A peace like no other

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Super Friend
Aug 25, 2021
Besides the peace that comes through a relationship with Almighty God, I believe there is no other peace obtainable that is comparable to the peace you feel in nature. The stresses of modern life wither away once you step foot into the woods. It is quite strange to see my peers and those older than me cling to modern technology like their lives depend on it. Every day it's a new movie, television show or video game they are talking about. I'm glad I left that lifestyle. There isn't anything inherently wrong with these things, just in strict moderation.
I didn't plan on writing this but why not. I was addicted to video games myself for seventeen wasteful years. It's what I thought, breathed and lived. I've sacrificed untold amounts of family time because I wanted to stay inside and play video games. Things that I should have been learning years ago I'm just now discovering. It was just two years ago, maybe three, that I began to take interest in the outdoors. It was about three months ago that I began taking this walk seriously.
My experience as a gamer always left me empty. I wasn't learning anything useful. I was idle, sitting in my room for hours DAILY. Trust me when I say I have found more fulfillment in my outdoorsman journey in the past three months than seventeen years of gaming ever gave me. Praise God I saw the light and ran towards it.
"The wilderness can change a man"

There is a real transformation that can metamorphose within a man who is alone in the wilderness. He can exit the wilderness fragile, very fragile, he is no longer sure where that which is himself ends and that which is not him begins.

Everything is kind of fuzzy, and has a softness about it, all things appear slightly blurred to the eye, like after one has been crying, and it can be hard to distinguish where one object stops and another object starts.

He feels weak and vulnerable, but centered. In fact he is stronger, but the feeling of weakness, and vulnerability comes from the loss of arrogance.

There is a clarity about the perfection of everything. Sounds are crisper, colors are different, there are so many more (new) colors now.

He feels as if he is looking through things and through people, this is a very uncomfortable experience, he tries to focus, but he just looks through everything.

Part of him wants to go back to the way it was, before being alone in the wilderness. But he also enjoys the bliss of how it is now. He wants to weep for no reason, but for the perfection of everything.

He has changed, and can not change back to that which he was before, being alone in the wilderness.

Being alone in the wilderness, for long periods will change your perception of the universe. The universe is the same, but you have shifted to a place where you can see, with new eyes, a new heart, and a new empathy for all life. You have been born a second time, and are a child of the wilderness.

There was a time long ago, that a man was encouraged to go into the wilderness alone for a extended period, (40 days and 40 nights in the time of Christ) so that he might find wisdom about life. Sad it is discouraged today.
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This has been true for me my whole life. When the childhood family got nasty when I was a teenager, I would pack a bag, like I was leaving, with no where to go, and would walk and walk, outside, along the road and railroad tracks, just enjoying the prairie of South Dakota. The sights and sounds of nature were always calming for me. Hours later, I would go home. Everyone would be quiet and whatever nastiness they has been dishing out was gone, for a while. I think they were scared for what I was going to do. Was I going to catch a bus somewhere? Call a family member to come get me? I just needed to get out of the house, away from what was going on there, the narcissistic family being mean and nasty, and nature did it for me.
I agree wholeheartedly. I take walks with my dogs every day, except in the rain. I even walk with them in the winter with headlamps in the evening after dinner. It's healthy for the dogs and it's healthy for us too. I often pray when I'm walking the dogs outside. When walking with hubs, it gives us a chance to chat without interruptions, which is much needed these days. God has given us this wonderful world to help ease our pain. I feel much more alive when connected to nature and a walk outside will ease whatever mental stresses I feel.

