19 year old from Michigan

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Jayson Said: "If you had to say one thing that good managers can, what would that be? Detect bologna?"

If you are talking Managers of people, my gut reaction is to always remember that everyone under you
is your partner that has a family first. If they fail it is because you failed them.

You failed them by not coaching enough, inspiring, training, supporting, challenge, rotating or paying. And lastly you failed to understand personalities and put the wrong personality in the right job; you expected something out of them that they weren't created to give (sending an introvert out to make cold sales calls).
Wrong personality is a very common problem.

But in my conversation in this thread I am discussing managers of business, which has a subpart of people management.

My apology for a long answer.
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Does this mean I'm the next Elon Musk? 😄
Ammo: Only if you had the same score in all four columns. That makes you god.
Your score makes you a split C/M. You are a superb organizer of both people and things, that can't sleep at night.

By the way, there is no perfect score. You are what you were born to be. I have yet met anyone who wanted to be other than what they are.
If your spouse took the test for you she would probably get within one point from your scores.

This knowledge is powerful. You can actually see two strangers getting out of a car a half block away and know who gets on top and who sleeps in the wet spot, whether they are involved or not.
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I was in management at 18. Fluctuating between sales and warehouse management until I was 30. I was very good at inventory management. Ran a million case per year beer distributor warehouse and stopped a negative trend. Had several people arrested.

I came to a crossroads, and my ex said why don’t you just go back to sales, you were happier there. I did and got a job within 2 weeks. I was happy. Did sales until I retired at 55.

Do what you are good at. And what makes you happy.. I was happier doing sales.
if you are happier flying, welding, or business management. Do it.
I was in management at 18. Fluctuating between sales and warehouse management until I was 30. I was very good at inventory management. Ran a million case per year beer distributor warehouse and stopped a negative trend. Had several people arrested.

I came to a crossroads, and my ex said why don’t you just go back to sales, you were happier there. I did and got a job within 2 weeks. I was happy. Did sales until I retired at 55.

Do what you are good at. And what makes you happy.. I was happier doing sales.
if you are happier flying, welding, or business management. Do it.
This is great advice.
I would also advise not to stop your life because of the current events. You are young. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
I once had a boyfriend a long time ago, who told me to quit school and move to the mountains as the end of the world was coming right away. Glad I didn't listen....it's been quite a few years since graduation day.
My dad always told me too - do something you love and you'll never work a day in your life.

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