A pandemic has begun and...

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Nov 26, 2017
US of A
A pandemic of biblical proportions has begun and is spreading like wildfire across the nation in which you reside. People are dying in mass. Government services are no longer seem to be available. The outbreak has reportedly reached your area. What is your first move? Where is your family / loved ones? Are you ready? What are your priorities?
My number one problem would be my grown child. She is always on the go. She would not be able to sit down and ride it out with the doors and windows closed and locked, which I would do. She would want to be out and about and after exposing herself, come to my place and expose me. She would want to go help others. She might even bring others to my place. She knows I have lots of stuff. She will call or text and ask about something, such as cold medication, and I can pack it up and drive to her place with it, usually without going to the store. She really has no idea of the extent of my preps, because she will still laugh about my meager preps for Y2K, laughing because it wasn't real and I was trying to prepare in case it was.

In some cases, having anti-biotics is what we would need, such as the plague, but not for everything. Unless we are one of the few who get them, or just have them, there could be a run on whatever there might be.

I think one of the first things, would be to put a sign on the front door. What would it say?
If its a pandemic, put up a quarantine sign and maybe a phone number so they can "call from a safe distance". If anyone you don't want coming up actually calls the first thing you say is did you bring the food or medicine I was promised?" That should keep people away.
A pandemic is easy. We usually don't go anywhere anyway so we would just shut the gate and stay home.
I would for sure call Dr Prepper to get some facts and make sure she was okay.
I'd be call y'all to find out what she said!
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Stay clean, use soap and clean water. Wash everything in hot water. Stay indoors as much as possible. Post signs...
Shoot those who trespass.
When it hit the news I'd make a final shopping trip. Two friends have been preselected. They would receive an invite to arrive the next morning or to never show up. When the bird flu was a threat we received a heads up and told to be prepared for such an invite. I'd just hunker down.
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I have the option to bug in or bug out, a pandemic would push me out of town and into the country for sure. Which means loading up the 3 SUV's with a proper security team in place and heading out. Once at the BOL I would close off the road while the family unloads, and then establish some security protocols. I might put up a sign too.

Will grocery store employees go to work........I doubt it.
What about LEO
or truckers
or power grid "Linemen"
or any office workers
or any laundry or janitorial or security hospital employees
or internet employees
or phone co. employees
or the firemen
any government employees

actually just exactly who is going to go expose themselves to other humans and possible death.......?

At some level of close examination, it becomes clear that preppers obsess about some (self chosen) level or duration of event. What exactly is so different from a Pandemic that lasts two or three years, and is constantly morphing into a new variation, and all the other long term disasters........???

So everyone says they will avoid all humans and stay in their home, apartment, hotels, or attempt to reach Pre-established extremely remote and isolated bug'out location. What exactly is the plan for when your food and water are gone...??? The stores are devoid of all food in hours. The water utility employees stay home, the grid goes down. Just what exactly is different about pandemic and most other disasters.....???

Members of this forum and most all other forums, are quick to jump on and dump a huge load of grief on those that prep for long term.

HOPE is Not a PRUDENT Prepping Plan. Especially Hoping someone else will come save you.

The planet Earth has "Stage Four CANCER"...............Humans
We know not when or how, but there will be substantial level of adjustment.
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Members of this forum and most all other forums, are quick to jump on and dump a huge load of grief on those that prep for long term.

I have been here since the beginning and I have never heard anyone 'dump a huge load of grief on those who prep long term'. I have however heard some confuse those who choose only to prepare for something less than a 99% die-off global catastrophe as being thoroughly unprepared. Which of course is not true.

I have well over a years worth of supplies in my home and almost the same amount at my BOL. My BOL however has the advantage of farm land, seeds, cows, chicken, two 1 acre gardens with land to expand, a private lake, fresh water well, dozens of apple trees, several dozen raspberry bushes, a very well stocked pantry, more ammo than the average gun store, etc., etc. I am not worried.
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Well , I been preparing for catostropic scenario for over 40 years , and that wasn't for overnight. I do believe I'm setup to survive , with a little comfort thrown in , for more than a few years,...
I have to say I can't recall anyone on the forum (or Prepared Society) ever giving me any grief about my preparing long term.

That link you referred to , just don't seem to be grevious towards long time preparing.

I'm having a hard time recalling anyone giving grief about long term prepping, just the opposite, I see and get support.


If you're hunting for big-foot every shadow and growl must be a Sasquatch. I could not find any shadows or growls in that thread.

I have nothing but respect for long term preppers, short term preppers, survivalists, and everyone who chooses to be prepared at any level. Even the FEMA loving 72 hour folks and apartment preppers who are sitting on nothing but a case of water and some MRE's. We all have our own to path to walk, which fork we take is a personal decision.
personal isolation, nobody goes out, nobody comes in, until this thing has run its course.
with most diseases if not all the disease needs a human host to inhabit, it cannot live for much longer than 24 hours outside of the body, I think the only exception is HIV, maybe Ebola.
the disease will die when there are no more living human hosts to infect.
What I'll do, depends...

I travel cross country, at least 4 times a month. Sometimes I fly to do that. I'm the risk factor for a pandemic. I'm probably the one who might carry "it" to new areas. Other than good hygiene, I don't know what I can do to minimize risk. But if I find out I'm likely to have been exposed, I'm staying away from people. If not, I'm headed to the family farm just like any other bug out situation...
OH NOOOOOO! No delivered pizza? No Grubhub? No Doordash? Millions will die :( (Not us, I ordered a pizza 6 months ago, it pretty much ______(Had the same properties as a Hoover vacuum .)

As an interesting side note, you can buy rolls of razor wire from Amazon.
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A pandemic is easy. We usually don't go anywhere anyway so we would just shut the gate and stay home.
I would for sure call Dr Prepper to get some facts and make sure she was okay.

:Thankyou: Hiwall! I'd call and check on you guys, too!

Of course we would be OK! After all, I would have been following the pandemic long before it reached pandemic proportions! As soon as it hit my community, I'd activate the pandemic plan at work, and then my hubby and I would bug in! I've got plenty of personal protective equipment (gowns, gloves, masks, etc.) to protect myself just in case I needed to make a house call on one of the neighbors, and regardless of what happened infrastructure-wise, we would manage fine. One thing most people do not realize is that it is hard to have a pandemic that lasts very long with extremely high mortality. If mortality is high, the pandemic burns through its victims and then fades away. If mortality is not high, the pandemic can last longer, but because people are usually immune after being infected, it also runs out of victims and fades away. The chances of having a 2 or 3 year pandemic are very slim!

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