What makes someone a REAL prepper?

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One gallon of water weighs 8.3 pounds . That likely means toting enough water to keep a family survivable for much of a distance is not practical . I hope everyone already has their outhouse built . To flush a conventional toilet once will mean about 30 pounds of weight flushed down the toilet . -- On hand I have my outhouse as well as a solid rubber tire cart with a board already cut and waiting to be used when the time arrives to fit into my cart providing a flooring for my water jugs , I have two 6 gallon containers that will fit into the cart , for fetching water from the spring or creek . That is near 100 pounds of water per trip .
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One gallon of water weighs 8.3 pounds . That likely means toting enough water to keep a family survivable for much of a distance is not practical . I hope everyone already has their outhouse built . To flush a conventional toilet once will mean about 30 pounds of weight flushed down the toilet . -- On hand I have my outhouse as well as a solid rubber tire cart with a board already cut and waiting to be used when the time arrives to fit into my cart providing a flooring for my water jugs , I have two 6 gallon containers that will fit into the cart , for fetching water from the spring or creek . That is near 100 pounds of water per trip .
If everything failed and propane was no longer available, we'd haul our drinking water from the pond 1/4 mile away, after our streams dried up. We'd filter it and it'd be fine for drinking. For bathing and laundry we'd do that at the pond. Plus we'd move the garden to the pond area. We do have an outhouse behind the fur shed. In the winter I'd cut blocks of ice out of the pond and haul home with a sled for keeping things cold.
It'll be hard but we'd survive.
If everything failed and propane was no longer available, we'd haul our drinking water from the pond 1/4 mile away, after our streams dried up. We'd filter it and it'd be fine for drinking. For bathing and laundry we'd do that at the pond. Plus we'd move the garden to the pond area. We do have an outhouse behind the fur shed. In the winter I'd cut blocks of ice out of the pond and haul home with a sled for keeping things cold.
It'll be hard but we'd survive.
Moving the garden near the pond is a good idea, unless the pond is there to collect water runoff, then you might lose your topsoil and or seeds. But otherwise, I haven't thought of that. I always put the garden close to the house because I can keep an eye on it and the house at the same time.
Moving the garden near the pond is a good idea, unless the pond is there to collect water runoff, then you might lose your topsoil and or seeds. But otherwise, I haven't thought of that. I always put the garden close to the house because I can keep an eye on it and the house at the same time.
Right now our garden and orchard are near the house, but we have plenty of water pumped from the well. If everything failed we have to move it. We generally get zero rainfall from May through October. Usually our last snow is in mid to late June, so we can't even plant until then.
I was just thinking about this exercise a little more, and it just dawned on me that I have quite a few 55 gallon water barrels laying around. I've also have quite a few stock water tanks up to 350 gallons each. These could all be set up to collect snow melt off the roofs. That would keep us in water for a few months.
My 55 gallon water filled barrels don't freeze in the milkhouse, but in the barn they would.
Ours would freeze solid in winter here. I'd have to leave them empty until the snow starts melting. Or, that just reminded me, we leave our distilled water in the garage and they never freeze. Without too much trouble I could make room for 4 or 5 55 gallon barrels of water in the garage.
Without too much trouble I could make room for 4 or 5 55 gallon barrels of water in the garage.
How available are IBC totes around you? These are what I use for bulk water storage. 330 gallon model and it has a footprint a lot smaller than 4 55-gallon drums.

How available are IBC totes around you? These are what I use for bulk water storage. 330 gallon model and it has a footprint a lot smaller than 4 55-gallon drums.

