Daily Survival in Gaza

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Dec 11, 2017
i want to start off by saying..NO POLITICS TALK...this is not about that.its about the situation only.the whys i dont care about for this exercise...daily survival. i like to look at various situations across the globe both past and present to glean bits of info or insight from those that have lived it or are living in what most,especially westerners would call survival situation.be cut off from supplies or limited supplies is huge as we seen ourselves this year with the bump in our own supply line minor disruptions . this gaza situation is almost like many movies preppers watch but this aint a movie,its real for them and being a scavenger and out of the box thinker and doer and craftsman is only way to make it.years ago i done similar threads and theres one vid of how pallets were used.if i can find that i will post it here too along with others i will be posting.

fist vid is fishing.very interesting these guys have built their own spearguns to fish with.for me i am type likes plenty of elbow room.being jammed up in limited areas i would really have to look for ways to satisfy or keep that at bay in me. i think going to coastline and fishing of some form would have to be my best option.plus it puts food on table and/or a few dollars in my pocket for other items or trade/barter for rice,lentils,oil etc?

theres a little bit of politics in this video showing what happens when you get to edge of area they are allowed to fish in.just overlook that for now and look at the survival story of a 14 year old. how many 14 years olds..heck adults would do this from here until forced to?not many in our society this age doing stuff like this.farm/homestead raised kids yes.

this is the biggie in survival #1 water ! we cant live without water. this would be hard to over come. getting a plastic catch tank to collect rainwater would be a must. i know they get little rain but it would be important to catch all you could when it did rain.

@Weedygarden i believe in looking outside the box. we have had plenty here for past several decades.under the term..contemplate the unthinkable...what happens if..balkanization happens? or sanctions ON us. i mean come on theres 8billion on planet we are only 330 million...we might have to develop true industry here again and manufacturing. home grown manufacturing is first option from our own shops and homesteads.

p.s. if i can find them again i have several things to show being made in 3rd world countries still to this day. i seen a few of these tools back when i was a kid but they all been sold off and melted and more and often they are unkown tools and just go to trash heap or junk dealer and sold by weight.
stumbled across this video from 2016...much to see...gardening,farming of mushrooms,listen to comment of the fish monger,the lifeguards...have not been paid in 3 months. how many in our society would continue to do...but listen closely...being on water allows them to have a gill net to catch fish and they consider that income. i tell ya...this entire gaza deal is a lesson where we all need to watch and learn on a bunch of levels of daily survival. an interesting thing is the guy growing mushrooms is growing oyster mushrooms. at end of ww1 europe was so flattened and disrupted and forest leveled they looked to oyster mushroom as a way of feed the population the fastest and started inoculating all the down trees to grow them.

watching this on thanksgiving day humbles me and should humble us all for all we have even the poorest among us.i am grateful for all i have even if i am considered very poor by many. my homestead means everything in my daily life.

@UrbanHunter 's comments on Germany in the thread about "grocery store wiped out" reminded me of something that was posted here (I think it was here) quite some time ago about how the people lived in the eastern European countries after the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia. It didn't take long for the markets to be emptied.
There was a video posted and several men were recorded on how they survived. We forget. We ignore what's going on in other countries. Hard to believe how "archaic" or back to simple basics some civilizations live today, or have had their livelihoods taken away from them. (See elkhound's latest videos on goat and sheep herds, women left alone to take care of that for months at a time while the men go away to make money.
In one area they can't even sell their wool because the local market price for it is too low).
Can you imagine having to walk a couple of miles to get your water if you live where you don't have a well or fresh treatable water nearby (Bosnia-Herzegovina)?
Why do they not have water purification systems set up even on a small scale??
Where is the help for this area? Why aren't international groups helping these people?

if you notice they have a very modern and new desalinization plant and a very large solar array,enough to run it without outside energy. but so far the blockage is keeping the large electric wire need to run the electric from solar to the plant itself...i mean why is that item blocked from coming in..its not an item they could use to hurt others..the criteria 'they' say is used on blocked items.its a crime to block anyone from basic right of water or gathering water for themselves. they only get enough electric from outside to run...an hour or so morning and afternoon i think.....what a scam and sham !
if you notice they have a very modern and new desalinization plant and a very large solar array,enough to run it without outside energy. but so far the blockage is keeping the large electric wire need to run the electric from solar to the plant itself...i mean why is that item blocked from coming in..its not an item they could use to hurt others..the criteria 'they' say is used on blocked items. its a crime to block anyone from basic right of water or gathering water for themselves. they only get enough electric from outside to run...an hour or so morning and afternoon i think.....what a scam and sham !
It is a crime, but who is prosecuting that?

