Anyone noticing a lot of bank branches closing?

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Cash is in 3 different firesafes. The only one not on the fire evacuate list is the gun safe. But it’s contents are.
Last time I Evaced, they were wrapped in moving blankets and went into the hotel room. Now I have enough cases.

We got cases for all of our weapons last year. Just felt like we needed them. Finally bought enough army boxes for the ammo too. So much easier to move if we have to!
Banks can go bust or close temporarily, or the government can declare any sort of "national emergency" to stop us getting our cash as these poor souls found out when the doors were shut in their faces


Speaking of money, in a hardcore SHTF situation it won't be worth much because we can't eat it as this poor slob found out in the 'Survivors (1975)' TV series, he starved to death in the apocalypse because he should have converted the cash into food BEFORE things hit the fan..:)

Even ATM's / cash machines might not give us any lolly as I found out the hard way when visiting my pal in Leicester (England) a few years ago; I tried to get some cash out of one but a BS message came up saying something about "Not authorised", even though I had enough cash in my bank (Lloyds) and it was a Lloyds machine.
I complained to the bank later but they didn't know why the machine had refused me.
Lesson learnt- don't rely on cash machines..:)
Things will be scary as banks are insolvent and will be going down soon in accordance with the CABAL's current plan.
I don't know how this will impact bank debit & Credit cards.

If one US bank goes down how will that impact merchants?
When one bank defaults others will follow.

Will this spook merchants to fear collection on credit cards they process for sales?
If it does, will they just say "to be safe no more bank cards; cash only."?

Be safe and have cash on hand the next four weeks.
Things will be scary as banks are insolvent and will be going down soon in accordance with the CABAL's current plan.
I don't know how this will impact bank debit & Credit cards.

If one US bank goes down how will that impact merchants?
When one bank defaults others will follow.

Personally I don’t see how it won’t put an end to using CC‘s. After all, the banks are the ones that process those cards.

Look at the positive on the banks going down. This will take out the Central Banks. The problem is that the WEFers and biden Regime plan on replacing them with digital currency THEY control. We can never allow that to happen. Being EMPd at that point would put a stop to the evil globalists plans and remove their source of power.
I have been out of the processing side of credit cards many years.
When I was part of that world there was float time before the merchant got his money.

Both the CABAL and the White Hats need for the banks to go down. The only question is how will they come back up?
The CABAL wants it new and improved with CBDCs.
The White Hats wants a free floating non centralized system to be created after the collapse.

I see this as a football game in which the CABAL has designed a crazy play.
The runner must intentionally fumble the ball and his teammates will be waiting for it.
However, in that short moment it is still a free ball in which anything is possible.

So too in the banking collapse - timing and sequence must be absolutely perfect otherwise the CABAL looses the game.
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I don't see banks closing. But I do see more bank mergers. And fewer options and more government control and regulations for the consumer. I also see banks evolving into something that I'm sure we won't like. With 87,000+ new IRS agents they will probably be directly involved in every bank in the country.
Remember a few years ago when all of the Savings and Loan banks closed? We survived that "crisis" just fine, but will we survive (financially) with what's coming in the new banking system?

TRUMP Warns Inevitable Recession Coming this Winter – Martial Law, Food Stamp – Massive Riots, Huge Crime Waves Expected in Many US cities.

"47.6 million Americans are about to have their food stamp benefits cut, and most of them have absolutely no idea that it is about to happen."

"NBC News is reporting that ALL food stamp recipients are going to have their food stamp benefits reduced in November. This is certainly not going to put those living in poverty in a good mood…"

Note: I posted this here because it begins with the "too big to fail U.S. banks" failing.
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TRUMP Warns Inevitable Recession Coming this Winter – Martial Law, Food Stamp – Massive Riots, Huge Crime Waves Expected in Many US cities.

"47.6 million Americans are about to have their food stamp benefits cut, and most of them have absolutely no idea that it is about to happen."

"NBC News is reporting that ALL food stamp recipients are going to have their food stamp benefits reduced in November. This is certainly not going to put those living in poverty in a good mood…"

Note: I posted this here because it begins with the "too big to fail U.S. banks" failing.
I'm fine with cutting out all food stamps.
Hopefully this would put a major crimp on welfare as well. No money the illegals will self deport.
Cutting off ALL welfare, (corporate, foreign aid and farm welfare included) would be a good start on turning things around. Like you said most illegals would self deport too. Everyone else would have to get a job or starve.
Cutting out or even reducing social benefits (food stamps, housing, utility assistance, free health care...whatever)... does not sound like something the leftist (Bidumbass) admin would do...or even allow to happen...especially before the election. They are all about handouts. Every thing they've done, illegal, irrational, completely idiotic has been to gain votes...I cannot see them allowing food stamps to end. They would lose the majority of their voting base.(or at least a large percentage of).....Unless they've decided to cut them off for only law abiding, U.S. citizens, legitimately out of work or unable to work, or who can't otherwise make ends meet with kids to support.....who plan to vote republican..

