Ultimately It comes down to...."The ART of "NOT" being Governed"

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Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.
Prep and prep some more, But ultimately your risk is the "state", or worse a "Failed State". At some point when a prepper advances to a high level, they start to see their security from a "different" angle or different perspective. I would invite "some" to start the study of why you will never be safe if you are near humans or closely governed by "any" power. Even a compassionate "overlord".
James Scott: The Art of Not Being Governed - YouTube
This should "not" be held in the context of rebelling against the government, but of escaping to greater freedom, and assuming responsibility of oneself and loved ones.
That was a fascinating video. Very interesting. I can relate to the premiss of his study.
I see the video as a very-very brief "overview"........from which those who experience interest can do further investigation for relevancy. I am "not" pushing Northern Idaho or remote parts of Montana. But things will continue to deteriorate socially, and quality remote properties are already hard to acquire.

That was a fascinating video. Very interesting. I can relate to the premise of his study.
the highlander world wide, are living outside the powers to be.
Like the overmountain men.
If you look outside the US and at each of the Western democracies around the world, the political spectrum in each nation is made up of some parties that think people need to be (mostly) free to live their lives without excessive government intrusion and some parties that think people need to be protected from all the nasty things and people around them.

In each of those nations, those two points of view have about 45% of the voters who support them. The remaining 10% of voters are "undecided" and so swing between those two points of view from one election to another. That actually means that the people (who are mostly the least sure of what they believe in), are actually the ones who decide what point of view will get into government.

The undecided nature of the swinging voters is even more obvious when one side gets to be in power for a while, and then get voted out just because the 10% "needed a change".

In democracies. people are the problem.

The party political system is easily corrupted. The people in each party get to decide the culture (both overt and covert) of that party. They also get to spend years looking closely at all new recruits to ensure they are "our type of people" before they let them anywhere near any position of power in the party machine.

The worst democracies are those that end up with just two overwhelmingly dominant parties. In industry this is described as a comfortable duopoly. For each party in such a system, getting agreement on things to give "bipartisan support" is easy. Many of the things that upset survivalists and independent minded people the most, are things that have bipartisan support.

I assess that the main reason that two party systems get established is that most people are so dumb that they can't keep track of more than two choices. The other reason is that the two main parties don't want anymore choices out there. When you are inside one of only two parties, your next turn at government cannot be far away.

In democracies with only two parties, again people are the problem.

So in agreement with the OP, the more free you want to live your life, the further you have to move away from people.
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The main thing I see that people don't understand is that these rights we speak of do not come from the Government, but rather are ours from birth. It is our responsibility to not let the Government take them from us
^^^ This! Our bill of rights is like The Ten Commandments for the government. Instead of "Thou shalt not" it is implied, "The government shalt not" infringe upon the first amendment rights, second amendment rights, so on, and so on...we need to step up our vigilance to prevent government, especially the federal government, from trampling on said rights...
So in agreement with the OP, the more free you want to live your life, the further you have to move away from people.

Of "all" the bewildering things about "preppers" absolutely nothing is so "VEXING" as their inability to comprehend this undeniable reality.
The main thing I see that people don't understand is that these rights we speak of do not come from the Government, but rather are ours from birth. It is our responsibility to not let the Government take them from us
^^^ This! Our bill of rights is like The Ten Commandments for the government. Instead of "Thou shalt not" it is implied, "The government shalt not" infringe upon the first amendment rights, second amendment rights, so on, and so on...we need to step up our vigilance to prevent government, especially the federal government, from trampling on said rights...

You can "NOT" vote your way out of this. It is "far too Late" There is truly only one hope and that is "escape". It is only a matter of time till we are fully Venezuela. FULLY..........Hell we are nearly there. Exactly what do you call the last 18 months in America. What do you call a country that puts 35,000 National Guard troops on the streets of the Capitol of America.......not to protect you.......but to protect them from you. Wake-up.......the "people" of America no longer have any influence on those who run America. It is no longer "Our" country.
You can "NOT" vote your way out of this. It is "far too Late" There is truly only one hope and that is "escape". It is only a matter of time till we are fully Venezuela. FULLY..........Hell we are nearly there. Exactly what do you call the last 18 months in America. What do you call a country that puts 35,000 National Guard troops on the streets of the Capitol of America.......not to protect you.......but to protect them from you.
I don't think we will be fully Venezuela. But fully France, or England, or Greece? Absolutely. We will be nominally in charge of our own lives and what we produce. DC will just confiscate half of it, and tell us what we can and cannot do with the rest.

Oh, and we could vote our way out of it - if we could ever look at the third party that's waiting in the wings. The one that wants a government small enough to leave everybody alone. But unfortunately everyone is so worried about what the other guy is doing and who's going to give them their government money, nobody will look at this alternative...
I don't think we will be fully Venezuela. But fully France, or England, or Greece? Absolutely. We will be nominally in charge of our own lives and what we produce. DC will just confiscate half of it, and tell us what we can and cannot do with the rest.

