Preppers.........Pay attention to "SOUTH AFRICA"........there are lessons to be learned.

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Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.
One of the biggest lessons is how fast things can go to SHTF.

" Civilians are defending their own communities and running low on food, fuel, and ammo; supply chains are destroyed, and it wasn't quick, about a week, as the country faces collapse".
If you look back at the history of SA, it once had what was rated as the 5th most powerful military and was wildly prosperous. Then insert interventions from the western elite progressives that forced change on the country that has resulted in this precipitous decline into absolute poverty and chaos. And we are repeating this idiotic pathway here. I have often posted on here and other forums that we must study and learn from what has happened to SA and Rhodesia/Zimbabwe (again destroyed by intervention from western elites) as what happened there will happen here.

There are SA posters on another forum who are giving pretty chilling accounts of what is going down. It’s real.

Is South Africa's Present America's Future? | ZeroHedge
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I see that Smithfield Foods stops slaughtering pigs at U.S. hometown plant, yep moving stuff off coast will start to impact distribution. I also found that Smithfield is now owned by a Hong Kong organization... The more control we lose the more risk we face.
South Africa very much parallels the rise and fall of Venezuela, and before that Argentina. When there is a change in the ruling class, regime if you will, the new rulers remove people from key positions, and place their cronies in charge. The new cronies have no idea how things are supposed to be run, so they fail. It is repeatable history.

To make things even worse there are significant racial overtones in South Africa. This will get very ugly before it gets any better. My biggest take away, and we have known this for years YOYO. You're On Your Own. There will be no police. There will be no government. The only people you can rely on are yourself, and your inner most group. Total self sufficiency would be the ultimate goal, but I for one can't do that.
There is a "silly wabbit" on this forum, who keeps saying, "Find a good place to hide and take lots of food".
I'm sorry I am going to have to disagree with that scare mongering headline.

What is happing South Africa is a tragedy. I should family is in the middle of it right now. I will post some screenshots of a few conversations from today. It is horrible, I am scared I am going to loose someone I love.

But it is not yet a race war.

Are they burning everything, destroying everything? Looting? For sure. But it's mostly because they want the stuff...for free.
And a bit of arson and property damage seems to be good fun hey

I don't suppose anyone but a South African will understand the next part, but I will say it anyway and try and explain why this promotes the idea this is not a race war.
In South Africa they have what are called taxis, but these are not your London yellow cabs, or your uber drivers. They are mini buses, they are thousands of them. They are dangerous, aggressive, often have a guy riding shotgun, literally, with an AK. They are a hated necessity for the transportation of the less wealthy.
Well today many many of these taxis have formed blockades around infrastructure and homes, including places owned and run by whites. These taxi drivers and assistants are using their vehicles and weapons to DEFEND people and businesses.
I can't really explain to a non South African why this is such a big thing, but it really is.
I agree with Rebecca. Scare mongering and false. I can't even begin to explain how false it is.

I lived there for almost 15 years, both in Johannesburg and Cape Town. I know many people who live in both cities and others around the country.

I think, this is a classic case of "don't believe everything you see on the news or the internet". I'm not saying what is happening is false, it is. There are riots, there is violence. I saw a picture of a burning mall in a link that was shared. I don't know, but I would check the sources. It wouldn't be the first time a picture of a past incident has been used to add fuel to the fire of a present one.
Even the numbers make me skeptical. Doesn't mean they're wrong, but I'd rather be skeptical than believe what is shown, just because.

I don't blindly trust a single thing people say anymore online, in the news. I'd rather speak to people who are there and who can say what's going on. And I mean, talk to them directly.

This wouldn't be the first time there has been violence in SA. When I was there, we lived through two xenophobic waves. With a lot of destruction and looting, and killing. But seeing the way news is shared and written today, it wouldn't surprise me if things were blown way out of proportion and even if some footage or pictures were not even from the current events; but because people aren't really going to take the time to research it to make sure what they're being told is as factual as possible, they just run with it.

That's my personal take on this.
I'm sorry I am going to have to disagree with that scare mongering headline.

What is happing South Africa is a tragedy. I should family is in the middle of it right now. I will post some screenshots of a few conversations from today. It is horrible, I am scared I am going to loose someone I love.

But it is not yet a race war.

Are they burning everything, destroying everything? Looting? For sure. But it's mostly because they want the stuff...for free.
And a bit of arson and property damage seems to be good fun hey

I don't suppose anyone but a South African will understand the next part, but I will say it anyway and try and explain why this promotes the idea this is not a race war.
In South Africa they have what are called taxis, but these are not your London yellow cabs, or your uber drivers. They are mini buses, they are thousands of them. They are dangerous, aggressive, often have a guy riding shotgun, literally, with an AK. They are a hated necessity for the transportation of the less wealthy.
Well today many many of these taxis have formed blockades around infrastructure and homes, including places owned and run by whites. These taxi drivers and assistants are using their vehicles and weapons to DEFEND people and businesses.
I can't really explain to a non South African why this is such a big thing, but it really is.
Am I correct in understanding the taxis and crews are keeping order in the face of chaos?