The head of Nestle wants water to be privatized. Many years ago, he said it was not a human right, but when the world blew up at him about it, he backtracked and said everyone was confused about what he said.

Think of it. If water was a controlled substance, you would not be allowed to catch it falling from the sky.

If I lived in Gaza, if I could have storage tanks and could afford them, I'd be catching all the water I could from my roof(s).

Life there is rough, really rough.
Life is a sexually transmitted disease that is always fatal. Deal with it. ;)
@Weedygarden i challenge you to talk in detail a bit about what you would be doing in that situation. the only reason i post vids from around the globe is to look how people live and survive in what most westerners consider horrible conditions. theres bits and bobs in all vids to ideas and such...if nothing else inspiration to try not to hit rock bottom or at least be more appreciative of things we do have. i will post some of my answers. since it seems in many vids a hige portion live in very tiny areas even in larger building..seems they said often 10x10 or 12x12...lets go with you have a 12x12 cinder block building with a large bay window and home is bare of electric, void of plumbing for water and sewer,a 50x50 fenced yard thats barren.where do you start and what ya going to do? i will post my details later..

all feel free to brain storm this out.
@Weedygarden i challenge you to talk in detail a bit about what you would be doing in that situation. the only reason i post vids from around the globe is to look how people live and survive in what most westerners consider horrible conditions. theres bits and bobs in all vids to ideas and such...if nothing else inspiration to try not to hit rock bottom or at least be more appreciative of things we do have. i will post some of my answers. since it seems in many vids a hige portion live in very tiny areas even in larger building..seems they said often 10x10 or 12x12...lets go with you have a 12x12 cinder block building with a large bay window and home is bare of electric, void of plumbing for water and sewer,a 50x50 fenced yard thats barren.where do you start and what ya going to do? i will post my details later..

all feel free to brain storm this out.
What I would do depends on many factors. I do not know much about Gaza. I do think Gaza and Israel have been treating each other horribly for many decades now.

I think many people, even in this forum, never consider that their lives could be upside down due to natural disasters, financial collapse, government collapse. Sometimes people can't see past the nose on their face, as my grandmother used to say.

Do you see me post about alternative housing? It is because we might live in nice homes now, but we could be homeless, and be living like the homeless we see now. Life has no guarantees, even if we have worked hard, scrimped, saved, paid off our mortgages, towed the line.

What I do not know about Gaza is how is land distributed? Is land held in families for generations? Or is land used by people, but it is technically someone else's? And I do not know about the government structure. Is it worth fighting to stay there, or would leaving even be possible?

Gaza is by the sea, but is mostly surrounded by Israel, with a little part bordering Egypt. I think Israel has been ruthless in not allowing materials in. I wonder what their relationship with Egypt is like?

From what I see, the situation is bad. The statistics that were quoted for forestation and now stripped down land seems desperate to me.

One thing I wondered about was whether the people could begin to dig trenches in places to help steer all that flood water in the spring, to help divert it? I also wonder if terracing might help them? Israel has been able to do much to improve their land and to produce food. Since Gaza is right next door, why can't they find ways to improve their land. At what point in time will their situation be irreversible?
What I would do depends on many factors. I do not know much about Gaza. I do think Gaza and Israel have been treating each other horribly for many decades now.

I think many people, even in this forum, never consider that their lives could be upside down due to natural disasters, financial collapse, government collapse. Sometimes people can't see past the nose on their face, as my grandmother used to say.

Do you see me post about alternative housing? It is because we might live in nice homes now, but we could be homeless, and be living like the homeless we see now. Life has no guarantees, even if we have worked hard, scrimped, saved, paid off our mortgages, towed the line.

