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user 6493

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Oct 25, 2016
all this news about Trump burns my britches,the left is determined to be rid of him,,the Democrats are screaming as are the Blacks and the Muslims,,,,all these whining crying little bitches should be thrilled that they are in the US of A,,,,,,,,,,many other country's they would have been arresting them and beating them in the streets and for the worse the death squads would have come for them in the night ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so scream whine and cry,,,you are in the USofA where you can act the fool and degrade the president of this great Nation
what we would refer to as "The Left" in the UK(as opposed to say the far right), mostly commies and socialists and don't forget the snowflakes.
They just need to be educated. Ignorance has spread to large segments of the population and is being deliberately supported by universities and mainstream media.
Thats the communist way. Ignorant people are controllable people. And whoever controls the school system and the media also controls people's minds.
all this news about Trump burns my britches,the left is determined to be rid of him,,the Democrats are screaming as are the Blacks and the Muslims,,,,all these whining crying little bitches should be thrilled that they are in the US of A,,,,,,,,,,many other country's they would have been arresting them and beating them in the streets and for the worse the death squads would have come for them in the night ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so scream whine and cry,,,you are in the USofA where you can act the fool and degrade the president of this great Nation

I personally know quite a few minorities whom voted for Trump. The media wants to divide the country as much as they can. It makes for better business for them. Trump won for a reason.

To me the most offensive was Colberts comment about the president. This little flake is making millions off of insulting the leader of the country. What a piece of shizar. The media is far more powerful than anyone realizes. They profit off of selling fear and dividing the country into segments.
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Priceless example. If blacks and other minorities associate Trump supporters with racism/sexism they're more likely to oppose him. This is far from the truth obviously as MOST Trump supporters are NOT racist/sexist.

I believe in the need for a smaller government, less regulation, as well as the need for securing our borders. To me this is common sense.
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I personally think trump is an idiot. That being said, he is the president of the United States, and that position deserves some respect. I think the whole political system has lost any sense of decency and decorum towards each other. Aren't these people supposed to be more mature than 8th grade boys on a playground.
I personally think trump is an idiot. That being said, he is the president of the United States, and that position deserves some respect. I think the whole political system has lost any sense of decency and decorum towards each other. Aren't these people supposed to be more mature than 8th grade boys on a playground.
8th grade,,,,,do you really think they are that mature ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I personally think trump is an idiot. That being said, he is the president of the United States, and that position deserves some respect. I think the whole political system has lost any sense of decency and decorum towards each other. Aren't these people supposed to be more mature than 8th grade boys on a playground.


I don't think there are too many idiots who become billionaires or the president of the most powerful nation in the world. Idiot or not...he is light years a better candidate than Billary Rodham Clinton.
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I don't think there are too many idiots who become billionaires or the president of the most powerful nation in the world. Idiot or not...he is light years a better candidate than Billary Rodham Clinton.
How many rich lawyers are there? Does that make them a good person or intelligent? Making money doesn't equate to being intelligent, or good. Like I said though, I think just being in the position of President should carry some respect with it. It seems both Washington and the press have forgotten that.
The problem with lawyers, especially defense lawyers, is that they view the law as something to be gamed. Defense lawyers tend to think of "truth" strictly in terms of what people can be convinced of. When these people become politicians, they see their job as primarily one of pulling the wool over people's eyes.
How many rich lawyers are there? Does that make them a good person or intelligent? Making money doesn't equate to being intelligent, or good. Like I said though, I think just being in the position of President should carry some respect with it. It seems both Washington and the press have forgotten that.

Trump won because he is the alternative to the standardized stereotypical politician. People are tired of the artificial politicically correct salesman type politician. Trump is a breath of fresh air.

I don't equate bluntness with being an idiot. He is used to being a boss and he doesn't sugar coat things. I dont think you can reach his level in life and be an idiot.

Imagine dealing with millions of trolls 24/7 attempting to scrutinize your every word....your going to get fed up. Hell if dealing with a couple on an Internet forum is any indicator I couldn't possibly imagine doing his job.

I don't underestimate Trump. He is simply adapting to a new environment.
Trump won because he is the alternative to the standardized stereotypical politician. People are tired of the artificial politicically correct salesman type politician. Trump is a breath of fresh air.

I don't equate bluntness with being an idiot. He is used to being a boss and he doesn't sugar coat things. I dont think you can reach his level in life and be an idiot.

Imagine dealing with millions of trolls 24/7 attempting to scrutinize your every word....your going to get fed up. Hell if dealing with a couple on an Internet forum is any indicator I couldn't possibly imagine doing his job.

I don't underestimate Trump. He is simply adapting to a new environment.
I really don't think trump is an idiot, at least not a complete one anyways. He definitely has a lot to learn with how to get along with people though. As you said, he is used to being the boss, and that isn't going to help him in Washington or with other world leaders. I hope he learns a little diplomacy quickly here. As far as being an alternative to the standard politician, I believe we are all sick of the same old same old. I would be behind anyone who could balance the budget, but so far I'm not seeing any plan from trump that is heading in that direction either.
no trump is no idiot, i do however think he says to many things that he shouldn't. we all think things we would like to say , but don't even when right in his position he hasn't learned that yet To many bad situations going on still much better than the other option clinton!
I really don't think trump is an idiot, at least not a complete one anyways. He definitely has a lot to learn with how to get along with people though. As you said, he is used to being the boss, and that isn't going to help him in Washington or with other world leaders. I hope he learns a little diplomacy quickly here. As far as being an alternative to the standard politician, I believe we are all sick of the same old same old. I would be behind anyone who could balance the budget, but so far I'm not seeing any plan from trump that is heading in that direction either.


