4 Things about BLM U Won’t Hear on Lib Media

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Awesome Friend
Mar 5, 2020
Georgia Mountains
Read the entire article on Daily Signal. These are snippets.

4 Things the Liberal Media Won’t Tell You About Black Lives Matter
1) They are trained Marxists
...at least one self-described “trained Marxist” founded the organization behind the movement, and that organization also has called for dismantling the nuclear family—something that likely extends beyond the goals of many supporters.

The first thing, I think, is that we actually do have an ideological frame,” Khan-Cullors said in a 2015 interview with Real News Network. “Myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists.”

2) Official Organization and Funding
More than one Black Lives Matter appears to exist, but the one primary associated with its best-known founders and that receives the largest level of donations is the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation.

In 2016, the left-leaning grantmaker Thousand Currents, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit group, became the financial sponsor of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation.

The George Soros-backed Open Society Foundations reportedly contributed about $33 million to groups associated with the Black Lives Matter movement.

3) What they want
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another...

The website uses the word “comrades” several times...

4) Top Leaders
Notably, the vice chairwoman of the board of directors for Thousand Currents is
Susan Rosenberg, a convicted felon who participated in bombing buildings in the Northeast and Washington, D.C.

In an email Wednesday, The Daily Signal asked Thousand Currents about Rosenberg’s position on the board of directors. That morning, the organization’s webpage about the board included a short bio of Rosenberg. By late afternoon, that page no longer was available and a message said: “Ooops. Sorry. This page doesn’t exist.”

Rosenberg was part of M19, short for May 19th Communist Organization. Her memoir “An American Radical,” details her 16 years in federal prison.

At her sentencing hearing in 1984, Rosenberg urged supporters to “continue to fight for the defeat of U.S. imperialism.”

M19’s bombings reportedly were for the sake of causing enough disruption to prevent President Ronald Reagan’s reelection in 1984. Rosenberg was a member of the Weather Underground in the 1960s. President Bill Clinton commuted her 58-year sentence on his last day in office in January 2001.
