Who has a robo vac

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Old fashioned
HCL Supporter
Nov 24, 2017
West Ky
I cleaned filters on both of my air purifiers today, not bad but needed cleaning.
The wife and I both said we need a robo vac , cause we don't dust mop as much anymore , we just old.

ANYBODY got one ?
How do you like it?
Pros ...cons. ?

Brands ? Roomba, Ecovac, Eufy, Shark, etc ?


Just stared looking today,
Kinda like the Eufy so far.

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We have a Roomba and love it. The wife brought home a spare from Costco so we were ready when this one died. Unfortunately, the new models have GPS and cell capability. They map your home and furniture and send the data back to Roomba who probably sell it to everyone with the cash to pay. They don't tell you on the box but you will note that they are legally required to post that they meet FCC regulation XXX. When you look it up the reg is about cell phones. We took it back. Mom has an older one that we will eventually get for our backup.
Btw, we have no carpet in house, only laminate.
tile in kitchen.

We have tile, laminate, and carpet. It goes from one to the other without issue. Be aware that they have a sense of humour. They love cords, getting stuck under low dressers and cabinets, and napping under the bed.
I don't think we want that high tech gps thing..
Just want it to run around the house and go to charge station and recharge.

Would like it to fit under couch.

We don't mind emptying it occasionally or changing filter occasionally.

I bought one. We have all laminate flooring. I just asked my wife if she still used it. The answer was not much. It gets hung up on chair legs, stuck in a corner and I can sweep about 5 times faster than it can. Personally I would not buy another one.
We left the front door was open and it went outside and into the yard with the sprinklers running.
I caught it before it was destroyed.
I have seen videos of one running through a big pile of dog poop and it smeared it all over the house.
We have a couple of Roomba's for vinyl plank flooring. They do what they are supposed to do and we are happy with them. There is one chair that seems to puzzle them and they like to almost get stuck navigating around, but otherwise no issues. We did have an older one that went insane, but it had a long service life and probably should have been retired.

If you have walked inside your house with a cell phone you have already mapped it out. If you have ever had a home inspection your house has already been mapped out. And so on. People often worry about data that has been collected long before devices like these came about.
I use a Monoprice "Roomba" type vacuum. We call it Monica, cuz that sucker sucks like a charm. We have all vinyl plank flooring, with 3-4 floor rugs. It turns on every morning and we get a basket full of lint, dust bunnies and dog hair every day. I haven't turned on my hand held vacuum since I purchased it a few years ago. Total price was $150.
I have a roomba and a scooba. We just killed the Roomba, wore him out.
We are going to replace it with the one that docks and cleans itself out.

That's what our is, the upstairs one anyway. It is an iRobot Roomba i7+. It has a docking station and empties its own dust bin.
Just a word of caution if you want to purchase a "Roomba" type auto vacs. If you have an old dog that sometimes can't make it outside and leaves a hidden Tootsie Roll somewhere in the house, this vacuum will find it, and spread it everywhere. Ask me how I know this.....twice!
Mine also has a home security option.

Well, I got bored yesterday, and decided to unpack the new Eufy Robo Vac,
Got it fired up, learned how to use it , and played with it

Dang it's pretty cool, it just goes around sweeping and vacuuming in whatever pattern you select , strong little bugger. Does a good job.
Remote is nice, you can tell it to redock for charging or wait till battery gets low, and it will redock automatically.

It automatically increases power vac as needed.

Will run about 2 hours on a charge.

Make sure all cords and obstacles are picked up.

Noooo problemooo.

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Remote is nice, you can tell it to redock for charging or wait till battery gets low, and it will redock automatically.

It automatically increases power vac as needed. Will run about 2 hours on a charge.

Noooo problemooo.


Post back in about a month and update us on what you think then... I'll be in the market by February...
My dogs think the Roomba is the devil. They head outside as soon as I pull it out.

Mine Rotties just look at like an annoyance and go lay in their beds. My wife's dog thinks it intends to kill all living things and must be stopped at all costs.
The wife and been saying to each other, we could dust mop the floors 3 times a day any they're still dirty.
We don't know where it comes from.
So that's what got us to thinking about one of the robo vacs to help out.

We do not have any animals be in our house, but the laminate floors show dirt all the time.

I know it's working , because every once in a while we empty all the trash out of it.

I'm liking it more each day, now that I'm learning more about how to use it.
There is a "spot clean" mode, you drive the unit to a spot and press spot clean, it goes in a spiral motion out to about 4 feet clockwise, the in counterclockwise then stops.

Put it it in A auto mode and forget about it. It covers the entire area in straight line and zig zag moves .
It will get hung up on any electrical cords on the floor. So we tied up the cords off the floor.
Goes underneath love seat and sofa , thoroughly.

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