What I do not know about Gaza is how is land distributed? Is land held in families for generations? Or is land used by people, but it is technically someone else's? And I do not know about the government structure. Is it worth fighting to stay there, or would leaving even be possible?

Gaza is by the sea, but is mostly surrounded by Israel, with a little part bordering Egypt. I think Israel has been ruthless in not allowing materials in. I wonder what their relationship with Egypt is like?

From what I see, the situation is bad. The statistics that were quoted for forestation and now stripped down land seems desperate to me.

One thing I wondered about was whether the people could begin to dig trenches in places to help steer all that flood water in the spring, to help divert it? I also wonder if terracing might help them? Israel has been able to do much to improve their land and to produce food. Since Gaza is right next door, why can't they find ways to improve their land. At what point in time will their situation be irreversible?

Good quesrions and it seems like you kinda answered one of yours. These people don't prepare or learn .Most of us don't and ignore those who warn us. And some are held back by those who are stronger.
Its a shame they didn't replant the trees they took,but guess its had to think when freezing.
@Weedygarden scenario...dont over think it over bigger picture..the details are this... you have a 12x12 cinder block building with a large bay window and home is bare of electric, void of plumbing for water and sewer,a 50x50 fenced yards ,both front and back so its 100x100 thats barren.where do you start and what ya going to do? most are unemployed there.most work part time or by job.lets say you get $50 plus the little bit of rice,beans and oil from those sending aide to there that gets through we see distributed on vids.its not much but its something.
The siruation these paople are in isn't about poverty or even abuse. Its about the fight over land and landmarks like the Temple site,of all the places in Jerusalem Mohammad decided to fly off on his horse he picked the Jews most holy site on earth.Islam already two holy sites Meca and Medina.Common sense?
Islam ans Catholicism have alway been againstall other religions.
You say you don't want to make this thread about politics yet that is all its about.
Sometimes I think there are more liberals n this site than conservatives. Everyone always trying to prove they are so damn " TOLERANT" and sympathetic to those who don't deserve all this praise while they put down their own people.
Israel is an ally but thats all it is to me far as the Holy land goes the Bible tells me that God will set up His nation in His time. My nations people is what I'm concerned with at the time.Moslems don't want people to exile you stop blowing them the hell up,problem solved.America stop banging your head on that wall and listening to Natanyahoo and do whats best for America.We can't serve two masters we either serve Jesus or Judah either a Christain or a Jew. Doesn't mean qe can't love everyone but bowing down isn't loveing your nieghbor its worshipping them.
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Hard times,poverty and meager income have always been around sometimes it leads to progress sometimes it leads to more poverty.All according to the people and religions want to see the most misery look at their religion.All third worlds except India worship two main religions.Protestant and Judaism thanks to the protection of Protestants overcome and prosper. Without America Israel would still be under control of Islam.
Looks like soon we will all be like these kids below.Only just surving not working.

@Weedygarden scenario...don't over think it over bigger picture.. the details are this... you have a 12x12 cinder block building with a large bay window and home is bare of electric, void of plumbing for water and sewer, a 50x50 fenced yards ,both front and back so its 100x100 that's barren. where do you start and what ya going to do? most are unemployed there. most work part time or by job. lets say you get $50 plus the little bit of rice, beans and oil from those sending aide to there that gets through we see distributed on vids. its not much but its something.
Yes, what can you do once you are caught in such poverty? It is not like it is one poor neighbor. It is everyone.
But what is the government doing?
I wonder if World Vision has sponsorship there?
The siruation these paople are in isn't about poverty or even abuse. Its about the fight over land and landmarks like the Temple site,of all the places in Jerusalem Mohammad decided to fly off on his horse he picked the Jews most holy site on earth.Islam already two holy sites Meca and Medina.Common sense?
Islam ans Catholicism have alway been againstall other religions.
You say you don't want to make this thread about politics yet that is all its about.
Sometimes I think there are more liberals n this site than conservatives. Everyone always trying to prove they are so damn " TOLERANT" and sympathetic to those who don't deserve all this praise while they put down their own people.
Israel is an ally but thats all it is to me far as the Holy land goes the Bible tells me that God will set up His nation in His time. My nations people is what I'm concerned with at the time.Moslems don't want people to exile you stop blowing them the hell up,problem solved.America stop banging your head on that wall and listening to Natanyahoo and do whats best for America.We can't serve two masters we either serve Jesus or Judah either a Christain or a Jew. Doesn't mean qe can't love everyone but bowing down isn't loveing your nieghbor its worshipping them.