That sounds like a good thing.

Please excuse all the edits, they are to remove names or swear words. Admins...I did try...but my family and friends are pretty good at swearing and I may have missed a bad word

From an uncle:

From my father in law:

From my sister:

That's so sad @Rebecca . I really hope your family gets out of there asap and that things calm down fast. Is your family in Durban? My boss' family are also there and I'll ask her tomorrow what they tell her about what's happening on their end.

What I was told from people I know in CT is that it's more on the outskirts, in areas like Durbanville and Rondebosch, if you've heard of these areas, than in the city itself. And that when some looters wanted to start something in town, at the St George's Mall, it was contained quickly. How? I don't know.
OK.........So......I want to be clear, "Crystal Clear". The only thing I care about, it "Pushing" people away from "Normalcy Bias". My goal is to (as much as this forums owners will allow) keep attempting to stimulate members to constantly "fight" the sweet seduction of normalcy bias.

The only "race war" that impacts me is Bears vs. Local Residents.

I agree with Rebecca. Scare mongering and false. I can't even begin to explain how false it is.

I lived there for almost 15 years, both in Johannesburg and Cape Town. I know many people who live in both cities and others around the country.

I think, this is a classic case of "don't believe everything you see on the news or the internet". I'm not saying what is happening is false, it is. There are riots, there is violence. I saw a picture of a burning mall in a link that was shared. I don't know, but I would check the sources. It wouldn't be the first time a picture of a past incident has been used to add fuel to the fire of a present one.
Even the numbers make me skeptical. Doesn't mean they're wrong, but I'd rather be skeptical than believe what is shown, just because.

I don't blindly trust a single thing people say anymore online, in the news. I'd rather speak to people who are there and who can say what's going on. And I mean, talk to them directly.

This wouldn't be the first time there has been violence in SA. When I was there, we lived through two xenophobic waves. With a lot of destruction and looting, and killing. But seeing the way news is shared and written today, it wouldn't surprise me if things were blown way out of proportion and even if some footage or pictures were not even from the current events; but because people aren't really going to take the time to research it to make sure what they're being told is as factual as possible, they just run with it.

That's my personal take on this.
That's so sad @Rebecca . I really hope your family gets out of there asap and that things calm down fast. Is your family in Durban? My boss' family are also there and I'll ask her tomorrow what they tell her about what's happening on their end.

What I was told from people I know in CT is that it's more on the outskirts, in areas like Durbanville and Rondebosch, if you've heard of these areas, than in the city itself. And that when some looters wanted to start something in town, at the St George's Mall, it was contained quickly. How? I don't know.

My uncle is in Durban, my sister is near Tongaat/Ballito about an hour north of Durban. My father in law is near Pietermaritzburg.

I agree with your comments on CT. My sister in law is sort of stuck there, not because of the violence there but because she can't fly back into the chaos of Durban right now.
OK.........So......I want to be clear, "Crystal Clear". The only thing I care about, it "Pushing" people away from "Normalcy Bias". My goal is to (as much as this forums owners will allow) keep attempting to stimulate members to constantly "fight" the sweet seduction of normalcy bias.

The only "race war" that impacts me is Bears vs. Local Residents.

That's fair and I get it. I think what this shows is the need for self sufficiency as much as possible.
What I also think is that we need to be careful about the reasoning or justifications we put behind certain things. It needs to be truthful. At the end of the day, the lesson taken from that is self sufficiency. But in the process of fighting against the normalcy bias, it also needs to looked into more deeply...I don't know if I'm making sense.
This is very fresh, things are unfolding right now and there's a lot to analyze. When it comes to why the riots and violence are happening, I think it best not to jump to conclusions or to hang on to the first theory thrown out there. What if they have an agenda?
My uncle is in Durban, my sister is near Tongaat/Ballito about an hour north of Durban. My father in law is near Pietermaritzburg.

I agree with your comments on CT. My sister in law is sort of stuck there, not because of the violence there but because she can't fly back into the chaos of Durban right now.

Like your last screenshot said, I hope it moves further away and that it dies down. The aftermath is going to be tough.
@Rebecca and @Newbri, correct me if I am wrong, but isn't this partly related to infighting between prevailing tribes such as Zulu verses others sparked by the arrest of President Zuma? I get poverty, unemployment and the greed associated with "free stuff." As I see this, various tribes and ethnicities are then simply caught up in the collateral impact with unfortunate opportunity for retribution. And certainly people and groups are exploiting the unrest to further their interest.

