Asian Murder Bee Kills Mouse,Video

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I have seen these things probably on National Geographic TV. They are the size of a grown man's thumb; like something out of a science fiction movie. Scary stuff. You would have to hit it with a hammer, and hope that didn't just make it mad.

It does remind me of a joke. I was at my daughter's house, and I asked her for a newspaper. She said "Daddy, nobody reads the newspaper anymore. Here, use my Ipad." That fly never knew what hit it.
This guy is the scientific version of Jackass. Anything that stings or bites he is going to experience first hand. Makes for high viewership, but I question his sanity.
It made me a bit sad watching that video. It seems I always root for the underdog and I think mice are kinda cute. I just don't want them in my house. That would be a horrible way to go.:(

Last year we had some hornets chasing off hummingbirds at our feeder on the porch. I don't know exactly what kind they were, but I had not seen that kind of hornet around here before. They had white rings on the hind part of their body. What amazed me about those things is that they were smart! It took us several days to finally get rid of them. We used the bug a salt gun but we had to be extremely sneeky and careful about it. The feeder was about 4 feet away from a slider door. We had to wait for them to get on the opposite side of the feeder and be extremely quiet when opening the door and extend our arms out and shoot blind b/c they would flee if we got a good line on them. Finally we were able to get some shots in to stun them so we could run out and stomp on them. There were only 3 or 4 of them that we had to deal with. I hope we don't have that issue again this year.

Here's one of hubs' favorite summertime toys. We have several of them. They were about $30 when we bought them and they were worth every penny. We bought a bunch of them as gifts too b/c they work great and are really fun and accurate for a salt gun. They are also much less messy than a fly swatter and work great in the camper too. I much prefer to sweep up some salt than to clean up bug guts. We don't have the lazer on ours, but maybe I'll get one of those for hubs for a birthday gift. LOL!
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That's too bad for you Southerners who might see these things. Nothing scary like that ever makes it this far North. Well nothing except Michael Moore.

Yes Sentry we get all the good imports like, African Pythons anacondas, giant lizards and even ' monkeys of all things flying through our trees down here'.Plus the killer bees and now the thugs insects aka Murder Hornets.
These imports from"sold in pet shops " are killing off all natural habitat ,like key deer ,gators, birds,et,etc,etc,

Herpes infected monkeys,

Giant lizards,Florida is now turning into a bushmans hunting paradise.

But the most dangerous predators and parasites are coming in on 2 legs and no brains.

The liberals aka democrats who destroyed their own habitats are now heading here.

These monkeys came over from Afganishan ,Asia not Afrika.
Check out these river diving monkeys ,dive bombing a canor rider.

But the most dangerous predators and parasites are coming in on 2 legs and no brains.
The liberals aka democrats who destroyed their own habitats are now heading here.

That's the truth and they've painted a big target on Texas. They want us baaad. The reason that nitwit Beto O'Rourke did so well last election was all the money that came pouring into his campaign from out of state.

Actually, I came to this thread to post an article that I ran across this morning. The first I heard of the murder hornets, it was being played up like a massive invasion had flown across the Pacific to attack us. Apparently, nothing could be further from the truth.\
It made me a bit sad watching that video. It seems I always root for the underdog and I think mice are kinda cute. I just don't want them in my house. That would be a horrible way to go.:(

Last year we had some hornets chasing off hummingbirds at our feeder on the porch. I don't know exactly what kind they were, but I had not seen that kind of hornet around here before. They had white rings on the hind part of their body. What amazed me about those things is that they were smart! It took us several days to finally get rid of them. We used the bug a salt gun but we had to be extremely sneeky and careful about it. The feeder was about 4 feet away from a slider door. We had to wait for them to get on the opposite side of the feeder and be extremely quiet when opening the door and extend our arms out and shoot blind b/c they would flee if we got a good line on them. Finally we were able to get some shots in to stun them so we could run out and stomp on them. There were only 3 or 4 of them that we had to deal with. I hope we don't have that issue again this year.

Here's one of hubs' favorite summertime toys. We have several of them. They were about $30 when we bought them and they were worth every penny. We bought a bunch of them as gifts too b/c they work great and are really fun and accurate for a salt gun. They are also much less messy than a fly swatter and work great in the camper too. I much prefer to sweep up some salt than to clean up bug guts. We don't have the lazer on ours, but maybe I'll get one of those for hubs for a birthday gift. LOL!
There's a thread on here where I research heavier shot material in the 2 models of Bug-assault guns.
Took out giant roaches with the garnet blast media.
Do you have a link to that thread? I must have missed it.
I was mistaken. It's on another forum.
The garnet media, while effective on bigger insect 'game', it does take a toll on the bug-a-salt gun.
I don't know if it is forbidden to post a link to another forum or not and I've been banned enough for less.

Yeah, salt won't do that.
Edit: The 'before' picture:

*It took multiple shots, but toasted him.
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Darn it.....the pics won't show up for me:(
Oh well, I'll just use the regualr salt.
I fixed the pics.
And you should use kosher salt for anything larger than flies. It's larger grain size packs a bigger punch and it works fine in the guns.