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2020 New Years Resolutions?

Homesteading & Country Living Forum

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Nov 26, 2017
US of A
They always say that New Year's Resolutions are often forgotten by the end of January, and I am sure that it true for many, but it is not always the case. Many people make a resolution and it lasts forever (or a very long time anyway). Does anyone have any resolutions for 2020? Perhaps just a plan or an objective? Giving up those nasty carbs? Spend less time on the internet (sans this forum of course)? Need more guns or preps? Tell us what 2020 has in store for you.

My new years resolution is always the same; I am going to live each day like it is my last.
I have never been worth a tinker's damn with resolutions. I think about them, and they are usually broken before the last football game is over New Years Day. It is like running or working out; when I think about it I lay down and take a nap. When I wake up the thought has gone away.

I don't know. This year I may actually get serious about exercising and walking more. Call me after the football games, and I will let you know.
I have a few plans for 2020.

First I intend to spend less time looking at screens and more time with my kids. I have two out of the house now, one leaving next spring, and 4 more briskly moving toward adulthood. No one regrets missing a TV show or movie, but I bet many people regret not spending more time with their kids.

Second I want to do more fasting. My best is 7 days. I want to double that in 2020. I might even make my first run as early as late January. Eventually I want to do a 7-14 days fast every 3 months. Autophagy is real and it is very beneficial.

Third I want to own more guns. But that was going to happen regardless of any resolutions, new years, etc.
.. Does anyone have any resolutions for 2020? ...
Mine is the same as every year:
To survive another 12 months...much to the dismay of many others:eek:.
I'll have another colonoscopy (polyp-pruning), butt I'm willing to go the extra mile:D

Happy New Year!!!
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I don't do resolutions. Never really have. I just strive to be a better person and have a better year than the previous one.
I have a list of projects I want to work on, but as always some will get finished, some began, some left untouched. Just not enough hours in the day to do everything I want to. Nor do I have the energy for it. Just do the best I can.
I don't do resolutions. I don't think are really effective, but are something that is promoted and talked about. I prefer to have some goals of things to accomplish.

I have a bunch of sewing projects that I would like to make a huge dent in. I usually make a list of things to finish and keep at them until they are finished. This is almost an annual goal for me. I do get things finished, and have, but I also always seem to start new ones. It would be great to get the amount of sewing stuff that I have reduced down to a few bins, but every year it seems to grow instead.
I don't do resolutions. I don't think are really effective, but are something that is promoted and talked about. I prefer to have some goals of things to accomplish.

I have a bunch of sewing projects that I would like to make a huge dent in. I usually make a list of things to finish and keep at them until they are finished. This is almost an annual goal for me. I do get things finished, and have, but I also always seem to start new ones. It would be great to get the amount of sewing stuff that I have reduced down to a few bins, but every year it seems to grow instead.

Weedy sweety I've been looking for you.Don't want to miss saying HAPPY NEW YEAR to you. And of course a big hug for my long time cyber friend. :huggs:.[ Hubby says he hopes you get the sewing caught up.]
Weedy sweety I've been looking for you.Don't want to miss saying HAPPY NEW YEAR to you. And of course a big hug for my long time cyber friend. :huggs:.[ Hubby says he hopes you get the sewing caught up.]
Thank you, Meerkat! Happy New Year to you! :huggs:

The thing about sewing is that there are lots of ideas out there of things to sew! I get started, get distracted, and then stuff doesn't get finished. This year I made a polar fleece jacket, several aprons, weaning bibs, napkins, some fleece mittens from leftover fleece. I have fleece for some hats, more mittens, scarves. That is the tip of the iceberg! I have a friend who sews every day. I think I need to sit down and do that, sew on something every day.
I don't do resolutions. I don't think are really effective, but are something that is promoted and talked about. I prefer to have some goals of things to accomplish.

I have a bunch of sewing projects that I would like to make a huge dent in. I usually make a list of things to finish and keep at them until they are finished. This is almost an annual goal for me. I do get things finished, and have, but I also always seem to start new ones. It would be great to get the amount of sewing stuff that I have reduced down to a few bins, but every year it seems to grow instead.
I know that feeling too Weedygarden.