, some pulley thingy, and another thing-- basically $550 for parts, tax, and shipping.

I know McDonalds isn't all that healthy but I was craving pancakes. Ended up grabbing a chocolate shake after driving in the CRV without AC and getting overheated.
So is enlisting. Or attending an actual training. Or finding a mentor. Unfortunately these kids were cosplaying soldiers from video games with "real" guns and acting like they have actually walked a mile in combat boots.
America's Army used to be one of the BIGGEST video games out there, the Army funded it and supplied the servers for years, Likewise, the Columbine shooters used a USMC-modified copy of Doom to train to point-shoot. Games like STALKERS Also teaches one sight philosophy and load-out management, not to mention have windage and bullet drop. If one has come from a military or is seeking to enter a military environment, I argue they have value as teaching tools and shape mindset. BUT... everybody has one... IF they think it gives them anything past that, they probably need to see a shrink, they're delusional. Nobody hands out that kind of education but the real thing.
I'm debating whether to be mad or not. I organize a family gathering every year which is due to take place next weekend. One of my brothers will be home for the first time in four years, and another was to come with his family from the UK. I knew he'd changed his mind, but today I found out for various reasons three quarters of the family cant make it; including two of mine, because they didn't cop the date; and my husband, who told someone he was going to their wedding, despite me telling him the weekend clashed, and organised a bike trip the following day, so I cant move it back either.
On the good side I don't have to cook, but on the other hand I feel I'm letting down my Dad, and this was planned since Christmas. They don't let me down often but I'm in a ffs kind of mood. Thank god I didn't book the meat yet, anything I have got is in the freezer and will be used.
I went to microwave something for Mom and when I turned it on, there were several loud pops and some sparks. It ran but it didn't heat. My brother went over after hearing the microwave beep and checked on the food for me and it was still frozen. So he put it in for another 5min. No pops or sparks. It ran but still didn't heat. So he did it again. Tried plugging it in to a different outlet on a different circuit. Still wouldn't heat. So I had to pan fry the food. Ugh.

So, now we need another microwave.

Also, the extension cord I'd been using for the induction burner started zapping me. Cord on induction thingy is too short to reach any outlets. Fortunately, I just ordered an outdoor waterproof extension cord and I was able to use it to plug in the cooktop.
Went to pick up some charcoal, wood splits, and exchange a propane tank. I used to just get them filled but the only place close to me stopped filling small tanks. 20# propane tank should weigh 16-17# empty and 36-37# full. I weighed 5 tanks before I ended up with a 33# tank. The first 4 were all under 30#. And this is why I keep an old scale in the back of my suv. When I pay for 20# of propane I want more than 12-14# of propane. Those propane exchange places will screw you every chance they get.
I went to microwave something for Mom and when I turned it on, there were several loud pops and some sparks. It ran but it didn't heat. My brother went over after hearing the microwave beep and checked on the food for me and it was still frozen. So he put it in for another 5min. No pops or sparks. It ran but still didn't heat. So he did it again. Tried plugging it in to a different outlet on a different circuit. Still wouldn't heat. So I had to pan fry the food. Ugh.

So, now we need another microwave.

Also, the extension cord I'd been using for the induction burner started zapping me. Cord on induction thingy is too short to reach any outlets. Fortunately, I just ordered an outdoor waterproof extension cord and I was able to use it to plug in the cooktop.
Didn't you just replace microwaves in NOVEMBER? :dunno:
Didn't you just replace microwaves in NOVEMBER? :dunno:
The big microwave went out in November but we didn't replace it right away. It was still under warranty by about a week but we all got Covid and Mom ended up in the hospital over the ketoacidosis. We never did get it to a repair shop, but my friend said it was filled with roaches so the warranty was voided. We got a cheap smaller and less powerful Microwave from Walmart (Hamilton Beach brand-- which isn't too bad usually) and it just died. As an aside, the one that died in November was a replacement for a previous one that did outlive the warranty. Got a different one this time and used dust screen protectors all over any vent hole I could find and non-vent holes got covered in tape.

They don't make them like they used to. Our Montgomery Ward 3.0 cu ft convection microwave with faux wood paneling lasted 22 years before it died. I was so sad I almost cried when we took it out of the kitchen. It's still sitting down at the workshop somewhere.

