What Preparations do you have for Radiation Protection?

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Dec 3, 2017
Do you have potassium iodide? If you have it, how old is it? It does have an expiration date on it, and I have no idea if that is accurate or not. I do know that dried sea weed is an alternative, and I've seen it in Trader Joe's and the Costco Business Center. I know people that eat it as a snack, but I think it is a little gross tasting.

I just looked at Amazon and there are many options out there, but not the iOSAT that I purchased the last time. Edit: this is the place I just ordered from: iOSAT Potassium Iodide 14 Tablets, 130 mg – Ships May/June 2022 - USA Berkey Filters

I do know that your thyroid has to be functioning well, or you cannot take iOSAT.

What else can we do to prepare for a potential nuclear attack?
I have a little radiation card reader that I keep in the freezer. Don't know if it works or not. Also have 8 Iosat packs. And a basement. And of course, food and water.
Doesn't sound like much. But we were born in a time that a school desk to get under was a good thing.
This is an interesting thing that I heard tonight on Goshen Prepping live chat: pectin in apples helps to protect you from radiation. This was discovered relative to Chernobyl. I need more apple sauce, dehydrated apples, and to eat more fresh apples. I'll be eating more apples now!


Apple pectin used for radiation protection after Chernobyl

Apple pectin is a dietary fiber supplement that is often used to maintain powerful digestive health. It is also known as fruit pectin. Purchased in powder form, apple pectin becomes a gelatinous, or jelly-like, substance when wet. Many people are familiar with apple pectin in the making of jams and jellies. However, natural healers, herbalists, and fitness experts use apple pectin when preparing colon cleanse products because it is a soluble fiber. Apple pectin has the ability to sweep out radioactive dust particles from the intestinal tract, and it was used extensively after the Chernobyl nuclear plant meltdown.

How Apple Pectin Works

Apple pectin is a soluble dietary fiber source. The fibers in apple pectin help to balance the colon. In the digestive tract, apple pectin swells, forming a gel which acts like a broom to sweep the entire intestinal tract of waste material and body fat. In the large intestines, apple pectin breaks down into short chain fatty acids, which have positive pre-biotic benefits. Apple pectin is considered safe by the FAO/WHO Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives.

Apple Pectin and Radioactive Protection After Chernobyl

Both master herbalist Dr. Richard Schulze and nutriceutical researcher Jon Barron have recently mentioned that apple pectin was used after the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster in 1986. Jon Barron states that "apple pectin was used in the aftermath of Chernobyl to reduce the load of radioactive cesium in children." Dr. Schulze says that apple pectin was used "extensively" after the Chernobyl disaster. He mentions that apple pectin has been proven to remove heavy metals, and even radioactive Strontium 90. Dr. Schulze says that taking apple pectin proved to significantly prevent damage from radiation exposure.

Apple Pectin Reduces the 137Cs Radioactive Cesium Load in Chernobyl Children

The Swiss Medical Weekly published a report in 2004 confirming that apple pectin was seen to reduce the 137Cs cesium uptake in Ukrainian children after the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster. A study led by V.B. Nesterenko at the Belrad Institute of Radiation Safety was performed to see if orally administered apple pectin was effective in binding 137Cs in the gut for food contaminated by radiation, or if eating "clean," non-contaminated food was enough. The study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving children from contaminated villages near the disaster area.

Radiation levels were measured at the beginning of the study and one month later. At the end of the trial, 137Cs cesium levels in children who were given apple pectin were reduced by 62%. Children who had received "clean" food and a placebo had reduced radiation levels by only 13.9%. The results were determined to be statistically significant.

Source:Natural News
I have a little radiation card reader that I keep in the freezer. Don't know if it works or not. Also have 8 Iosat packs. And a basement. And of course, food and water.
Doesn't sound like much. But we were born in a time that a school desk to get under was a good thing.
I didn't know to keep them in the freezer. When my next ones get here, I will put them there.
I did see the card readers online. They are $22 - $23.
Do you have potassium iodide? If you have it, how old is it? It does have an expiration date on it, and I have no idea if that is accurate or not. I do know that dried sea weed is an alternative, and I've seen it in Trader Joe's and the Costco Business Center. I know people that eat it as a snack, but I think it is a little gross tasting.