View attachment 172865
That might be a good idea. I could build a stand so that it's up high enough to put a bucket under the spout. It could be filled from the gutter on the garage too, during the spring melt.
Ours would freeze solid in winter here. I'd have to leave them empty until the snow starts melting. Or, that just reminded me, we leave our distilled water in the garage and they never freeze. Without too much trouble I could make room for 4 or 5 55 gallon barrels of water in the garage.
If I do the gallon blocks in the milkhouse, they freeze, but not in the basement. I've been wanting to get the bigger white square water containers with 300 or so gallons, but don't know where I'd put it so it wouldn't freeze. Even thought about some kind of wrap around it while in the barn. I did get stackable water cubes, 8 of them, take up less floor space. But those are pricey. I keep 6 of the 55 gal in the milkhouse and they do ok. Gallon and 5 gallon are in one of the two basements.
That might be a good idea. I could build a stand so that it's up high enough to put a bucket under the spout. It could be filled from the gutter on the garage too, during the spring melt.
IBC totes are filled and put on the back of trailers that can be pulled by tractors for fire safety around here.
I could build a stand so that it's up high enough to put a bucket under the spout. It could be filled from the gutter on the garage too, during the spring melt.
4 cinder blocks should do it for you. Somewhere on the site, I showed how I made couplings to step down the lower drain so you can connect a garden hose.
A downspout directed into the top hole is easy. My dad did that. IIRC, he also put a 2" hole or did something near the top of the tote to address and re-route overflow.
My IBC tote catches the water from the roof of my exercise cabin and then is plumbed into underground piping to feed water to the garden and to the chicken pen . I am able to do that as the cabin is higher than the garden , chicken pen and my house so it all can be gravity feed . As for as my house being feed by the tote , all I would have to do is open and close a valve or two , but am hoping to avoid using the run off water catchment system to feed the house . Also I have several 55 gallon drums positioned under the edge of my house's roof for water catchment , mainly for flushing the commode if need be . Again reducing the amount of water that might need to be hauled by the hand cart . Of course the hand cart plan is the back up plan if not any gasoline is available for a vehicle . --- I decided to drop back and say , I also have a back up to the back up system on the commode , if the barrel catchment system should have a failure , then I have my outhouse . Those 55 gallon barrels will freeze up when the temperature drops low enough .
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This is how we capture rain water.......in two 12,000 gallon tanks.


The tanks are opaque to sunlight to inhibit algae growth. The water in those, gravity feeds to the house......and they are located so as to be defensible.

Every other shed we have has at least a 3500 gallon tank installed beside it.

We have a dozen or so dams, drag holes and soaks on the farm that store about 15 million gallons of water all year round. That water is legally ours.....is good quality (potable)......and many of those dams were located/constructed so as to gravity feed to where the water is or would be used. Some have 4" outlets built into the wall and some have 6" pipes.

There is a creek that runs through our land that runs almost all the year.

We put a lot of priority upon establishing water storage that gravity feeds to where it will be used........that is by far the most efficient way to harvest/use water.

Hilly land has that potential/advantage.
This is how we capture rain water.......in two 12,000 gallon tanks.

View attachment 172873
The tanks are opaque to sunlight to inhibit algae growth. The water in those, gravity feeds to the house......and they are located so as to be defensible.

Every other shed we have has at least a 3500 gallon tank installed beside it.

We have a dozen or so dams, drag holes and soaks on the farm that store about 15 million gallons of water all year round. That water is legally ours.....is good quality (potable)......and many of those dams were located/constructed so as to gravity feed to where the water is or would be used. Some have 4" outlets built into the wall and some have 6" pipes.

There is a creek that runs through our land that runs almost all the year.

We put a lot of priority upon establishing water storage that gravity feeds to where it will be used........that is by far the most efficient way to harvest/use water.

Hilly land has that potential/advantage.
Do you live in an area where it's gets below freezing continuously for several months? I assume the answer is "no"?
It keeps the riff-raff out.
No it doesn't.

Most of the coldest places I have been were full of drunken/drugged out idiots.

........too many dark hours.....too much boredom......

Edit to add: As some here know, I travel a lot.

Of all the places I have visited, the most drugged out was Cochrane in Northern Ontario.

Meth heads were literally everywhere.
.....and it gets very cold there during long winters. The undrugged people who live there, all blame the climate........long cold winters.

