SUNGLASSES color of "LENS" does that do anything or just look "COOL"

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I use yellow lenses when shooting. It adds brilliance and I get on target quicker.
When on my boat, I use dark blue polarizing Maui Jim's for visibility, eye protection and keep from going blind.
I've found yellow lenses also help when driving at night. Seems to cut down on glare from on coming headlights for me.
My eye doctor prescribes transition lenses for me because I have asigmatism , I guess that's light sensitive. He says it will help my eyes physical health.
And , I don't have to squint in the sun.
They turn a dark grayish black in sunlight.

I like em.

Me too! If I go out in the daylight without them, it is pain gaah.
Like yours, they are color neutral so I can still distinguish all colors.
Before I had transitions, I always had my old pair tinted down to be 'shades'.
The lady would ask me how I wanted them tinted, and my choice was 'number-10 smoke'.
I wear these red glasses because they make me feel pretty.

I wear these red glasses because they make me feel pretty.

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That looks like $100.00 pair of Armani Exchange my children got me for Father day.
Have no Ideal what they do for my eye, but I got them, so I wear them, when not working.
My work glasses are a $10.00 pair.
What does the lens color "ADD" to the experience...???

As far as sunglasses go, the reflective (mirror type) whichever color seem to reflect sunlight away from the eyes. Other than that, I dunno....................
I wear these red glasses because they make me feel pretty.

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That you Hashbrown? want to ride around and scare the woke kids? we look related!
BOT, its becoming known that different frequencies of light can repair certain issues without surgery or the eye strain artificial lenses can cause.
After many years of living in the desert I was given a pair of Oakley's with, I believe, Gold Iridium lenses. The gold looked like real gold not yellow gold. Anyways they really brought out the green colors which I enjoyed. I was so tired of living in the desert city that seeing the green colors come through was very relaxing. OK, a little relaxing, Vegas still sucked. =-) Those glassed are a bit scratched and I can't get replacement parts anymore but if I ever get around to buying a new pair I will try to get something similar.
If your goal is to look cool by wearing sunglasses, I was told that you have to wear them on top of your head or on top of your baseball cap. At least 75 percent of the people I see are wearing them that way.
Finally found out the name: Irlen overlays. If anyone is interested, here is a link and you can of course look up the whats, whys, and hows. I don't have any vision issues (other than needing low level cheaters since I'm getting ancient) but was amazed at how helpful they are for reading.
I always get the darkest ones possible because I'm really sensitive to light. Also polarized is crucial! I keep my expensive high quality ones for driving and shopping days and have a case of good safety ones for work that are cheap enough to chunk when they get too scratched.

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