Oh, and we could vote our way out of it - if we could ever look at the third party that's waiting in the wings. The one that wants a government small enough to leave everybody alone. But unfortunately everyone is so worried about what the other guy is doing and who's going to give them their government money, nobody will look at this alternative...

As all nations across the world become more urbanized, the priorities of rural people (including the right to be independent) will continue to be diluted.

Urban hipsters don't care about free speech let alone the right to protect yourself. They are more concerned about whether their kids are being "bullied" online - which is ironic since they rely upon the web to occupy their kids almost all the time they are at home, but want it to be "safe" without any time consuming supervision from them as parents.

Soft times (and places) do produce weak people.

Weak people produce hard times - coming soon.......
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I don't think we will be fully Venezuela. But fully France, or England, or Greece? Absolutely. We will be nominally in charge of our own lives and what we produce. DC will just confiscate half of it, and tell us what we can and cannot do with the rest.

Oh, and we could vote our way out of it - if we could ever look at the third party that's waiting in the wings. The one that wants a government small enough to leave everybody alone. But unfortunately everyone is so worried about what the other guy is doing and who's going to give them their government money, nobody will look at this alternative...

The people do NOT run America. The "Intelligence Agencies" (NSA-CIA-FBI-ETC.) manage America for their bosses, and those bosses are not in any of the three branches of American Government.
An old Indian once said the left wing and the right wing belong to the same bird.

Well, the political players (that come out the end of the long filtering process through which all would be party leaders must pass), of both the left and right wing, have more in common with each other than they do with the rest of the population.
I watched some of the video, but not all of it as it is rather dry. Running away from controlling government is nothing new. But, there is only so far people can run. There comes a time when people need to stand up to government.....1776 comes to mind. Freedom isn't free and there will come a time where there is nowhere to run. You can't fix a problem by ignoring it or running from it. Those people in the hills will ultimately become the place they ran from b/c others will join them in short order. It makes me wonder what the conditions of these millions of people are who he is talking about.

I think an overcontrolling govt is probably one of the biggest things in my lifetime that I am trying to prepare against. Tryanny is rearing it's ugly head in almost every aspect of our lives. Unfortunately, I think we are heading for a civil war. I just don't know what that will look like or what will be the final spark that lights the whole thing up.

In the meantime, it's necessary for people to pay attention and get involved in their local politics. I live in (what used to be) a farily rural area. We are getting flooded with 'new' people coming in and buying up homes and property. I fear that they will try and bring their idiocy with them, as it seems that is the typical pattern. So, the only way to try and stem some of these new laws and regulations from infiltratrating your current way of life is to have a say in the local governmental entities, otherwise the folks coming into your area will. Sadly, there are more local gov entities than most of us would like and you could spend a good portion of your week at 'meetings', but that is the only way you can keep informed since our media will not do their jobs anymore.

I will not run. I'm planting my feet where they are and I will fight where I stand. I will also keep my local board members accountable. They know who I am and I will speak my mind at meetings, as should every concerned citizen. When people say, "I vote, and that's all I can do"....it's hogwash! You can get involved and you should!

I've been to my local government meetings for over a year now and have never seen a single reporter there. Sadly, unless there is an unusual issue on the agenda, there are no other local people there either. The apathy is unreal, yet folks have no problem blaming government for all their problems. Many do not even know the names of the people serving on their local boards or what issues they are deciding on. For the most part, in my area, 5 people decide the rules and regulations, typically with no input from any locals b/c they don't show up. That is the norm.......so who's going to fight a civil war?
I don't think we will be fully Venezuela. But fully France, or England, or Greece?

Greece maybe if we are lucky, but perhaps more like the Balkins or the Roman empire. What is happening in South Africa or the former Rhodesia is also likely. But unlike the Balkins, no one will be coming to save us from ourselves. It will likely be more like Rhodesia where the elites of the world conspired to bring the country down.
Escape? In the long term I don't believe that will be possible.

I watch a history video about a place called "Stilt City". The city (individual small buildings) was built along the Florida keys just outside of the United States International border. In other words the State and Federal laws didn't reach to them! Shallow water allowed "stilts" to be easily driven into the sand to act as the foundation for the buildings. Buildings were used for living, gambling, drinking and houses of ill repute.

The State did try sending out Law Enforcement to intimidated the residents and customers. What finally ended Stilt City is when the Feds declared the area a protected wide life preserve. The buildings legally could stay (grandfathered) BUT if damaged beyond 50% no repairs were allowed. Feds patiently waited for the right hurricane, which did come.

Escape? Nope. Could be delayed but once your mole head pops out from the mole hole far enough to bring attention the government(s) feel obligated to hammer the head back into the hole.

Don't even have to stick you mole head but be caught with the wrong group and the wrong time. Like the unarmed lady that was killed by a Federal Office when she stepped through the broken window in Washington D.C capital building.
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