Reality of Survival

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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Dec 11, 2017
this is not about the whys and finger pointing,but about what can happen and could you deal with it .these folks are living a shtf deal thats still on going and will be....doesnt matter the whys...its one thing to deal with economic collapse etc. but another to deal with the environmental portion where by strength in your body and brain feeding ones self is not possible or becoming more limited.

At what point does a population decide "enough is enough"? One of the consequences of allowing yourself to be disarmed by a government is the inability to vote with the "ammo box"

The four boxes of liberty is an idea that proposes: "There are four boxes to be used in the defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury and ammo. Please use in that order."
Not trying to make a long story too short....but I was reading an article a cuppla weeks ago that started with the statement, Why does Venezuela have such economic problems? Because it is full of Venezuelans!
Basically he was saying that another person's country's culture and upbringing predisposed them to accept and tolerate abuses longer than us "Merican's" would .
Agreeing with both comments, but look at America today and how many people are on total free stuff. If the free stuff is pulled, I believe most people will just follow the next handout.
Pull the free stuff and many will turn to crime(if not already). One reason for this is the lack of consequences for them. Worst case they spend a few months in jail getting free room and board.
Pull the free stuff and many will turn to crime(if not already). One reason for this is the lack of consequences for them. Worst case they spend a few months in jail getting free room and board.
The lack of consequence comes too early and consistenly for many people in this world. That is why they don't comprehend that laws are meant to be followed, or else. Because there is no "or else."
Not trying to make a long story too short....but I was reading an article a cuppla weeks ago that started with the statement, Why does Venezuela have such economic problems? Because it is full of Venezuelans!
Basically he was saying that another person's country's culture and upbringing predisposed them to accept and tolerate abuses longer than us "Merican's" would .

We are no different than they are,imo. Matter of fact we are more to blame for what has happened to us than they are because unlike Venezuela we had rights. We have basically commited suicide.
The lack of consequence comes too early and consistenly for many people in this world. That is why they don't comprehend that laws are meant to be followed, or else. Because there is no "or else."

Tyrants don't follow laws, they make them up as they go while making billions from the same.:eyeballs:

History will look at us and question how we could have been so naive and apathetic. But then all they have to do is look at history and know all empires end most in bloody conflict.

Today we are no different than 1930s Germany, we have the jack boots, SS Troops in our streets calling for communism and our persecution, just like they did in Germany. The real new age nazis and brown shirts. They are asking for the same things Hitler Promised.

Listen to this woman tell our present and history.
EVERYONE should listen to this womans speech.

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For those who think this old woman is confused, here is another good video:
This video is named “It Can’t Happen Here” and is a showing of the actuality of the coming collapse of the US constitution and the tyranny that will follow. It is a long video so grab some refreshments, hit the bathroom and then sit down with your husband, wife or significant other and watch this video.

How did we get here? What can we do about it? What is it going to cost to fix?
We got here by the manipulation of our values by people who said they wanted to protect us.
On June 26, 1934 the National Firearms Act (NFA) was enacted by congress. This made it illegal to have fully automatic weapons without a deep background check and paying a $200 tax to own full auto guns and guns with bores larger than .50 caliber along with a host of other firearms. This was done because organized crime was using these arms to fight the police and each other. It was supposed to protect people from crime. It is now 2018 and it hasn’t worked yet. There are elements of the government who have convinced people that outlawing more guns is the answer to crime yet in the countries with very strict gun laws the violent crime rate continues to grow. The fanatics who want to take the guns away talk of “gun violence” without including the violence caused by criminals with knives and clubs or just brute force by multiple criminals against unprotected citizens. The courts have held that it is not the job of the police to protect individuals. They are in place to protect society in general. People are supposed to protect themselves, yet they want to take the means of self defense away from the individual. As the video shows we have lost large portions of our freedoms and protections. It is time to stand and yell at the top of our lungs that enough is enough. It is time to stop the unlawful use of force to subjugate us. We are a free people and we will remain so only if we stand and defend the constitutional protections that are still in place. Remove the restrictions on our rights. We don’t need “free speech zones” we have freedom of speech in any public place. Remove the restrictions on the practice of religion. We can practice our religion anywhere it does not require others to unwillingly participate. Remove the restrictions on our right to protect ourselves. We don’t need “gun free zones” because we have a right to keep and bear arms. Remove the restrictive gun laws in all the states and allow the practice of our birth rights without the infringements that have been put in place. Get rid of the unlawful search and seizure that takes place daily all over the country in the name of safety. The loss of our rights does not make us safer. It only serves to make us subjects instead of citizens. Make plea bargains illegal. Reinforce our right to a trial by a jury by preventing the police and judicial system from by-passing “due process”.

We have to return to the constitutional restrictions upon which the people control the powers of the government. Remember, WE THE PEOPLE instituted the government and its powers extend from us. We created the government, at all levels, and have the lawful power to disassemble and replace it.
"No one is Coming, it's up to us" The reality:

“No one is coming”.

Short. But it has been a powerful and sobering reminder for me.

Because yes, you can look for the next big thing that will fix you.

Read more blog articles. Read more personal development books. Look for people to help you.

And yes, some articles, books, products or people will give you support and insights that resonate deeply with you and that you can put into practice.

But in the end, if you are an adult then no one is coming. No one is coming to save you. You have to take responsibility for your own life and what happens in it.

Other things and people can certainly aid you quite a bit. But you are responsible.

You can go around blaming society or some people for your problems in your social life. Or finances. Or health. You can always find scapegoats to judge to feel better about yourself. You can look for people that will “fix you”.

You can do this for the rest of your life if you like. It won’t change much.

Whatever has to be done, it’s you who have to take responsibility and do it.

Yeah, things might always not go your way. You’ll fall and stumble and you will probably have bad luck from time to time.

But you still have to focus on yourself and on doing what you can do with what you have in whatever situation that may arise in your world.
the cities will be first in line.
Everyone will be first in line. Anyone who thinks they are stronger than you, or can bluff you into believing they're stronger, will try and take what they can. Nobody should think that just because you're "out in the sticks", Joe Neighbor down the road won't try to take your milk cow...human nature is what it is, no matter where we are...
Nobody should think that just because you're "out in the sticks", Joe Neighbor down the road won't try to take your milk cow

If you have neighbors....Your "NOT" out in the sticks.
Neighbour is a relative term. I have neighbours that that, should I walk to the edge of my property, I can hit with a rock, if I can miss the trees. As an American, Canada, Mexico, and California are neighbours. Friends of mine have a remote cabin. You have to fly to get to their neighbours.
I don't live in the sticks, but my kids think I do. They both live in town and have neighbors within 20 feet or less. I live in the county on 2 acres with neighbors a few hundred feet away. I can actually pee in the back yard without worrying about the neighbor.:) I can see a movie theater lights from my bedroom window even tho it's about 3 miles away. Flat ground with very few trees.
I have been told by a professional person, a doctor no less, that we live" on the edge of everything and in the middle of nowhere" so I guess its up to each persons prospective.

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