They/Them pronouns?

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Bugged out
HCL Supporter
Oct 2, 2020
I called a vender today about a device that I ordered. When the customer service person introduced themselves, she said that her "preferred pronoun" was they/them. What the heck does this mean? I think I am afraid to find out.

When the person ask me what my preferred pronoun was, I was a bit baffled. I simply said "if you don't want to call me John, just say sir."
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It means they are transgender or choose not to be identified by their sexual organs or lack thereof.
If you were referring to your clerk at the store and couldn't tell if THEY were a male or a female, you would say to someone, "I couldn't tell if they were male or female, " or something such as that.
Edit to add: I'm sure if I'm incorrect, I will stand corrected but this is as close as I get to that jazz.
It means they are transgender or choose not to be identified by their sexual organs or lack thereof.
If you were referring to your clerk at the store and couldn't tell if THEY were a male or a female, you would say to someone, "I couldn't tell if they were male or female, " or something such as that.

Oh my. I am bringing every tree down along my 1/2 mile long driveway. They/them won't get close.
I might be a wee bit ornery, but. . . I would say pleasantly, "Oh how many personalities do you have?" He or she obviously doesn't understand that they/them is plural 😂
We have a niece (Hubby's twin brother's daughter) who recently had a baby. She had texted her Gma, Hubby's mom, and said "they" referring to the baby. Gma got excited and asked if she was having more than 1? (Understandably right?) Niece got snarky stating No, they are letting baby decide his/her gender :rolleyes:
"They" need to pick a different pronoun!
I had someone on a technical forum ask to have a place under the avatar to show a preferred pronoun. We ended up telling them to put in their signature if someone needed to know. Otherwise their friends would know and the strangers would not care.

It shocked me a good bit.
I might be a wee bit ornery, but. . . I would say pleasantly, "Oh how many personalities do you have?" He or she obviously doesn't understand that they/them is plural 😂
We have a niece (Hubby's twin brother's daughter) who recently had a baby. She had texted her Gma, Hubby's mom, and said "they" referring to the baby. Gma got excited and asked if she was having more than 1? (Understandably right?) Niece got snarky stating No, they are letting baby decide his/her gender :rolleyes:
"They" need to pick a different pronoun!

Maybe "it" would be a better choice since we'd know it was one confused entity instead of a multi personality it.
Where I work we have had to use the new pronouns, I assume this is because of nondiscrimination laws and legalities. It is ridiculous. For instance, one individual has been a regular and was always male. Eventually started veering toward an effeminate transition, wearing nail polish, dresses, the hair, makeup, very high heels and claiming to be in drama/acting. Ok. Then came the voice change. Then the legal name change. I don't care except for when they use the bathroom and maybe someone's 10 year old daughter went in alone. THAT gets to me.
If asked...

Your Majesty

My coworker best friend in HS was the tech contact for a project we were bidding and since then decided he was she.

We managed to tip toe around the obvious until in a sit down meeting my coworker interpreted what she/he/it* said saying "What he said..." and before the sentance was completed she/he/it yelled "she!".

We didn't get that project.

If asked...

Your Majesty

My coworker best friend in HS was the tech contact for a project we were bidding and since then decided he was she.

We managed to tip toe around the obvious until in a sit down meeting my coworker interpreted what she/he/it* said saying "What he said..." and before the sentance was completed she/he/it yelled "she!".

We didn't get that project.

There are so many examples of "a rose by any other name"
Humans are born with an XX or and XY. That cannot be changed. The end. (My 2c.)
I looked it up a while back after I got asked what my preferred pronoun was at a government office..and my intelligent response was "I'm sorry..what??!!" I was so confused.

Hubby says is becoming quite a thing at the company he works for, people even put their preferred pronoun below their name in letters and emails. And everyone has to abide by whatever that is.
Here are a few more:


I looked it up a while back after I got asked what my preferred pronoun was at a government office..and my intelligent response was "I'm sorry..what??!!" I was so confused.

Hubby says is becoming quite a thing at the company he works for, people even put their preferred pronoun below their name in letters and emails. And everyone has to abide by whatever that is.
Here are a few more:

View attachment 71477

View attachment 71478
I am so blessed that I am retired and don't have deal with that nonsense 3xcept with people that want my money. :rolleyes:

I would inevitably FAIL that test like I did french class.

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I looked it up a while back after I got asked what my preferred pronoun was at a government office..and my intelligent response was "I'm sorry..what??!!" I was so confused.

Hubby says is becoming quite a thing at the company he works for, people even put their preferred pronoun below their name in letters and emails. And everyone has to abide by whatever that is.
Here are a few more:

View attachment 71477

View attachment 71478
Don't forget these...


And it goes on...!
I looked it up a while back after I got asked what my preferred pronoun was at a government office..and my intelligent response was "I'm sorry..what??!!" I was so confused.

Hubby says is becoming quite a thing at the company he works for, people even put their preferred pronoun below their name in letters and emails. And everyone has to abide by whatever that is.
Here are a few more:

View attachment 71477

View attachment 71478
So I'm supposed to answer, "Ya vol Herr Weinersnitzel", when it speaks?
I called a vender today about a device that I ordered. When the customer service person introduced themselves, she said that her "preferred pronoun" was they/them. What the heck does this mean? I think I am afraid to find out.

When the person ask me what my preferred pronoun was, I was a bit baffled. I simply said "if you don't want to call me John, just say sir."
Tell that person that you do not FEEL comfortable using pronouns. , If they [ sally] want to be acknowledged. You will use any name they [sally] wishes to provide.
I might be a wee bit ornery, but. . . I would say pleasantly, "Oh how many personalities do you have?" He or she obviously doesn't understand that they/them is plural 😂
Not necessarily. That person's head could be a big ol' sock drawer of personalities. You won't know for sure 'til you talk to them all.
If asked...

Your Majesty

My coworker best friend in HS was the tech contact for a project we were bidding and since then decided he was she.

We managed to tip toe around the obvious until in a sit down meeting my coworker interpreted what she/he/it* said saying "What he said..." and before the sentance was completed she/he/it yelled "she!".

We didn't get that project.

That's fine but they got the order wrong: It should be HE/SHE/IT
I think I would have told them to take their political correctness, and put it where the sun don't shine. I too have no patience, and no tolerance for this BS.
I would have ask for the manger & then ask him/her for someone who spoke my language. I made an Indian man repeat himself four times, before I understood him.

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