Editing to add: Someone in the area got chickens but they don't keep them in a yard and the little buggers are all over the road. They keep checking my brakes. :p I asked my Mom yesterday "Why did the chicken cross the road?" and she said "To get to the other side?" and I said "To stop in front of my truck and check if my brakes worked and see how much it could aggravate me". I swear it was the same chicken that did it twice already. Dumb birds are lucky my brakes still work.
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Having reread my post I realize it wasn't about just that at all. I was really venting because it was the anniversary of a loved one and that didn't register with me.
Not rescheduling, @Magus. will cook Dad dinner and everyone else can organize their own thing. This was the only weekend I had kept clear.
Having reread my post I realize it wasn't about just that at all. I was really venting because it was the anniversary of a loved one and that didn't register with me.
Not rescheduling, @Magus. will cook Dad dinner and everyone else can organize their own thing. This was the only weekend I had kept clear.
Enjoy dinner with Dad!! Let everyone else be a party pooper! He'll be glad you didn't let him down!!
Tree fell on the powerlines and took power out for a bit. There were a bunch of power surges prior to it going off. It blinked on and off for about 30 seconds and then stayed off. Had to take Gravy Jones to the vet because he got into a fight and has an abscess over his eye that is draining into his eye and poor kitty is not comfortable. Vet cleaned it a bit and gave him antibiotics. Said if it gets worse to bring him back in so she can sedate him and drain it. Said we might as well get him neutered at the same time. Will cost ~$190 for the vaccines and neutering.

Still need to get the other cats neutered so it will reduce aggression.

All of the parts for my truck came in but can't get it worked on during the thunderstorms. Looks like it will rain tomorrow too.

UPS was supposed to deliver the new jet pump between 1:30pm to 3:45pm but then updated to say by 8:30pm. I fully expect them to not deliver and then say they couldn't deliver due to weather. Rain isn't quite that bad though, but they don't like coming out here to begin with and look for any excuse to avoid it.
Tree fell on the powerlines and took power out for a bit. There were a bunch of power surges prior to it going off. It blinked on and off for about 30 seconds and then stayed off. Had to take Gravy Jones to the vet because he got into a fight and has an abscess over his eye that is draining into his eye and poor kitty is not comfortable. Vet cleaned it a bit and gave him antibiotics. Said if it gets worse to bring him back in so she can sedate him and drain it. Said we might as well get him neutered at the same time. Will cost ~$190 for the vaccines and neutering.

Still need to get the other cats neutered so it will reduce aggression.

All of the parts for my truck came in but can't get it worked on during the thunderstorms. Looks like it will rain tomorrow too.

UPS was supposed to deliver the new jet pump between 1:30pm to 3:45pm but then updated to say by 8:30pm. I fully expect them to not deliver and then say they couldn't deliver due to weather. Rain isn't quite that bad though, but they don't like coming out here to begin with and look for any excuse to avoid it.
Color me curious, but why do you have a cat(s) that ARE NOT fixed? I'm still trying to TNR a cat I feed, EVERYBODY else is neutered. We DO NOT NEED more cats. yea, it's expensive. Yeah it sucks. yeah if you are gonna feed em, GET THEM FIXED.
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Not going to affect me, but HOA's and insurance companies all over Colorado are forcing people to ban GAS grills. The insurance industry has decided as a group to tell free people what they can own and what they can't after big gov tried to ban GAS ovens and GAS water heaters. Of course this is all about saving the forests, wink wink, but for some reason all I am hearing is GAS grills only but electric grills are fine as electricity cannot start fires in their minds. Remember GAS is evil and electricity is clean and pure energy that rains down from heaven on the wings of sun beams and angels. Also, somehow these insurance overlords have never heard of charcoal grills or smokers. Yet. Until they discover that they aren't carbon neutral anyway.
Not going to affect me, but HOA's and insurance companies all over Colorado are forcing people to ban GAS grills. The insurance industry has decided as a group to tell free people what they can own and what they can't after big gov tried to ban GAS ovens and GAS water heaters. Of course this is all about saving the forests, wink wink, but for some reason all I am hearing is GAS grills only but electric grills are fine as electricity cannot start fires in their minds. Remember GAS is evil and electricity is clean and pure energy that rains down from heaven on the wings of sun beams and angels. Also, somehow these insurance overlords have never heard of charcoal grills or smokers. Yet. Until they discover that they aren't carbon neutral anyway.
Tree fell on the powerlines and took power out for a bit. There were a bunch of power surges prior to it going off. It blinked on and off for about 30 seconds and then stayed off. Had to take Gravy Jones to the vet because he got into a fight and has an abscess over his eye that is draining into his eye and poor kitty is not comfortable. Vet cleaned it a bit and gave him antibiotics. Said if it gets worse to bring him back in so she can sedate him and drain it. Said we might as well get him neutered at the same time. Will cost ~$190 for the vaccines and neutering.

Still need to get the other cats neutered so it will reduce aggression.

All of the parts for my truck came in but can't get it worked on during the thunderstorms. Looks like it will rain tomorrow too.

UPS was supposed to deliver the new jet pump between 1:30pm to 3:45pm but then updated to say by 8:30pm. I fully expect them to not deliver and then say they couldn't deliver due to weather. Rain isn't quite that bad though, but they don't like coming out here to begin with and look for any excuse to avoid it.
Depending on Your situation there are agencies that will do it for low costs and some "No Cost"...!!! Spend a few minutes on a pc and check for
"Low Cost Spay and Neutering for Cats"...!! Just an :lightbulb:

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