And I pray for peace and protection of your loved ones.

And @Sourdough is correct, there are clear lessons and things we should learn from, and prepare for.
Thanks @Sourdough. I think zero hedge has done a good job of providing information without too much sensationalism, for the most part.
@Rebecca and @Newbri, correct me if I am wrong, but isn't this partly related to infighting between prevailing tribes such as Zulu verses others sparked by the arrest of President Zuma? I get poverty, unemployment and the greed associated with "free stuff." As I see this, various tribes and ethnicities are then simply caught up in the collateral impact with unfortunate opportunity for retribution. And certainly people and groups are exploiting the unrest to further their interest.

And I pray for peace and protection of your loved ones.

And @Sourdough is correct, there are clear lessons and things we should learn from, and prepare for.
My understanding at the moment, from talking to people there and reading local news (I'll put a link to an online SA new site below) is that yes the initial trigger was the arrest of Zuma. And yes it is worse in KZN (Kwa Zulu Natal - this is where Durban and Pietermaritzburg are located) Because Zuma comes from KZN and that province has always been his political strong hold.
But the initial riots have been used as a spring board for gangs etc to indulge in looting and arson etc. After it had been going for a few days then normal people started participating not due to political ideology or the wish to commit crime but literally because they needed food, and how do you get food when the shops are all closed? You follow the gangs in and steal if your desperate enough.
My understanding at the moment, from talking to people there and reading local news (I'll put a link to an online SA new site below) is that yes the initial trigger was the arrest of Zuma. And yes it is worse in KZN (Kwa Zulu Natal - this is where Durban and Pietermaritzburg are located) Because Zuma comes from KZN and that province has always been his political strong hold.
But the initial riots have been used as a spring board for gangs etc to indulge in looting and arson etc. After it had been going for a few days then normal people started participating not due to political ideology or the wish to commit crime but literally because they needed food, and how do you get food when the shops are all closed? You follow the gangs in and steal if your desperate enough.

Thanks @Rebecca. My take away is the bad elements "never let a crises go to waste." We see that here with some of the "race riots" where elements take advantage of events resulting in much magnification of the unrest, and then like a wildfire it feeds off itself. I am much more the lone wolf, but events in SA do show the value of communities sticking together to protect the community. It is surprising how quickly this escalated, and given the right events, this could happen here to.

In the US, sometimes people are successful petitioning their states federal senators or representatives to intercede on asylum and immigration issues for family member stuck in foreign conflicts. I have no idea if that is an option in Canada.
After it had been going for a few days then normal people started participating not due to political ideology or the wish to commit crime but literally because they needed food, and how do you get food when the shops are all closed? You follow the gangs in and steal if your desperate enough.

It stuns me that preppers can't "truly" grasp this.

I live in a very small community in wilderness Alaska, with nine other people (total population: TEN). They are all good people, but I don't deceive myself as to what is possible behavior from good friends and neighbors, who are starving or desperate for anything required for their survival.
Sounds like a "trigger event". The bad folks use this as a launching pad for their cause, much like the George Floyd death.
Like Rebecca said, a good portion of it has been taken over by opportunists. A good example would be Julius Malema, who's the leader of the *** (Economic Freedom Fighters) party. It looks pretty far left, if using American standards or general standards even. For years, he's openly called for violence and is pretty racist. He has his soldiers in there for sure.

The reason why I think he's an opportunist in this is that he was expelled from the ANC, which was or is Zuma's party. So why Malema would fight for Zuma, is suspect. He isn't.
A rumor I heard was that it was a plot to move people away from the ANC. But, yeah, rumors.

I was just on the phone with a friend in Johannesburg and she told me that things are calmer there but there was another wave of panic today, after dying down a bit, and people are panic buying again.
It stuns me that preppers can't "truly" grasp this.

I live in a very small community in wilderness Alaska, with nine other people (total population: TEN). They are all good people, but I don't deceive myself as to what is possible behavior from good friends and neighbors, who are starving or desperate for anything required for their survival.

I had a conversation about this with one of my sisters not too long ago. But we were talking about North Korea. We both agreed that's why it's crucial to grow your own food and encourage as many people as possible.
The sad part is not everyone can or will do that.

It does make me think sometimes that prepping is one part of the equation only. But not a guarantee. Doesn't mean you don't prep, regardless.
It does make me think sometimes that prepping is one part of the equation only. But not a guarantee. Doesn't mean you don't prep, regardless.

There are no guarantees in survivalism. That should be rule #1.

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