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user 6493

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Oct 25, 2016
you know I am by no means an angel ,I have little time for most minorities ,,,but this is just wrong,,,my line of thought is minorities are here they are not going to leave just because some group does not want them here,,,violence does no good,,,and these marches always lead to violence,,,,,leave them alone,they are not hurting anyone

If any group no matter how you feel about them has a legal permit to assemble and another group wants to stop them from doing so and someone gets hurt or killed who is to blame ?
Both sides are wrong, both sides are only their to provoke a response and now they got one! Like Ghost said, "rarely end good" All this **** is going to do is weaken our rights further with what is left of it.
This is a State issue that should be left up to Virginians regarding the statue not a Constitutional issue but both sides draw the provocateurs from outside the States in these protests. With that said, I don't agree with removing the statue but it's not my call. I really don't feel sorry for anyone hurt at these protest especially when one group are allowing the likes of the kkk and neo-nazis amongst there protest knowing damn well it means trouble, the alt-right had a shady short past but now they appear to align themselves with the kkk and neo-nazis giving the alt-right no standing and confirmed what the MSM has been saying about them in the public eyes.

Now we have two troopers dead as an indirect consequences of this protest. It's them I feel sorry for and pray for NOT the protesters.
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UK media among others say the ANTI FASCIST protestors who rallied against the Confederate culture supporters started the violence by spraying white marchers with gas or CS sprays leading them to getting a good kicking off the Alt Right lobby.

Question if they want to remove the "Offensive" Statue of Robert E Lee as its offensive to some people then surely similar memorials to people like Malcom X and the Black Panthers should also be removed? You cannot celebrate black history and culture but ban white history and culture.
UK media among others say the ANTI FASCIST protestors who rallied against the Confederate culture supporters started the violence by spraying white marchers with gas or CS sprays leading them to getting a good kicking off the Alt Right lobby.

Question if they want to remove the "Offensive" Statue of Robert E Lee as its offensive to some people then surely similar memorials to people like Malcom X and the Black Panthers should also be removed? You cannot celebrate black history and culture but ban white history and culture.

The US is either going to (A) split up completely (B) Have a separate black and white US of A or (C) some states are going to cede from the union as ethnic minorities, socialists and liberals destroy what made the US great in the first place.
Obama's crowd spent years deviding and laying the groundwork for the leftist power grab . So when the power base shifts back to the Right there is going to be unrest . For all the firearms that the original planned assembly with permit to be there were carrying notice no one was shot . Disciplined gun owners .
Both sides are wrong, both sides are only their to provoke a response and now they got one! Like Ghost said, "rarely end good" All this **** is going to do is weaken our rights further with what is left of it.
This is a State issue that should be left up to Virginians regarding the statue not a Constitutional issue but both sides draw the provocateurs from outside the States in these protests. With that said, I don't agree with removing the statue but it's not my call. I really don't feel sorry for anyone hurt at these protest especially when one group are allowing the likes of the kkk and neo-nazis amongst there protest knowing damn well it means trouble, the alt-right had a shady short past but now they appear to align themselves with the kkk and neo-nazis giving the alt-right no standing and confirmed what the MSM has been saying about them in the public eyes.

Now we have two troopers dead as an indirect consequences of this protest. It's them I feel sorry for and pray for NOT the protesters.

And when Armed Black Panthers were showing up at Protests, did any White Groups attack them ? NO.....When Ferguson was being looted and burned did any White groups loot and burn any Black neighborhoods ? No.....When Baltimore was being burned and looted, did any White groups attack Blacks ? No.....White people and White groups have stayed away and not attacked like the Blacks have....So now that a group of White people show up to protest, Not Loot and Burn, they are suddenly the bad guys....makes sense....
And when Armed Black Panthers were showing up at Protests, did any White Groups attack them ? NO.....When Ferguson was being looted and burned did any White groups loot and burn any Black neighborhoods ? No.....When Baltimore was being burned and looted, did any White groups attack Blacks ? No.....White people and White groups have stayed away and not attacked like the Blacks have....So now that a group of White people show up to protest, Not Loot and Burn, they are suddenly the bad guys....makes sense....

