The Spark For Civil War....

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Awesome Friend
Mar 30, 2020
Social tensions seem high right now. I thought that the past riots instigated by Antifa/BLM might have escalated into anarchy and civil war. It hasn’t happened.....YET.....but that could change real quickly. What do you think would be the spark that could cause the powder keg to blow sky high?
Seems to be the most likely would be another white cop shooting a minority, all on video, under questionable circumstances.

The Columbus OH shooting has shown the girl shot had a knife, and new additional security camera video shows her as the aggressor in the incident.

I do not think I would call it a civil war. As others have pointed out, civil war would imply differing sides vying for power. In this case, it feels more like a societal strife that would lead to chaos and anarchy. The problem with that would be a disruption of the JIT/BAU system especially if it were for a prolonged period of time.
Different tack: If the Dems do something really crazy, getting rid of the filibuster, and push through a bunch of their reform laws, pack the court, and rig it so they will never lose the House, Senate or White House ever again.
Not going to happen. The coloreds will continue to rampage at every excuse and to act angry. The government will continue to coddle and pamper them, and most Whites have no fight in them. In fact there's a lot of white trash that support this anarchy.
I usually agree with you. To say the whites have no fight left in them is wrong. The Japanese said we were weak and spoiled and no match for the Samurai spirit they had. Then came Pearl Harbor. Big mistake. White people are generally peaceful, like bees, until provoked. Then the bees become Kamikaze fighting to the death with no fear. I am beginning to feel a little provoked. We are like a rock covered with moss. We may look soft on the outside but try punching it.
actually think that a so-called "civil war" would quickly evolve into nothing but a pure out & out racial war .....

the leftist sheeple would find out that their "I voted for Biden" sign out front is nothing but an invitation to get attacked - even the white ANTIFAs would find out that they aren't welcome in what is happening ....
actually think that a so-called "civil war" would quickly evolve into nothing but a pure out & out racial war .....

the leftist sheeple would find out that their "I voted for Biden" sign out front is nothing but an invitation to get attacked - even the white ANTIFAs would find out that they aren't welcome in what is happening ....

Even as the brain dead leftists are being stomped to death by the BLM terrorists, they’ll be saying “Can’t we all just get along?”🤨
I usually agree with you. To say the whites have no fight left in them is wrong. The Japanese said we were weak and spoiled and no match for the Samurai spirit they had. Then came Pearl Harbor. Big mistake. White people are generally peaceful, like bees, until provoked. Then the bees become Kamikaze fighting to the death with no fear. I am beginning to feel a little provoked. We are like a rock covered with moss. We may look soft on the outside but try punching it.
You're comparing today with the 40's. I would agree with that back then, and thats why we didn't have problems with the blaks in those years. But now days over half the country doesn't give a damn. Now days their only interest is beer, cigarettes/dope, cell phones/computers, video games and 1,000 channels of sports. Threaten to take any of those things away and you might get some fight out of them.
I’ve thought a lot about this lately.

a lot of variables. But I think the left is trying to push the patriots into a more serious attempt or action like January 6th, so they can use it as justification for cracking down on our rights, 1st and 2nd amendments. Look how they tried after Jan 6th, calling any patriotic sounding talk as “dangerous speech, inciting insurrection”.. If that happens, I expect more conflicts to erupt.

as for controlling the military, I agree to a certain point. But if there’s serious country-wide riots and mayhem, I can see the national guard call ups being ineffective... during Katrina, I think only 10% showed up when called.. the majority stayed home to care for their own... you can’t run a military on 10% staffing. You can have a fighter pilot (and a plane), but no one to fuel the bird, and no one to wrench on it, or put bullets in the guns, etc.. so there’s that.. if they do get most of the NG troops to show up, it’s gonna devolve pretty quickly into internal chaos when they start mowing down US citizens waiving american flags. I don’t think many NG troops are going to be ok with that.
At normal consumption rates (i.e. non-hording, or panic buying), there is approximately three days of food in any given city or town.
Things go badly, mass prolonged civil unrest, our JIT/BAU system will fail.
IF people are in fear for their safety, those truckers are not going to be hauling food. Warehouse personnel, loaders are not going into the warehouses to fill the trucks with food and water. Lettuce pickers wont be going to work either.
For example look at the meat packing plants that shut down due to COVID.

And that is just the food industry.

What about public works? Some yahoo burns down a building and it just so happens to spread and destroy an electrical station, you think those repair men/women are going to go into a riot to fix it?

There would have to be a government response in order to get these things back up and running.
What would that look like? NG response? Martial law?
No idea.

I think it would look more like the Balkan war than a clear cut civil war. There are a lot of people out there with hate for the "others." And in this day and age, it could be race. It could be socio-economic class. It could be ideology be it Maxism, capitalism, socialism, etc. It could be Red vs Blue. It could be sports teams. Coke vs Pepsi. Vegans vs red meat eaters.
We are a nation that calls 911 when their Facebook page wont load. We, as a nation, are that stupid.
I know I would not want to be one of those NG units, ordered to go into a major metropolitan area to secure the peace.

Regardless, prep to get through the bottleneck.
Well, I guess the next black dude to be shot should be coming up sometime this week. How dumb can a person be? When the police order you to stop, follow their commands and you won’t be killed.

buddy: ya there’s an epidemic of racial turmoil right now.
me: it’s a false narrative
buddy: but black people are genuinely afraid for their lives
me: but the facts don’t support their fears
buddy: but the fear is real, to ignore it shows white privilege
me: of course their fear is real, it’s all they see, it’s the narrative being shoved down their throats for years, by the media and politicians with an agenda. propaganda is designed to create fear...
buddy: ..... *crickets*
...but in your twisted mind, everyone else is.
No. I didn’t say anything even remotely close to that. I responded to one person’s comment. I’m positive that someone who refers to a group of people as “the coloreds” is a racist.

I’ll add reading comprehension to your list of “challenges”.