The coldest parts of Russia were also the most drunken......so were the coldest parts of Scandinavia......and the coldest parts of the UK.
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I am a big believer in 275g IBC tanks. I don’t have to worry much about freezing. Maybe a hose line for half a day.

I have 3 hooked up to 3 stock tanks for ponies and horse. Gravity feed the stock tank. I have to fill once a week. That also means I can evac and they have enough water for a week. Too many critters for 1 trailer.
I have one enclosed for rain water capture off the barn roof. A good rain fills it for watering. Should probably add one on the other side of the barn.

I have 5 decorative and modified wine barrels to capture the house downspout runoff. Again for plant watering.

Biggest issue with full IBC tanks, tractor FEL can’t lift them. About half full is the max and you better have some weight on the back of the tractor on uneven ground. Math wise 1200lb loader would lift 144g of water.
No it doesn't.

Most of the coldest places I have been were full of drunken/drugged out idiots.

........too many dark hours.....too much boredom......
Like Chicago, Detroit, and Cleveland? They're not really north. Besides, those type of people would rarely venture on foot to ransack a place 150 miles from where they live. They have more easy pickings in the inner city.
Like Chicago, Detroit, and Cleveland? They're not really north. Besides, those type of people would rarely venture on foot to ransack a place 150 miles from where they live. They have more easy pickings in the inner city.
I am specifically giving anecdotes about small towns and rural places......because that is where those real preppers want to live.

We all know cities are dumps....regardless of climate.
I am not aware of any small towns within 150 miles of us that are "full of drunken/drugged out idiots." And, if you exclude Minneapolis and St Paul, it might be several hundred more miles until you get to one of those low life swamps of humanity.
Yeah......and I am not aware of any towns/areas that have kept the riff raff out just because they get below freezing.
I'm happy where I am, 18 miles from a town of 500, county population of 2800. No traffic lights, no freeways in this county and one highway. 99.9 % White conservatives.
People should really look at population density when they are considering an area to live a prepper lifestyle.

About the best (or is it the only) way to pick somewhere that will have fewer bad guys is to pick somewhere that has fewer people (good or bad).

One advantage of prepping on a commercial farm (rather than in a semi-rural or homesteading area) is that when all the land parcels are bigger, the population density is lower......and the towns are further apart.

But it is also necessarily the case that when the population density is lower, services like health support and even law enforcement will also be minimal or even mostly absent.

Really remote places wont have much in the way of a safety net if you get into trouble that you cant fix for yourself.
People should really look at population density when they are considering an area to live a prepper lifestyle.

About the best (or is it the only) way to pick somewhere that will have fewer bad guys is to pick somewhere that has fewer people (good or bad).

One advantage of prepping on a commercial farm (rather than in a semi-rural or homesteading area) is that when all the land parcels are bigger, the population density is lower......and the towns are further apart.

But it is also necessarily the case that when the population density is lower, services like health support and even law enforcement will also be minimal or even mostly absent.

Really remote places wont have much in the way of a safety net if you get into trouble that you cant fix for yourself.
Everyday is a risk. Nearest hospital is about 60 miles away, or 3 hours if we can get out. We haven't been able to drive out for about a week now. And it looks like it'll be at least Friday before I can get our road open again. Our driveway is 2 miles long and nearest neighbor is 4 or 5 miles away. Subsequently we never get visitors up here.
Yes, we need to be very handy with making repairs and keeping our equipment running.
We use solar with a backup diesel generator for power. Our water is pumped with a 12kw propane generator with auto start and auto timers.
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For reference, the county I farm in, has an area of about 600 square miles.

Outside of the two small towns, the average population density is about 5 people per square mile and in the part of the county I farm in, it is about 2 people per square mile.

I understood from the start, that if something falls on me or I get stuck, then yelling for help wont work......no one will hear me....and people wont come looking for me for days or perhaps weeks.

So I carry a 406MHz PLB (Personal Locator Beacon) that I can activate if I really need outside help.

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