you are the only one talking or trying to talk about. like i said...read my posts.i dont care the situation..i post vids to look at the survival aspect of it only..it can be in any situation around the globe..be in in a snow bank in north/south poles.mid east desert,ghetto in city of america,rural poverty of u.s.i am trying to get people to talk about actions they would take being in that situation.what a person would do for daily survival.you are one reading things into my posts...i have done these type scenarios for years on another forum and several here know me for years and they know the things i post.and the reasons i post...its for mental exercises of 'what would you do' for daily needs.after i post my ideas and what i would do maybe you will realize whats going on my threads in looking at poverty and struggles around the globe...like i said we in u.s. are a minority in the way we live..mostly...330mil vs. other 7.7bil...theres lessons of survival to learn. i dont care of the politics of any of these situations.

if you dont understand this.then best thing to do is not read my posts because this is what i like to do..talk survival in detail.
theres a little bit of politics in this video showing what happens when you get to edge of area they are allowed to fish in.just overlook that for now and look at the survival story of a 14 year old. how many 14 years olds..heck adults would do this from here until forced to?not many in our society this age doing stuff like this.farm/homestead raised kids yes.

Not trying to do anything just following subject's. It went from a boy fishing to water crisis ,then war and next thing we are talking about shelter.
I'll let yall continue since it will be hard to keep up with all these subjects and political views anyway.
Yeah, elkie gets in deep on some subjects. I've known him for several years and on at least 3 or 4 forums. He's one of the good ones but does do deep research and takes some deep thinking and reading and thinking to get his depth of research. And it's survival, and how it may be done anywhere in the world. We can learn things from others in history and other parts of the world.
DAILY SURVIVAL...so there you are in a small area,gaza is 25miles long and is 3.7 to 7.5miles wide. roughly 1.5mil people. that right there alone for me is a test since i so love wild and remote places. this would be the mental side of survival for me. i think my escape would be the ocean like so many in various vids talked about. i am pretty fond of coatsline since i lived there once and miss it. but it was a vastly different coast being rocky and in far north vs. beach type setting of gaza. in my coastline of past i dealt with largest tide changes on the globe so that in itself was about survival just knowing tides and having a pocket tide chart to go by. it changed over 20ft at a time plus.whoops drift...

since i have a 12x12 bare cinder block home and a fenced 100x100 yard system first thing is to address my first need...WATER.... i would build some type of a rocket stove since fuel and burnables are in short supply..heck everything is in fact so i would have to look at every thing to see if it can be reused or repurposed into something i need.rocket stoves can run on anything that will burn. even twisted up bundles of grass tied tightly. in these type situations you gotta work out every detail of your daily actions like playing chess..set up a set of SOP's..standard operating procedures. then do best to stick with them. concerning rocket stove inside small home. my SOP would to be only to burn it at night. why because of heat during day but also it gets cold at night and limited fuel supply i want it to serve two functions. first is water purification. how do you purify water...i am going to desalinate salt water..thereby creating water to drink and heat for the night. you can build a small still but even better and easier is to build a steamjuicer type pot. the simplest way would be to get a pot and find a bunt pan and a glass lid that pit pretty tight. as salt water boils it goes up through the vent of bunt pan hits lid and fall back collecting in bunt pany. clear pot lid lets you see whats going on and as it fills you just grab it with pot holder and dump into a bucket to cool for drinking the next day. it aint going to be easy and it wont be much but you got to do the things daily to get ahead or to not slip farther down the ladder of survival a person can get so low its hard to even scratch ya way back.