OR maybe they need to make more room to find more ways to free up money
for keeping the illegals up...

I'm not saying it won't happen, I am saying I will be shocked if it actually does happen..BUT..I've been shocked plenty of times before...
Cutting out these programs aren’t going make illegals go back home.

It’s going to make us being here more dangerous.

It’s going to bring on the civil war if the nukes don’t get us first.

NWO gets their confrontation either way

Personally, bring the Golden Hoard on.
I maybe a 3rd or 4th line of defense in an very vulenerable area. I would rather put our fate in hands of people like us than politicians.
I'm not saying it won't happen, I am saying I will be shocked if it actually does happen..BUT..I've been shocked plenty of times before...
This could be the setup by the biden Regime to STEAL the elections. How are we going to have free and fair elections with rioters on every street in cities?

Personally, bring the Golden Hoard on.
I maybe a 3rd or 4th line of defense in an very vulenerable area. I would rather put our fate in hands of people like us than politicians.

I‘m totally with you! Bring on the hoard. I, too, trust the many Patriots to handle this properly, once and for all… more than I trust ANY politician!!
Cutting out or even reducing social benefits (food stamps, housing, utility assistance, free health care...whatever)... does not sound like something the leftist (Bidumbass) admin would do...or even allow to happen...especially before the election. They are all about handouts. Every thing they've done, illegal, irrational, completely idiotic has been to gain votes...I cannot see them allowing food stamps to end. They would lose the majority of their voting base.(or at least a large percentage of).....Unless they've decided to cut them off for only law abiding, U.S. citizens, legitimately out of work or unable to work, or who can't otherwise make ends meet with kids to support.....who plan to vote republican..

OR maybe they need to make more room to find more ways to free up money
for keeping the illegals up...

I'm not saying it won't happen, I am saying I will be shocked if it actually does happen..BUT..I've been shocked plenty of times before...
We all know that neither side will make any significant cuts in welfare. We've all become too soft in this country to ever do whats necessary to turn our country back to the Constitutional Republic that it once was. The Repubics aren't much better than democrats, but at least they may slow our downward spiral some.
Yeah, I can see people rioting when they learn after the fact. I wasn't expecting they would realize it happened or was coming until after election. As I am sure it's not being widely announced where the majority of lefty voters are being made aware it's coming. Not sure why I keep forgetting Biden administration continues to do $#!+ that pretty much deliberately results in such actions. I gotta pay for my groceries either way. I can certainly see those used to being propped up losing out big time, having never dreamed what they would do if rug gets pulled out from under them, having never seen need to prepare for it.
I talked to a relative in the banking business and I asked him about these failing banks. He wasn't concerned at all. He said that when someone has more than $250k in their account (FDIC insurance limit), those people will move what is uninsured to different banks so that it too is then insured. When I asked if there was an issue with all the money suddenly leaving the bank, he said no, the money isn't leaving the bank, because for every person that moves a large sum out, there are several people from other banks moving their money to our banks, it balances out.

So, the real question... If that is the case, why did bank after bank start dropping? Once SVB failed, what happened to the others? They saw a free bailout coming and hopped on the "we're broke" band wagon! That last part is my theory anyhow, he didn't claim that.
I have to agree with what the banker said.
But someone should have been buying him drinks so he would keep talking.
Bankers are trained to never say certain works or concepts.

Such as:
. .
Some percentage of the outflow goes to precious metals or cryptos.
. . Some goes to real estate. Note that in some states, the home is sheltered from bankruptcy liquidation.
. . Some goes to non-Federal Credit Unions because they may be safer than other banks.
. . Some may go to pay off business debts so those businesses may survive.
. . Some may go to inventory business inventory or raw materials before killer inflation occurs.

. . then the concept that FDIC is a regular corporation owned by the bankers.
When it is no longer useful, they will allow it to go into bankruptcy!
If that is the case, it may be a succor play on the unsuspecting.

