100% Power Outage in Puerto Rico

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I don't envy the people down there. Without power it's like going back 100 yrs in time. Camping is great for a few days, but I've really gotten accustomed to electricity, toilets and running water and restaurants.

Yep. Irma was a great wake up call for me, and identified a hole in my preps I never even realized I had. Two holes, to be fair....at least for short-term events. (lack of ability to charge a cell phone (solved) and how bad it sucks to be without AC in FL (solution in progress))
my main hole in my preps,for when it comes to staying home and power outages..is no back up generator yet for my fridge and freezer.yet.i do need a solar panel charging station,for my phone,flashlight batteries and tablet,as a backup plan thoe..
It's hard to feel sorry for Puerto Rico, they done this to themselves by over selling bonds, they were warned in the late 80s by Congress they needed to deal with it's debt, instead of dealing with the issue they maintained the status quo selling bonds and the people continued to vote the SOBs back into office year after year after year causing the infrastructure to suffer, today they are reaping what they sowed. They didn't listen in the 80s and now they cry today blaming the Republicans, fxxk em! They had no growth drivers strictly relying on bonds, huge huge government for it's size, extremely large unfunded pension liability $7 billion. Puerto Rico receives 20+ billion a year in Federal aid (population under 4 million) with the big portion going to welfare over 2 billion, the money was plundered (some call it mismanaged)

Puerto Rico is a $103 billion economy, also receives 20+ billion a year in Federal aid, they are $70 billion in debt with a population of less than 4 million and an infrastructure in disrepair creating a bigger mess than need be after the hurricane... feel sorry? hell no.

If anyone that should be feeling sorry it's the Puerto Rican citizens for what they are doing to the US taxpayers and let that bxtch of a mayor from San Juan sink in the whole she helped dig!!!
I will agree with you there. In many ways, Trump was dead on in his criticisms, but much like the NFL protests were.....wrong time and place....

I'm not even saying we SHOULD bail them out...only that we ARE GOING TO....simple as that. It's silly to pretend otherwise...if history is any indication. In many ways, it's an expansion of the experiment. Just like runaway long Democratic cities are facing the same fate....the territory of Puerto Rico is basically an example of it on a grander scale.

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