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Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Oh dear deer!

Flipping deer got at one of my beds of spuds last night. That bed looks terrible now. No sign of them touching any of the other beds.

Oh bother!

This suggest an interesting convolution...

@Pearl feeds deer because she loves them.
I hate deer because I feed them.


Pour out a pint of stale pee near your beds, and burn a few leaves. they won't come near.
Hillbilly tip:
Scarecrows work better on deer, especially if the head moves.
Pour out a pint of stale pee near your beds, and burn a few leaves. they won't come near.
Hillbilly tip:
Scarecrows work better on deer, especially if the head moves.
My Mom and I tried using a scarecrow years ago! A deer beat it up!! Pawed the straw out of it!!😮
Works with dogs as well, some breeds more than others!

I went to one of my dog parks a couple years ago with a dog who was a frequent humper and my squirt bottle. She didn't like to be squirted! When some of my friends who were there saw that, they all went and bought squirt bottles too.

Texted with the owners of the dogs I am with last night. They wanted to know how things were. I told her about being rushed by dogs. She was really concerned because her dogs are not good in those situations. She said that those situations can be bad really quickly and the humans can get hurt. And sometimes the two dogs turn on each other. Yep. She was glad that it turned out as good as it did. Me, too!
Will a spray bottle work on in-laws
I had a German Shepherd. She didn’t along well with a neighbor dog, another female…. Speaking of cats and fights. 😆

That was actually at a shop where I worked. There was a large stainless steel fire extinguisher filled with water. It broke up fights quite well. Gotta get one at home for breaking up raccoon vs my dog fights
Your mother in law is a cat?!! I kid, sorry, I kid!!!
This made me think of how in Thai the word for mother-in-law is very similar to the word for dog. It's just a different inflection. My dad was fluent in Thai and used to say dog instead of mother-in-law on purpose. Mind you, he loved my maternal grandmother, he just liked to mess with people. Mom's parents liked my dad more than they liked my mom.

Went to take a shower and after a few minutes the water just stopped running. Got out, dried off and water worked in toilet and sink. Then it worked in the tub spout again, but I don't know why it stopped. Maybe air or maybe a clog? I dunno. But I'm going to hold off until the cistern fills back up before I try taking a full shower.

Went to check to see if my Flex Shot patch on the ceiling directly over the liquid level float switch worked and it did. But then the jet pump kicked on and short-cycled. I saw light flashing under the switch cover and smelled a burning odor. Then the pump turned off. The float lever was down and float was low so I touched it and that pump kicked on and started filling the cistern. I hope the new switch didn't get burned up. If it did, I hope I can find the new switch that I got just in case.

Oh, and yesterday when I went to get some pipe holding straps out of a bin, i found the bin was broken and when I opened it, it broke more and there were black widow spiders all up in the bin. I told my friend the black widows could keep the pipe straps.
So, every time my phone gets turned on, whether its to try to make a call or to try to answer a call, this is what we hear.

Caller ID is not working. Phone keeps ringing and saying Incoming Call and we can't hear anyone talking and don't know who is calling. AT&T still hasn't gotten back to me on things.
Haven't tried the squirt bottle yet...he's gone outside about 50% of the time today, so that's an improvement. He tuckered out. Rode in the truck with us to take little granddaughter to zoo class this morning, then to the vet this afternoon, then to pick up little granddaughter later in the day. I would love to take him out with me while I'm choring in the morning, but still having to play bodyguard for him with two of the cats. He only weighs 14 lbs. He was around one of the cats with me today when I was out hanging laundry, and that went ok. The girl cats all get spayed next week, so maybe that will mellow them out.
Haven't tried the squirt bottle yet...he's gone outside about 50% of the time today, so that's an improvement. He tuckered out. Rode in the truck with us to take little granddaughter to zoo class this morning, then to the vet this afternoon, then to pick up little granddaughter later in the day. I would love to take him out with me while I'm choring in the morning, but still having to play bodyguard for him with two of the cats. He only weighs 14 lbs. He was around one of the cats with me today when I was out hanging laundry, and that went ok. The girl cats all get spayed next week, so maybe that will mellow them out.
Squirt bottles are for in-laws, not puppies!!😉
Haven't tried the squirt bottle yet...he's gone outside about 50% of the time today, so that's an improvement. He tuckered out. Rode in the truck with us to take little granddaughter to zoo class this morning, then to the vet this afternoon, then to pick up little granddaughter later in the day. I would love to take him out with me while I'm choring in the morning, but still having to play bodyguard for him with two of the cats. He only weighs 14 lbs. He was around one of the cats with me today when I was out hanging laundry, and that went ok. The girl cats all get spayed next week, so maybe that will mellow them out.
I have been walking a puppy for a few months, a puppy that the owners got a few months after they lost their 5 year old dog who died from cancer. 😥They had him in a behavioral training program when they first got him for a couple months. We do the walk where he heals, walking on my left side, after he pees. Until he pees, he is searching for where he wants to do that so I can't have him heal until then. I wear a treat belt with a pouch for treats and a space for poop bags. Whenever he does any of his business, he gets a treat. He will be 1 year old in about a month and is doing much better now with walking, as long as he doesn't see other dogs on our walk.

