my thoughts

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Walk with God, You will never be lost
HCL Supporter
Dec 19, 2017
right here right now maybe later over there
I just watched a video of a Colorado coffee shop. They opened up, and the place filled with people. no one wearing a mask. no one staying 6' away from each other.
The gOVERNMENT, pulled there business license because of the refusal of the people to practice social distancing.
I call BS on this move the government has made.
I KNOW and understand that some will say these people did not practice social distancing. SO WHAT?
YOU..[anyone who disagrees with me} will not be affected or infected by these anti-social distancing people because YOU are wearing your little mask
You see. I use common sense. If the little mask will keep these anti maskers safe from the virus. Then the damn thing will keep YOU safe from them
If the little mask does NOT in fact keep you safe from the virus then what is the point in wearing it?
It is time for America to go back to work. YES. [noticed i used CAPS on that YES?} YES, people will die, people are going to die anyway, life is not safe from death and danger. every time you walk out the door you could die.
In my opinion, this virus has been blown way out of proportion for the simple reason of politics, The left has already lost the next election and have tossed a hail marry. Only problem is. the receiver is creepy Joe biden and he will not catch that hail marry.

OH....And one more thing. cars have noting to do with global warming.
It is what is under the car,that is the problem. It is the Road. Have you ever walked on asphalt ?
Have you ever felt the heat that is radiating from he asphalt?
How many miles of asphalt are in your town? How many houes are on concrete foundations?
how many thousands of sq miles of concrete are in your town?
Lets look at some rain facts. the rain comes down, saturates the ground, then runs off into streams that go to rivers that go to the ocean
A lot of the water evaporates along this journey.
NOW. lets pour some concrete and asphalt
the rain comes down, can not saturate so it runs off to a stream, the stream is not big enough to accept the rain that should have saturated into the earth
that stream connects to a river along with thousands of other streams that are also over taxed.
the river over flows and floods the banks.

Please forgive my rambles. I find myself being PO'd here lately about this stuff.
Of course its global warming,it happens every few thousand years,usually before an ice age, mostly mini Ice Age.Nohing we can do about that.
I think the oceans are being polluted and forest. I've was diving reefs under water 55 years ago and then again 20 yr ago, and the absent of sea creatures is scary. Our reefs around the world are dying and nobody can deny that.Can it be that the warm waters from this warming period are the cause?:dunno:
You are spot on Frodo. IMO the covid death counts are way overblown with people dying from the same thing they would have died from anyway without covid., even car wrecks. How many people died or will soon, due to lack of treatment because of covid? IMO it has been blown up as political and will be ridden as long as possible, or until the "next big thing" comes along that can be ridden for a while.
Of course its global warming,it happens every few thousand years,usually before an ice age, mostly mini Ice Age.Nohing we can do about that.
I think the oceans are being polluted and forest. I've was diving reefs under water 55 years ago and then again 20 yr ago, and the absent of sea creatures is scary. Our reefs around the world are dying and nobody can deny that.Can it be that the warm waters from this warming period are the cause?:dunno:
Right? You can see that on the coral reefs by John Pennekamp State Park off the ocean side of the Keys, in Florida. Plus add that Europeans that go out on the snorkle boat and walk on the coral (which is just about a SIN). Captain said, see that? They complain about Americans and they've got no respect for anything. Wow, did I actually start ranting? I'm sorry Frodo. You go ahead. Have at it.
You are spot on Frodo. IMO the covid death counts are way overblown with people dying from the same thing they would have died from anyway without covid., even car wrecks. How many people died or will soon, due to lack of treatment because of covid? IMO it has been blown up as political and will be ridden as long as possible, or until the "next big thing" comes along that can be ridden for a while.

As I've said a couple times alrady, why no mention of flu deaths at all this year? Usually they always give an estimate of deaths caused by the flu. I say they are liars.
As I've said a couple times alrady, why no mention of flu deaths at all this year? Usually they always give an estimate of deaths caused by the flu. I say they are liars.
the flu death numbers are being counted as copid numberd
Right? You can see that on the coral reefs by John Pennekamp State Park off the ocean side of the Keys, in Florida. Plus add that Europeans that go out on the snorkle boat and walk on the coral (which is just about a SIN). Captain said, see that? They complain about Americans and they've got no respect for anything. Wow, did I actually start ranting? I'm sorry Frodo. You go ahead. Have at it.

Its really sad, I wanted to show my 2 oldest grandkids the beauty of the sea life, but much of it was gone. The trip was very intersting for them though,lol.Plus they learned something new,how to snorkle.Touching the Brain coral can kill it something about passing a virus or bacteria onto them.Captain should have made that clear ebfoe taking them out.Of course some people don't listen.
democrats are trying to get a 3 trillion dollar stimulus packaged passed in 3 days that is 2000 pages long. every one here needs to contact your congress critter and tell them do not vote on something they have not read

ALL of them are corrupt.

They don't comprehend truth, right, or good.