Question: If the one world order switches to one crypto currency,
Will it need FDIC Insurance?
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Some people simply can't comprehend things falling apart and their comfortable life style vanishing . Some to blame is people living their entire lives watching their daily dose of fantasy being broadcast to them through their television sets . -- Life experiences can alter that . True story , while in the killing fields of Viet Nam , , the officer in charge of the battalion would sometimes send me to the gate to pick up Vietnamese Civilians for work for the day . We payed most 25 cents a day but there was one particular guy that I always gave a job when I could and he was paid 35 cents a day because he had a hammer , hand saw and a manual operated drill that he carried in his wooden homemade tool box . He didn't look like the rest of the Civilians either . The only clothes he had was some cloth about the size of a towel tied about his waist . I always suspected the Viet Cong were robbing him after he left each evening . Poor and impoverished , many people have no concept of and as I said can not comprehend life down to struggling for survival on such a level . --- Such an experience is one reason I have several bolts of cloth , needles , thread and a sewing machine , so my clan can make themselves some clothes when it gets that bad .
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Don’t count on getting more than $250k. Legally it is not required. The banks started failing because of their investment on bonds that were long term…like 10 years and the bonds took a huge dive. They will continue to because the Fed has made it clear they will continue to increase interest rates. Those two are tied at the hip… interest goes up and the bonds go down.
I am seeing a two sided coin: people either loose confidence in the banks to stay solvent
or people lose confidence in their currency (Inflation).
Damned if you do or damned if you don't.

Soon people will realize it's a created trap by the Central banks,
and then they will obliterate the Central banks.
This is the only real logical response.
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I live in South Central Missouri, we have of course seen price increases, but very little of anything else.

No bank branches have closed in any of the towns that I live near. They seem to be running on autopilot around here. I see the parking lots have a few cars in them. Nothing that would constitute anything close to a bank run. However, we don’t actually live close to a large city.

We have not experienced any food shortages, water shortages, etc. and I can still buy canned vegetables for less than 55 cents a can at a nearby mom and pop grocery store. I buy a couple of flats every two weeks.

None of our grocery stores have closed and if you shop selectively you can still get some great deals. Yesterday our gas is 2.84 a gallon, I bought pork chops for 1.54 lb.,12 eggs for 1.88 (high but it’s all relative) and a gallon of milk was 2.79. It’s going to have to get remarkably worse for me to be super concerned at this point, much less a SHTF scenario.
1. I thought I saw that the democrats/FED were going to cover ALL losses (even over $250k). They made that announcement after SVB failed (a bank with billions of radical leftist's money in it).

2. I saw something the other night saying that most banking is now done online. They said many young people today have never even been in a local branch! I am guessing the banks also know we are going to a digital dollar. No need for brick and mortar at that point.
1. I thought I saw that the democrats/FED were going to cover ALL losses (even over $250k). They made that announcement after SVB failed (a bank with billions of radical leftist's money in it).

2. I saw something the other night saying that most banking is now done online. They said many young people today have never even been in a local branch! I am guessing the banks also know we are going to a digital dollar. No need for brick and mortar at that point.
The full ramifications of a digital dollar would be difficult to convey on this platform. They would also not be comprehended by a large segment of our population that has been systematically indoctrinated to look to someone other than themselves or their local network for sustenance and support.

The era of rugged individualism that made America a strong and independent nation, is more and more being replaced with identity group think, organizational bullying and revisionist history. It is a tragic trend that I have watched increasingly take place during my lifetime.

As much as I love my life, my family (who I sincerely worry about what their future will entail) and the history of this great nation, I’m am thankful that I’m on my way out, rather than on my way in. God has been more than fair to me and I am grateful for the blessings I have enjoyed in the America that I have been allowed to experience in my life.

I know everyone has some sort of belief system (even atheists and satanist have belief systems) my personal belief is in the Christ of the Scriptures. Therefore, I believe that what we are experiencing and what we will experience going forward are foretold in God’s Word and I try to prepare for my family and close friends to ease the stress of whatever we may be facing. My prayer is for strong faith no matter what challenges may come.

God bless you all and thank you for sharing on this platform.
The full ramifications of a digital dollar would be difficult to convey on this platform. They would also not be comprehended by a large segment of our population that has been systematically indoctrinated to look to someone other than themselves or their local network for sustenance and support.

The era of rugged individualism that made America a strong and independent nation, is more and more being replaced with identity group think, organizational bullying and revisionist history. It is a tragic trend that I have watched increasingly take place during my lifetime.

As much as I love my life, my family (who I sincerely worry about what their future will entail) and the history of this great nation, I’m am thankful that I’m on my way out, rather than on my way in. God has been more than fair to me and I am grateful for the blessings I have enjoyed in the America that I have been allowed to experience in my life.

I know everyone has some sort of belief system (even atheists and satanist have belief systems) my personal belief is in the Christ of the Scriptures. Therefore, I believe that what we are experiencing and what we will experience going forward are foretold in God’s Word and I try to prepare for my family and close friends to ease the stress of whatever we may be facing. My prayer is for strong faith no matter what challenges may come.

God bless you all and thank you for sharing on this platform.

Well said.

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