I just looked at Amazon and there are many options out there, but not the iOSAT that I purchased the last time. Edit: this is the place I just ordered from: iOSAT Potassium Iodide 14 Tablets, 130 mg – Ships May/June 2022 - USA Berkey Filter
I do know that your thyroid has to be functioning well, or you cannot take iOSAT.
What else can we do to prepare for a potential nuclear attack?
Read up on KI (potassium iodide). It does not make you 'radiation-proof'.
And it mostly helps young people, not older people :(.
Far more important is knowing how 'hot' it is outside, and when it is safe to go outside.
The majority of the danger will be gone in less than 2 weeks. Easy.
Being able to measure the intensity of an invisible danger is not that expensive.
Not the Iosat. The card reader says to keep in the freezer. I just keep the Iosat on the med shelf. I heard that old people don't take Iosat because it won't help them. Maybe because of the thyroid thing.
If it's two weeks in the basement, that's not a big deal for us. Have everything we need there.
Read up on KI (potassium iodide). It does not make you 'radiation-proof'.
And it mostly helps young people, not older people :(.
Far more important is knowing how 'hot' it is outside, and when it is safe to go outside.
The majority of the danger will be gone in less than 2 weeks. Easy.
Being able to measure the intensity of an invisible danger is not that expensive.
Thank you. I did read about it not being advised for older people.
I have a little radiation card reader that I keep in the freezer....
Not the Iosat. The card reader says to keep in the freezer. I just keep the Iosat on the med shelf. I heard that old people don't take Iosat because it won't help them. Maybe because of the thyroid thing.
If it's two weeks in the basement, that's not a big deal for us. Have everything we need there.
We need more info on the card reader please.
I never heard of them.
Yep. That's the one I have in the freezer. But I got it from Emergency Essentials a few years back, and of course, back then, it was half that price.
It says it is for your wallet. I'm laughing, and this is not a serious question. Maybe I should put my wallet in the freezer? 😂
My guess is that it will last longer in the freezer.
I don't have any radiation-specific preps. My plans are simply "stay inside as long as feasible". I only have general preps. And those preps would help me stay inside for a while, whether that need was caused by radiation, a virus outbreak, civil unrest, or whatever.
I would consult with a doctor before taking any potassium iodide supplements. From what I have read it is not recommended for people over 40. See what your doctor says. Arguably the most dangerous isotope that comes from a nuclear explosion is Iodine 131, which has a half life of 8 days. Any iodine isotope will go to your thyroid. The potassium iodide tablets are supposed to prevent that from happening.

There are only three things that will protect you from radiation: time, distance, and shielding. I think the analogy of the candle is the easiest explanation. Consider a lit candle as a radiation source. The closer you get to it the more light and heat you will absorb. You can pass your hand through the candle without getting burned if you do it quickly. If you have to be near a radiation source take care of business as quickly as possible, and then get away from the source. The farther you can get from it, the better off you will be.

Distance may be easier to understand. The farther you are from the candle the less light you will see and the less heat you will feel. Same with a radiation source. Stay as far away from it as possible.

Shielding can be addressed with a variety of materials. If you put a barrier between yourself and the candle you will protect yourself from the light and the heat. Materials that are the most dense are the best. You want to have enough shielding to reduce the radiation exposure level to 1/10 of its strength. The following list shows the thickness of the material needed to make the 1/10th reduction:

Lead 1"
Steel 2 1/2"
Concrete 7"
Earth 9"
Water 18"

This link is helpful. https://www.thomasnet.com/articles/plant-facility-equipment/radiation-shielding-materials/

Radiation travels in a straight path like light. If you are building any sort of bunker or protective facility you cannot have any seams where light, in this case radiation will pass through; the areas around your door frame for example. Shine a flashlight on it. If light passes through, radiation will pass through. Materials have to be overlapped so there are no seems. Entries and exits from a protective facility should have a maze like barrier, so nothing will pass directly into the facility.

Should the stuff start flying, for most of us the basement of our house is going to be the best place. You already have four walls and a floor that are adequately shielded. For me personally, I will barricade the windows with books, and we will shelter on the far side away from the windows. We have to think like we did when we were kids building a fort. Making some additional type of a roof in the basement to protect you from what is falling on the exterior of your house will help. If I am stuck in my basement, I plan on sleeping under the pool table.