Okay I will join in here and say there is no global warming either and it is merely normal weather cycles.

and something they refuse to acknowledge
12 active volcanoes below the melting ice.
I had one goober actually say the water is so cold it negates the effects of the lava. LOL

American population: 330,483,530

Stimulus bill: $2,000,000,000,000.00

Dividing the cost by every person in America is $6,051.74 (man, woman, child) On Average, there are 2.63 persons in each U.S. Household. That would have been a check for $15,916.07 for every household in America, on average.

Oh, wait! The final bill passed by the Senate was for $2.2 trillion, so every Citizen could have received a check for $6,657 and the average household, $17,508.

Think about it. The government could have given every person over $6,600 and every household on average over $17,500, but instead will give $1,200 to each adult under a certain income (not every man, woman & child).

Wanna know where the missing 96% of your tax dollars went?

Take a look at the amounts below shown in RED! WHAT do they have to do with COVID-19 in the stretchiest of thinking?


X$300,000,000.00 for Migrant and Refugee Assistance pg. 147
X$10,000.00 per person for student loan bailout
X$100,000,000.00 to NASA, (they want to get off the planet!)
$20,000,000,000.00 to the USPS,
X$300,000,000.00 to the Endowment for the Arts
X$300,000,000.00 for the Endowment for the Humanities/ because no one even knew that was a thing
$15,000,000.00 for Veterans Employment Training
$435,000,000.00 for mental health support
$30,000,000,000.00 for the Department of Education stabilization fund/because that will keep people employed
$200,000,000.00 to Safe Schools Emergency Response to Violence Program
X$300,000,000.00 to Public Broadcasting / NPR
X$500,000,000.00 to Museums and Libraries / Who the hell knows how we are going to use it
$720,000,000.00 to Social Security Admin / but get this - only $200,000,000 is to help people. The rest is for admin costs
X$25,000,000.00 for Cleaning supplies for the Capitol Building / I kid you not, it's on page 136
X$7,500,000.00 to the Smithsonian for additional salaries
X$35,000,000.00 to the JFK Center for performing Arts. Ditto on when are we going to use it? It's just mostly for DC and NYC elites, anyway.

X$25,000,000.00 for additional salary for House of Representatives (THE BEST EVER!!!! They snuck it in....perfect).
$3,000,000,000.00 upgrade to the IT department at the VA
X$315,000,000.00 for State Department Diplomatic Programs (the same Deep State that keeps stalling efforts to get us out of the Mideast wars)
X$95,000,000.00 for the Agency of International Development
$ 300,000,000.00 for International Disaster Assistance
X$90,000,000.00 for the Peace Corp pg. 148
X$13,000,000.00 to Howard University pg. 121 (WTH?)
Hey! are ya mad yet?

X9,000,000.00 Misc. Senate Expenses pg. 134
X$100,000,000.00 to Essential Air carriers pg. 162 This of note because the Airlines are going to need billions in loans to keep them afloat. $100,000,000.00 is chump change
$40,000,000,000. goes to the Take Responsibility to Workers and Families Act. This sounds like it's direct payments for workers. Pg. 164
$1,000,000,000.00 Airlines Recycle and Save Program pg. 163
$25,000,000.00 to the FAA for administrative costs pg. 165
x$492,000,000.00 to National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) pg. 167
x$526,000,000.00 Grants to Amtrak to remain available if needed through 2021 pg. 168 (what are the odds that doesn't go unused)
Hidden on page 174 the Secretary has 7 days to allocate the funds & notify Congress
x$25,000,000,000.00 for Transit Infrastructure pg. 169
x$3,000,000.00 Maritime Administration pg. 172
x$5,000,000.00 Salaries and Expenses Office of the Inspector General pg. 172
$2,500,000.00 Public and Indian Housing pg. 175
$5,000,000.00 Community Planning and Development pg. 175
x$2,500,000.00 Office of Housing

Are you angry yet? (when you hear the jokes about Slush Funds, you may now understand a little better)

This is pure Rom Emanuel, "Don't let a catastrophe pass without jumping on the bandwagon getting everything you want in the emotion and the panic of Congress' reaction over the situation".--or something to that effect.

Wanna Puke now? ...GOD BLESS AMERICA 😳
Flu season 2017 killed more than Covid19. There was an ice age after Mt Vesuvius blew (carbon emissions) - so how are carbon emissions from cars causing warming? Doh!

Now they hide the flu death reports so they can blame Corona.
Scientist went down miles into the ice and found we have had many Ice Ages ,soem severe ,some not so much. Maybe its tiem for another one?
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Agree @Meerkat our great barrier reef isn't doing well either.

That is because of the crown of thorns eating a lot of it and dare I say them allowing tour charter boats to run all over dumping fuel and oil everywhere from the outboard boat motors and chemical runoff from farms in a large catchment area that runs straight into the reef.

But hey what do I know as tourism is more important to the government :rolleyes: .