upside down lightning

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Jun 24, 2018
ozark mountains
As dawn broke yesterday and I stepped outside my home to do the normal homestead choirs . I heard the loud crackle of what sounded like a bolt of lightening . Scanning the sky concluded the clouds did not support a thunderstorm . A few minutes later another large cracking boom was heard in the same direction . -- Like not saying anything about that Bigfoot - I wasn't going to say anything about the strange phenomena of the loud booming noises . --- Why I now bring it up - I was watching something late yesterday evening on my tv and apparently I wasn't the only one hearing strange large booms . Now the panic of the people that was being interviewed was entertaining . Maybe a dozen people were interviewed that claimed to have heard unexplained booms . Some even said they heard a trumpet , but I suppose they got left behind . -- These reports were coming in all over the U.S. and other countries One guy even got in trouble with the communist law enforcement in Idaho for posting signs about the sounds . --- Anyway I post this to throw out an information net , to see if other members have heard this . The video maker that was reporting on this was leaning toward this strange occurrence being caused by lightening emerging from the earth and going up into the heavens . That is also my number one theory . There is a name for this rare occurrence but , I don't know what it is . I would hate to be standing in the wrong spot when lightning shot out of the ground .
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--- Guys with little effort found many reports to the sound . This video I consider more informative than the first one that I posted . -- Not many people that survived have heard as many incoming explosions as I have , from my war years . Too many to even take a guess as to how many , with one bouncing me off the ground as I had dove behind sandbags to avoid the incoming round . -- I say that to certify what I heard was not an ordinary detonation of some type of explosive . Actually what I heard was a bit different than the recorded sounds on this video . Perhaps an meteorite entering the atmosphere could be the answer , but it would have had to enter in two pieces to make two similar explosions minutes apart .
These mysterious sounds have been heard worldwide for many many years.

There has been no explanation as of today. While some may be meteors, many are trumpet sounding or very odd low frequency or high frequency wails not associated with explosions of any kind.

I thought the thread was about this :(:

...when the earth gets mad, and shoots back at the clouds.

Thanks for the video . That indeed is the sound that I heard . I saw somewhere that this upside down lightening may be caused by something going on deep inside the earth . A look at a map or globe will quickly show the features of Europe and the Americas were once one and the same , before they split into two different continents .
Thanks for the video . That indeed is the sound that I heard . I saw somewhere that this upside down lightening may be caused by something going on deep inside the earth . A look at a map or globe will quickly show the features of Europe and the Americas were once one and the same , before they split into two different continents .
I've heard the booming, wailing and trumpeting noises, they're a fairly common occurrence in my location where 3 tectonic plates rub together. I have a theory that the unexplained noises are simply the sounds of energy being released from within the Earth. It would be due to the opening and closing of fissures and folds within the flexible mid-range to upper levels of Earth's "plastic" mantle which lies beneath Earth's crust and floating tectonic plates.

This Forbes article has diagrams of Earth's layers and the tectonic plates of Earth, and it describes some of the currently "known" behaviours or actions of the layers.

Ground to air lightning, check
Booms? We had them for a time here in this area due to fracking. But it wasn't necessarily heard or felt if you were outside, but inside. Definitely described as earthquakes and you could hear it rolling up to your location. A little research shows that there was fracking, gas extraction, mining, going on in Mill Creek, PA, in Sept. 2024 which was mentioned in the one video.
They have an army depot in Utah (Tooele) and people are wondering what is going on?
It might be related, it might not.
I had a few drinks (quite a few!) with an Air Force Major and a Marine of some high rank, forget what. But both said we had so much stuff underground that if they killed everyone in the country the government would never miss a beat. I had a truck driver tell of making a delivery out in the desert in the middle of nowhere to a fenced-off area that only had a guard shack and a block building. they told him to park on this one area and go into the blockhouse and stay put until they came for him. After about an hour they let him loose and he saw immediately he had a different trailer! They paid him in cash and told him never to come back unless he had a load for them. I figure they took his rig down an elevator!

By the way, everyone concerned is dead and I'm a card-carrying schizophrenic.
...It also occurred to me that something may be tunneling underground. I think the answers lie below the surface, whatever the cause is.

🤔 ..Well... ya Could very well be Right, there, M'Lady...


...And last but certainly not least, Ball Lightning...

Yah - 'Ball' Lightning (well, All Lightning, really..) has 'terrifascinated' me ever since I was a small child.. :cool: Have just Always been mesmerized by 'Arcs' and Plasma-discharge, and how 'pure' and Intense the light-produced is.. (..Maybe it was that butterknife I stuck in a socket when I was ~3-ish? 🤪 ;)

..Dunno, but.. Yah, sure 😍-me a Good, rip-snortin Lightning storm / display... From a safe distance, of course.. ;) Lots of Amazing ones out here / up North / East in the more Desertey-areas.. Good stuff.. :cool:

And, re: 'Ball' lightning, well.. Could be Some sort of 'atmospheric lensing', somehow, that enables the 'Arc' to get focused down to a 'point', ie: what Can be done with certain Lasers in Open-Air.. ie:


..But, still, that would not explain the reports of how these phenomena seemed to 'loiter' or 'hover'... or even seemingly 'purposefully Travel', as opposed to the 'Purely random' pathways of 'normal' Lightning... Really cool, regardless.. :cool:

My LH’s grandfather saw a lightning ball. It hit the ground and ran down a hill and up into the barn where it exploded. There were more details but both people are now gone. Terrifying story actually. This was in northern Michigan, but not the UP.
My LH’s grandfather saw a lightning ball. It hit the ground and ran down a hill and up into the barn where it exploded. There were more details but both people are now gone. Terrifying story actually. This was in northern Michigan, but not the UP.
The first time I heard of Ball Lightning was decades ago, of an incident that happened in a farming town in Manitoba where my dad was born and raised. A farm wife carrying 2 metal buckets of water for livestock claimed to have been followed from the well to the barn and through the open barn door by ball lightning. It floated around her until she set the buckets on the ground and backed away in fear and the ball hovered around the buckets then shot into one of the buckets and the water exploded out of the bucket. The ball lightning was gone.

Since then I've read of other incidents from around the world where it was claimed that ball lightning had followed people around or had entered houses through open doors and windows and moved around inside the houses, the kitchens seemingly of main focus. Perhaps because of all the metal appliances, utensils and utilities found in a kitchen??? I think it's more than a coincidence for numerous reports of that nature to have been made for there to not be some kind of truth to it.

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