It is recommended you shield in place for at least two to three weeks. After that most of the Iodine 131 will have decayed down to safe levels. Obviously, you need food and water, but you are also going to need "sanitary facilities". You probably need light and warmth., meds. A radio or some form of communication to know what is going on outside. I feel I am pretty well prepared, but let's hope it never comes to this.
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I have potassium iodide, but doubt that I'd use it due to my age. Perhaps a loading dose to flood my thyroid. N95 masks to keep the particles out of my lungs. Tyvek overalls with hoodies. A radiation meter. I have already established my normal background level. Two different calcium pills, antacids and a large pink OTC pill my wife takes to prevent osteoporosis. Some radiation prefers bones. Like flooding the thyroid with iodine you can flood your system with calcium. Betadine, you can rub this on your abdomen and you will absorb the iodine through the skin. I will probably use that after my initial loading dose of iodide. The rest of the pills will probably go to my neighbor, he has four kids.
I have potassium iodide, but doubt that I'd use it due to my age. Perhaps a loading dose to flood my thyroid. N95 masks to keep the particles out of my lungs. Tyvek overalls with hoodies. A radiation meter. I have already established my normal background level. Two different calcium pills, antacids and a large pink OTC pill my wife takes to prevent osteoporosis. Some radiation prefers bones. Like flooding the thyroid with iodine you can flood your system with calcium. Betadine, you can rub this on your abdomen and you will absorb the iodine through the skin. I will probably use that after my initial loading dose of iodide. The rest of the pills will probably go to my neighbor, he has four kids.
My stuff:


Every single thing has been 'tested'.
The CDV-700 at the bottom is the most useful. :thumbs:
I added a speaker system to it so you don't have to use headphones.
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I have potassium iodide, but doubt that I'd use it due to my age. Perhaps a loading dose to flood my thyroid. N95 masks to keep the particles out of my lungs. Tyvek overalls with hoodies. A radiation meter. I have already established my normal background level. Two different calcium pills, antacids and a large pink OTC pill my wife takes to prevent osteoporosis. Some radiation prefers bones. Like flooding the thyroid with iodine you can flood your system with calcium. Betadine, you can rub this on your abdomen and you will absorb the iodine through the skin. I will probably use that after my initial loading dose of iodide. The rest of the pills will probably go to my neighbor, he has four kids.
I have about the same but no where as many widgets as what @Supervisor42 has collected. I do have two rooms in the back basement that were built to serve as a fallout shelter with the outer room serving as decontamination. When I fixed it up I installed think plastic sheets over the studs in the walls and sealing. Sealed all of the seams before installing the drywall. When done I could feel the air pressure as the door closed.

I took advantage of an old chimney flue as an air intake. Drawing in air from the 30' tall chimney will minimize contamination.

Not perfect but better nothing.

Dang Super, that looks like a Rad shop. Old gear, but it works great
I linked to another thread where I explained about testing all of it in an earlier post, but I don't think anybody clicked on it. :(
The blue clay bowls taped together with the word "Top" written on it contain the 'hot rocks' to keep radiation from leaking out.
I linked to another thread where I explained about testing all of it in an earlier post, but I don't think anybody clicked on it. :(
The blue clay bowls taped together with the word "Top" written on it contain the 'hot rocks' to keep radiation from leaking out.
I'll have to look that up. I started my career at the lab working in a rad shop calibrating instruments. Did that for 2 years. Had 10 years prior to that working with a group that made Gamma detectors.
I'll have to look that up. I started my career at the lab working in a rad shop calibrating instruments. Did that for 2 years. Had 10 years prior to that working with a group that made Gamma detectors.
Yes. That which you cannot 'hear, see, smell, touch, or taste' can be the most important.
'Deadly', or 'nothing' will appear exactly the same to you.
I tell people: "Go outside right now and walk around. That is exactly what a deadly radioactive area will be like." :(
I have a Geiger counter and a suit. I'll know when I'll be too tot to be saved.
What make and model?
ALWAYS remember these three

Space = distance from the source
Time = time near the source
Shielding = material between you and the source
Distance is probably the most important. Just being 10' away from a deadly source can make it harmless due to the inverse-square law. Of course, it depends on how large it is too.
I've even been a radioactive source before :oops:.
Playing with the CDV-700 after a "nuclear stress test":

I was more than 100X more powerful than the 18mr source shown earlier.
(and that was on the highest scale on the meter that it can measure with :oops:)
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