much much more to go
It takes love to build something worthwhile. When you are filled with hate you can't build anything.
Haters tear things down, compassionate and loving people build things up.
Look at the arson, looting and destruction in our own cities. The looters say they want to tear down the old because they hate it and they are going to build better on top of it but those people have never built anything. They hate.
my answers are often based on bits and bobs i see in videos i posted...so understand that too. its all i got to go by..only that information. sooooo

one SOP would be to never come back home without something to repurpose.so some type day pack or basket is a must. it think i will go with a basket so i can carry sharp items that might poke trough a standard day pack . this way i could carry rubble home..why rubble...thats for later. i would collect as many barrels and buckets of all sizes. i would set up a rain catchment system first thing even though its so littel rain to catch and only seasonal. not knowing when rains come is a disadvantage to. so one thing i would do is start a daily journal to market down when certain things take place..like charting ocean tides myself,when deliveries are made to certain stores or when lines were the lowest at monthly rice,bean,oil hand out etc. etc. etc. to better develop my survival routine.but also keep in mind to not be to regular as others will see your routine and might use that as a way to knock you over the head and take a few things from you as well. so security is always in back of your mind. in vid with the young lady fishing she showed area destroyed where fishermen kept all the gear.like little storage units each fisherman had. i seen a few supplies there she said those nets were useless now...all nets can be repaired if you want to bad enough. but my use for them is not fishing. i want them for a type of shade cloth. anything to block some of that scorching mid east sun and heat. i am going to grow stuff ya know or attempt to. after putting some of netting up as shade cloth a net is pretty open to ray. i seen in a vid tall reed looking grasses growing.i am going to cut that reed grass and weave it in the fish netting to block sun and slow evaporation in areas i want to grow in my yard.

much more to go..
waste and gardening...everything is a resource...i am going to set up an outhouse with half a barrel under the seat to catch all my waste and urine as well. use ash from stove to sprinkle on it to help with odors if possible i am sure sawdust is not an item found there. i would set up a compost tumbler as well to put humanure in to sit in the hot mid east sun and kill off any bad in it.i want to use it in my grow barrels and buckets...yea...extreme yuk factor to most but its survival ya know. all the barrels and buckets i gathered would be cut in half for planters.i wouldnt leave them above ground i dig a hole and bury them to insulate a tiny bit more against heat and dryness. one thing to is no holes drilled in bottom for drainage. i want them to hold every precious drop of water and if not used let it sit in bottom to be used by plant later on. like a large wicking grow bucket. in bottom i would full with larger rubble.. then add in my growing mix. larger rougher stuff first working towards top with finer materials. i would hope i could make bio char to put in to hold water and nutrients in place but since barrels wont have holes in them leaching might be a none issue since plants root system would eventually get to bottom of barrel reach max water and any nutrients leaching down to use as they have grown larger and needing more of both in production of crop.
Yeah, elkie gets in deep on some subjects. I've known him for several years and on at least 3 or 4 forums. He's one of the good ones but does do deep research and takes some deep thinking and reading and thinking to get his depth of research. And it's survival, and how it may be done anywhere in the world. We can learn things from others in history and other parts of the world.

I appreciate @elkhound because he makes me think of things I ordinarily would not, in ways that I should. When he posts videos and articles, I know without thinking twice about it that the post is to be viewed with SURVIVAL in mind, even if the video or article has some political or cultural aspects.

Many times his posts force me to think outside of the box, outside of my normal zones to arrive at a better position to survive truly hard times.

Thank you, old friend!
vinegar...its a blocked item...i dont know why and am not smart enough to know if its an item can be used for nefarious reasons but its not available...so what ya do then.i want it for its taste and preservation abilities along with many other in the home uses. so how do you get it? you make it...i seen piles of apples in market there...so buy some apples peel them all and dry fruit strung up in cinder block shack and use all the peeling and cores to make vinegar. you need to get this done sooner rather than later so when and if you get food produced you can use on them. but also if you dont you can always ferment vegetable in 5 gallon buckets like crocks are/were used back in day and now. some items might not be a true survival need or a calorie multiplier but they might be a mental thing to get you through something or fill the gut when it growls...pickled cucumbers would be a luxury and you might sale a few as well or even better give away a few to neighbor thereby developing a better relationship.

more to come....

over the top information here.
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