After we get back from our walk, he eats lunch and then goes back in his crate. He gets treats when he goes into his crate, so as soon as he sees me open the treat container he heads to the crate. One of the treats that they have had for him is dehydrated sweet potato slices.
Well, I spoke too soon. He pooped in the dining room. He still has overall done better today. We are working on walking, but at 14 weeks, he's distracted easily. That's ok. He's really a perfect pup, or will be, when the potty problem is solved. I didn't use treats today...figured the shots and ivermectin might be enough on his stomach. Tomorrow is another day....he'll go in his kennel when I go grocery shopping.
Pour out a pint of stale pee near your beds, and burn a few leaves. they won't come near.
Hillbilly tip:
Scarecrows work better on deer, especially if the head moves.
.he'll go in his kennel when I go grocery shopping.
Another of my clients have a puppy who is just a wild thing. He stays in the crate when he is home without a human. They told me that he is just defiant. They tell him to do something and he just barks at them. They lost an older dog several months ago who was so well trained about some things, but also trained her owners that she wouldn't eat if there were no treats in her food. Or if she went out back to do her business, she had to have a treat when she came back in. Whose in charge anyway?
Well, I spoke too soon. He pooped in the dining room. He still has overall done better today. We are working on walking, but at 14 weeks, he's distracted easily. That's ok. He's really a perfect pup, or will be, when the potty problem is solved. I didn't use treats today...figured the shots and ivermectin might be enough on his stomach. Tomorrow is another day....he'll go in his kennel when I go grocery shopping.
Distraction lasts for years!! I'll yell FOCUS if I need to! No accidents, business outside!!
We took our pup outside every two hours when she was really young. We rarely had accidents and she never messes in the house.
I've never had ANY dog have an accident in the house!! Look back at some of my posts, I NEVER sleep or rest until dogs are at least 1 1/2!! Communication is a MUST outside!! I would say "pee pee time" for 20 minutes if I had to, dogs will pee just because they get sick of hearing it!!😉
A rant on behalf of someone else. Was in the house of an elderly lady who lives in 'assisted living'. Basically one bed roomed cottages in a group where the people are old, or have mental or physical difficulties. Her house was recently renovated, new boiler put in. However, they blocked up her chimney I'm not sure what the heating system is, but it it has to be switched on and put in a electric stove. She now is totally reliant on electric,which is ridiculous in this country. You need dual fuel, especially if you are old. I told her to get a camp stove so she can boil a kettle. Ridiculous- that puts a strain on the carers too, who will have to visit in bad weather, and spend longer.
Woke up and there was no running water. Went out and the stupid liquid level thing was jammed so the cistern didn't fill. I got it to turn on but the jet pump didn't kick on. I think the brand new switch burned up already. Really getting frustrated that I can't figure out what to use to replace that stupid p.o.s. switch that keeps failing. I am leaning toward getting something with sensors but its a 230VAC pump with two hot wires and all I seem to be able to find are guides on wiring hot and neutral for lower voltage pumps. The ones that show contactors don't have links to the contactors and would work with a float switch but not sure how it would work with sensors. The float switches I'm finding aren't rated for potable water or have terrible reviews.

Been having stomach issues as well.

Oh, and Mom went and lost the wedding invitation for my cousin's son's wedding so I know the date but not the time and location. I asked her to look for it but she got distracted looking at some puns she wrote on the outside of an envelope and then she stopped looking. My sister also lost the invitation she was sent. Cousin doesn't answer texts or messages so I guess I'll have to call her at some point and hope she's not busy. Maybe I can ask my uncle though. The wedding is on the 22nd this month.

