Another Mass Shooting

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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Dec 29, 2012
Picture of todays shooter in Texas. . . 18 Elementary children and 2 adults dead

Is this what really happens teaching CRT and pushing LBGTQ agenda??
Because Twitter links never work for me- this is what I will say based on the pics.
It will be used. The ethnicity of the person which ever sex it may be, is what they want to fi the narrative.
The Buffalo one is covering the ATF overuling Congressional law,
The Laguna Woods at the Taiwanese church is dead because it didn’t fit the narrative.
False Flag! I can’t see them taking a Tranny down though.
There's Bidumb pushing gun control. Gun control is one of the problems. Most all of these shootings occur in gun feee zones, where guns are prohibited for law abiding citizens.
Yes they were And in the two toughest states. But wasn’t this in Texas? one of the more friendly states.
It fits the FF scenario.
Ok,what is the FF scenario?
A shooting happens.
Within an hour, the FBI has it all solved with the manifesto.
The FBI can’t even figure out Trump Collusion Fiasco.
False Flag. They want you to believe this story.
Did this **** have a manifesto too?? I thought that this was an off the wall traffic stop and the Elementary School is where they ended up?? Biden was torn up and almost tearful during his speech to Americans. Probably cause there was 18 less kids that he could sniff hair from. That maybe heartless to say, but I sont believe he has a true heart,
Is there anyone here that is NOT having trouble trying to keep from throwing up over this school shooting incident (Truly tragic!), along with having to see and hear moron witch kamala, and the fake crying, dog face, and lying Pony phony Biden show tonight??? Not one bit of his 8 minutes or less little drama show tonight was truly heartfelt or posed to actually solve anything other than their political agenda! I swear! that Sorry SOB needs to croak while choking on his own bull ****!
Did this **** have a manifesto too?? I thought that this was an off the wall traffic stop and the Elementary School is where they ended up?? Biden was torn up and almost tearful during his speech to Americans. Probably cause there was 18 less kids that he could sniff hair from. That maybe heartless to say, but I sont believe he has a true heart,
The manifesto doesn’t matter.
It took an hour for the FBI to find the Buffalo shooters manifesto.
It took 2 days to find the California Chinese/Taiwan shooter.
The manifesto is what they want you to believe.

Right now I would believe Ted Kosinski before the Guberment.
His time was short from what I read on it , not sure if they killed him or he killed himself but either way the gates of hell will be swinging for him now.
I was wondering to myself if he/she is showing up at the gate in pants or a dress? Then i thought pant suit like the hyena. Thats bad im sorry. Im not sorry. May you rot in hell.
Picture of todays shooter in Texas. . . 18 Elementary children and 2 adults deadView attachment 16375View attachment 16376
Is this what really happens teaching CRT and pushing LBGTQ agenda??

Of course this is one of the results! These individuals that don’t
even acknowledge their own sex need heavy medications and lots of therapy. NOT told, yay we agree with your psychotic thoughts going around in your head!!! It’s like coaching a person on the edge of a tall building to JUMP!
Because Twitter links never work for me- this is what I will say based on the pics.
It will be used. The ethnicity of the person which ever sex it may be, is what they want to fi the narrative.
The Buffalo one is covering the ATF overuling Congressional law,
The Laguna Woods at the Taiwanese church is dead because it didn’t fit the narrative.
False Flag! I can’t see them taking a Tranny down though.

I am so sorry for the loss these parents are going through. This kid was obviously not right in the head.

Amazing that 10 times this number lost their lives yesterday in gang related, which is often race-linked violence but, that never gets covered.

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