A few days (or weeks) of no internet or video games for our youth would be a God send. Many have forgotton the blessings he has given us. I thank God for the beautiful property we have been blessed with and give praise for the many blessings he has bestowed upon us. I wouldn't sell it for all the money in the world. Nothing speaks louder to me than nature and I see many winks from God in it. It's so sad that so many have lost that connection or have never even discovered it to begin with.
I went through a video game spell back in the early 1990s and haven't looked back after trashing my joystick. If you haven't read One Man's Wilderness, you should read it. Here is a little preview:

"It was good to be back in the wilderness again, where everything seems as peace. I was alone - just me and the animals. It was a great feeling - free once more to plan and do as I pleased. Beyond was all around me. My dream was a dream no longer. I suppose I was here because this was something I had to do - not just dream about it but do it. I suppose too I was here to test myself - not that I had never done it before but this time it was to be a more thorough and lasting examination. What was I capable of that I didn't know yet? Could I truly enjoy my own company for an entire year? And was I equal to everything this wild land could throw at me? I had seen its moods in late spring, summer, and early fall but what about the winter? Would I love the isolation then, with its bone-stabbing cold, its ghostly silence? At age 51, I intended to find out." Richard Proenneke
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Young people need to get outside more, that's for sure. The worst thing that happened with the twins was allowing them to get smart phones. Granddaughter got hers taken away a couple weeks ago for a D in Algebra, but she took the sim card out and put it in another phone she keeps hidden. She can't do without it at all. It's a shame. I was against the phones completely, I use a flip phone and no internet on it. But husband allowed it as long as they pay for it themselves. They do their chores after school then have their face in the phone.
@calebj, really enjoyed reading your post.
Our 'farm' property is very overrun/overgrown. But we tackle it as we can, all with the idea of being able to spend more time in it (by developing a trail system, etc.). But of course, in doing the work we have already begun. We see the animals, the plants - always delighting in something we haven't seen before, and learning about what's around us (working on a personal field guide specific to our property). There is something about seeing a place through the cycles of the seasons - it's a unique intimacy.
Agree there! Some mornings husband and I just stand outside and say that there is so much beauty! This afternoon was coffee on the porch saying the same thing! And we always talk about the animals. Today the herd of guineas came in to the from yard, under the windmill. The figured out how far our dog's tie outs went and avoided them. The barncats that were asleep on the porch went running for cover. It was hysterical. They typically don't come up that close to the house.
I guess you could kinda figure I have the outdoors bug. And built a log cabin in the bush so I could be there more. My beautiful wife says that I needed to do it because I needed to do it. I've spent up to 3 months out there. A couple 2 months hitches and always a month for moose hunting. Except this year.
What I enjoy most is there is no clock. In fact there was no actual clock for years n we got a gift. Time on a clock does not matter. Cutting firewood at 3am at 20 below in 5' of snow. Heck it's usually dark most of the day anyhows.
I stay busy, always something to fix lanterns to clean n rebuild. Firewood, lots of firewood, I like our cabin nice n warm.
Probably harder of my beautiful wife than anyone. Animals to feed, grandkids to raise. Tough Alaskan chick. Generally the only contact is broken up phone calls or text msg. I set the phone in the window n when a satellite passes by it may send.
All she really knows if something were to happen is if she didn't have any contact for a couple days to send someone out to look. Somewhere within a few miles of the cabin.
She has numbers of a couple woodsman I trust to call if she thinks I need help. And if its summer they have to fly out, which can become kinda difficult at times.
But I love it man
I agree wholeheartedly. I take walks with my dogs every day, except in the rain. I even walk with them in the winter with headlamps in the evening after dinner. It's healthy for the dogs and it's healthy for us too. I often pray when I'm walking the dogs outside. When walking with hubs, it gives us a chance to chat without interruptions, which is much needed these days. God has given us this wonderful world to help ease our pain. I feel much more alive when connected to nature and a walk outside will ease whatever mental stresses I feel.

A few days (or weeks) of no internet or video games for our youth would be a God send. Many have forgotton the blessings he has given us. I thank God for the beautiful property we have been blessed with and give praise for the many blessings he has bestowed upon us. I wouldn't sell it for all the money in the world. Nothing speaks louder to me than nature and I see many winks from God in it. It's so sad that so many have lost that connection or have never even discovered it to begin with.
Spot on. Video games will ruin your life.

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