but ,,,but ...but,,,,,,,,,,,,, you forget a very important fact here ,Blacks were one time slaves so they are entitled to protest and loot and do property damage without fear of arrest or prosecution
Every people at some time in history have been slaves . Native Americans raided and enslaved each other before America was ever a thought . Africans the same . Europe also the Midfle East still does . European People seem to have been the first to stop such practices.
And when Armed Black Panthers were showing up at Protests, did any White Groups attack them ? NO.....When Ferguson was being looted and burned did any White groups loot and burn any Black neighborhoods ? No.....When Baltimore was being burned and looted, did any White groups attack Blacks ? No.....White people and White groups have stayed away and not attacked like the Blacks have....So now that a group of White people show up to protest, Not Loot and Burn, they are suddenly the bad guys....makes sense....

Like I said I don't support either side both are wrong, my views haven't change since I've been on this board!

It's now being called a white supremacist protest by the media, now it's not about the statue but a hate group wrong or right, that's how it's being betrayed in the media and the world, the original intent has been lost in actions of the protest. I have been vocal on these matters to both sides, this tit for tat crap doesn't work and counter intuitive to the original message.

Hate comes from both sides and when it spews into the street then we have a probem, these people need to grow the fxck up!
The klan and nazi's have held rallies for decades. They have their event everyone ignores them they disappear . Now we have blm and paid protesters that say they are going to stop them . Counter protesters? The klan and nazi's couldn't have had it any better . The spotlight is on them thats what they wanted to start with . Otherwise this would have been a small story nobody remembered.
I will gladly side with the KKK against any and all Anti-White groups....I don't see myself fitting in with BLM......

I am against any hate group,Black or White,,,,,and anyone who voted Trump at this time should distance themselves from all white supremacy groups,they make every sane normal American who voted TRUMP look bad,,,,and the DEMOCRATS are feeding off of that fact,in fact it may very well be their plan to create enough hate directed towards the Republican Party using the white supremacy angle to get back in the WHITE HOUSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,does anyone here really want to see those turds back in power
I will gladly side with the KKK against any and all Anti-White groups....I don't see myself fitting in with BLM......

Im Sothern born , Confederate descendent , Ancestors that marched with Bragg and rode with Forrest . Iv known some Klansman and I dont have much in common with them . You dont have to look hard to see through the glamour. But I detest the blm and anarchist.
I am against any hate group,Black or White,,,,,and anyone who voted Trump at this time should distance themselves from all white supremacy groups,they make every sane normal American who voted TRUMP look bad,,,,and the DEMOCRATS are feeding off of that fact,in fact it may very well be their plan to create enough hate directed towards the Republican Party using the white supremacy angle to get back in the WHITE HOUSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,does anyone here really want to see those turds back in power
It doesn't matter who we side with, the Leftist/Communist/ Democrat controlled media hates us and there's nothing we can do to change it. They lie, cheat and will twist anything to fit their agenda. I personally don't accosiate with any group, but if a White heritage group ever came to my area I would be there to show my support.
If you don't stand for something, You'll fall for anything.....too many sideline people who think if they turn a blind eye everything will be ok.....not going to happen....same reason the media turns everything against White groups....they know very few will do anything but take it...
I see the US and UK left wing media are making a real meal out of this story, according to Sky News EVERYONE from the right who attended this rally was violent, EVERYONE who attended were fascists and KKK members and of course the anti fascists (communists and socialists) were all peaceful law abiding citizens.
This is not a White / Black thing . If it were it would get resolved soon enough . Iv saw lots of that over the years . Look at the crowd and listen to what they are saying . This is politics and is going to get worse . This could be the new norm .

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