That would certainly work. The design that I'm coming up with is something that I want to try and sell. I'd make several sizes that could be towed with an ATV or with a tractor.I've seen people doing "water haul" in the county that use a couple of totes on utility or car trailers. Add a gas pump and it could be very handy on acerage I'd think.
Years ago it took a bunch of fellas to cut trees now it takes a feller buncher.
I plan to run like a scared little chicken.
Yes, Joe Rogan said years ago when he was on "Fear Factor" a fireman told him that every fire man knew that a wild fire with the right wind going toward the city of L.A. would not stop till it hit the beach.Thing is, these wind driven CA fires don't stop for roads. Embers start spot fires up to a half mile ahead, and entire areas errupt almost simutaneously. The only things that stop them are the ocean, wind dying down, or rain.But firebreaks can really help contain "normal" fires.