The primary issue is a lack of transparency. Imagine doing a job that is 75% secretive and yet having 100% of your actions scrutinized. 50% of the country is going to hate him regardless...especially with the media taking his every word out of context.

What boggles my mind is why someone like him would even want that job in the first place. If I were him I'd buy a couple castles in europe and live out my remaining years in peace...with a couple of my mistresses. Who wants that mess...especially at his age.
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The primary issue is a lack of transparency. Imagine doing a job that is 75% secretive and yet having 100% of your actions scrutinized. 50% of the country is going to hate him regardless...especially with the media taking his every word out of context.

What boggles my mind is why someone like him would even want that job in the first place. If I were him I'd buy a couple castles in europe and live out my remaining years in peace...with a couple of my mistresses. Who wants that mess...especially at his age.
He spent more of his own money just to campaign for the job than he will ever make from it. Not to mention taking a less luxurious place of residence than his Manhattan penthouse. Seriously, I don't understand why anyone would want the job though. Whether you're right or left, the other side is out to beat you both publicly and policy wise, and at any cost. There's a reason they all come out at the end with grey hair.
View attachment 6963

The primary issue is a lack of transparency. Imagine doing a job that is 75% secretive and yet having 100% of your actions scrutinized. 50% of the country is going to hate him regardless...especially with the media taking his every word out of context.

What boggles my mind is why someone like him would even want that job in the first place. If I were him I'd buy a couple castles in europe and live out my remaining years in peace...with a couple of my mistresses. Who wants that mess...especially at his age.

And that's the reason we're in the mess we are in. People who a) care about the country and b) have the brains to help the country won't get involved in politics because of all the stupid crap that goes on in politics.

We had a county commission chairman that was really smart and really cared. They voted him out after one term because he wasn't a good old boy and replaced him with one that could barely sign his name....
He spent more of his own money just to campaign for the job than he will ever make from it. Not to mention taking a less luxurious place of residence than his Manhattan penthouse. Seriously, I don't understand why anyone would want the job though. Whether you're right or left, the other side is out to beat you both publicly and policy wise, and at any cost. There's a reason they all come out at the end with grey hair.

I know I mean the guy owns entire skyscrapers. Don't even get me started on his 100 million dollar Manhattan penthouse. That alone is reason enough to NOT to be president.

Grey hair? He is already 70 years old. If he does two terms he'll be almost 80. Here is a guy whom can afford to buy islands, skyscrapers, medieval european castles and at the age 70 decides to take on one of the hardest jobs on the planet.

Still though, I'm glad he is president and I'm sure he does a way better job than Obama did.
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Both sides of the isle are willing to destroy this Country standing in order to destroy Trump (and they proven it already) Both sides are globalist and no one is going to convince me otherwise. Practically everyone in DC and most world leaders are against Trump not because of his mouth (though he's not helping himself) but because of his policies, policies that I agree with for the most part. I don't believe there is anything to the russian crap nor comey but if one throws enough dots on the table they can about connect anyone to anything, I'm surprised they haven't connected Trump to McKinley's assassination!!

Trump's problem in this Country is his mouth, if he would shut the fxxck up and govern he wouldn't be getting the vile attacks he is getting, aside from his mouth I still support him!
And that's the reason we're in the mess we are in. People who a) care about the country and b) have the brains to help the country won't get involved in politics because of all the stupid crap that goes on in politics.

We had a county commission chairman that was really smart and really cared. They voted him out after one term because he wasn't a good old boy and replaced him with one that could barely sign his name....

At this point in order to become president you have either to be a billionaire or be backed by one.
Both sides of the isle are willing to destroy this Country standing in order to destroy Trump (and they proven it already) Both sides are globalist and no one is going to convince me otherwise. Practically everyone in DC and most world leaders are against Trump not because of his mouth (though he's not helping himself) but because of his policies, policies that I agree with for the most part. I don't believe there is anything to the russian crap nor comey but if one throws enough dots on the table they can about connect anyone to anything, I'm surprised they haven't connected Trump to McKinley's assassination!!

Trump's problem in this Country is his mouth, if he would shut the fxxck up and govern he wouldn't be getting the vile attacks he is getting, aside from his mouth I still support him!

Yeah but that mouth is what won him the election. It's not his fought he is constantly being baited. I mean I think the average person would have a heart attack if they had to deal with the daily brain damage he has to go through on regular basis.

Especially when half the country HATES him with a passion.
The problem is, his mouth is interfering with his governance, he can't get his policies through if he keeps alienating the people that make it law. The election is over and he needs to tone it down abit, if his mouth prevents his policies from becoming law than the voters will turn against him, he's done some good already but the big ticket items are at a standstill, many people reluctantly voted for him that that makes up a big part of his voting block!
The problem is, his mouth is interfering with his governance, he can't get his policies through if he keeps alienating the people that make it law. The election is over and he needs to tone it down abit, if his mouth prevents his policies from becoming law than the voters will turn against him, he's done some good already but the big ticket items are at a standstill, many people reluctantly voted for him that that makes up a big part of his voting block!


hillary ugly.jpg



Not me...I voted with confidence. :america:
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