Also, I'm having a hard time keeping on a decent sleep schedule. I keep waking up in the middle of the night or not being able to get rested until the sun comes up.
Whatever it is, I think we both have it. I found a cheat for the stomach though,
get a gallon of distilled water, and put four heaping tablespoons of baking soda in it.
shake it up, leave it next to the bed, and get a sip when your guts want to watch late-night TV.
Whatever it is, I think we both have it. I found a cheat for the stomach though,
get a gallon of distilled water, and put four heaping tablespoons of baking soda in it.
shake it up, leave it next to the bed, and get a sip when your guts want to watch late-night TV.
I hope your stomach gets feeling better. I think my issue is reaction to Metformin. It doesn't always do it, but it does tend to cause digestive issues.
Woke up and there was no running water. Went out and the stupid liquid level thing was jammed so the cistern didn't fill. I got it to turn on but the jet pump didn't kick on. I think the brand new switch burned up already. Really getting frustrated that I can't figure out what to use to replace that stupid p.o.s. switch that keeps failing. I am leaning toward getting something with sensors but its a 230VAC pump with two hot wires and all I seem to be able to find are guides on wiring hot and neutral for lower voltage pumps. The ones that show contactors don't have links to the contactors and would work with a float switch but not sure how it would work with sensors. The float switches I'm finding aren't rated for potable water or have terrible reviews.
Seems your main issue is the pump (230v) is designed for 2 hots, a neutral and a ground, but you are shoving it into a 120v system, where there is one hot, one neutral and one ground.
I hope your stomach gets feeling better. I think my issue is reaction to Metformin. It doesn't always do it, but it does tend to cause digestive issues.
Here's a funny thing, when my gout was blazing away, my stomach never bugged me, now it is better I keep burping acid. It may have been all the lemonade and goodies cocktails.
Havasu, it is currently set up at the 230v but I think the switch burned up because the cistern got low and the stupid switch for the other pump didn't trigger it to turn on. I think it might need something tightened.
Friend backed out of coming over today bc his wife is having health issues (both mental and physical). She's still bleeding from the miscarriage, still has hormones out of whack, and is mentally very upset that she keeps miscarrying when she wants a baby but his ex is popping out babies that she doesn't even want. Didn't help that the ex dumped both of her crotch goblins off at my friend's house while she went into labor for baby #3.

Editing to add that I have a double pole breaker that has two hots to go to the pump and the pump was set to have 2 hots by default. The white wire is still hot even though its normally the neutral color.

A contactor on the switch came off. Don't know if it was blown off or if it was defective to start with and wasn't tight or who knows what. Had to go get my friend anyway bc I couldn't get the damn nut removed to get the switch off the pump. I tried pliers, wrench, screwdriver and hitting screwdriver with a wrench but I don't have good hand strength or coordination. Friend was able to get it loose and got the new switch on and wired the same, but now its doing this:

Friend checked and the wires are all on tight and it pumped water and I was able to flush toilets. but man, it is so annoying that stuff doesn't want to work right. The previous switch (one that came with the pump) didn't do that. With my luck its possible I got 2 defective ones in a row though.
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My rant for the day is compatibility. Something like 2 & a half years ago one of my ceiling fans stopped working correctly. I took it apart & took it to an electrician. A month later no progress. Why you ask? Because each ceiling fan's guts is different from every other ceiling fan on the market. I got it back & tried repairing it with new parts, no luck. Took it to another electrician who explained the problem (they are all different). I bought the ceiling fan at home depot. They also sell the parts for it except these are older ceiling fans (no parts listed) plus a quick search turns up every ceiling fan part for every company they sell. Search was totally useless. I finally got through the different call centers to the company. Told her what I wanted to replace (I hope I'm right) & it cost 29 damn dollars. All my time spent trying everything to fix this problem & I solved it for less than 30 bucks. I came close to pulling my hair out. And then:

I need to replace the aerator on the upstairs faucet. Bought one & didn't fit, bought another smaller size & it didn't fit. Drove across town to a plumbing supply place & he handed me a universal aerator, 4 bucks. (Yes I took the old one in). Got home happy as a clam & it didn't fit either. Grrr!!!!!!!

Every company out there seems to use unique parts so that you have to buy their replacement parts. What a pain!

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