Assembling my EDC Gear!

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I’m seeing too much technologies on a survival list. Also a fair amount of meh gear. Real compass or nothing. Expensive knife made of quality steel or nothing. Sorry but I have learned to hate Swiss Army knives. To many times the blade has folded onto my hand or finger. Get a good knife not a crap push dagger. Also you have to be practically humping the person to use a push dagger of any kind and it severely limits your ability to use it, self defense or other wise. Sorry I’m not trying to be a Debby downer but as someone who trains people to survive life threatening situations I’m seeing a lot of mistakes. Common ones but still mistakes. The real question is “What is your life worth?” Is it worth a 10.00 dollar budk knife? This isn’t me picking on anyone. I say this to all of my students. I am now saying it to those of you that haven’t had me say it too you. Get a good knife and get good training for the use of it. Kali or Escrima are a great start. Get a knife for survival and one for self defense. A karambit is NOT a fighting knife it’s a knife of surprise and assassination. If the bad guy has a blade the last thing I’d go to is a karambit. Also OC is completely effective as a deterrent. The first thing I recommend is spraying yourself with it and then you’ll learn 2 things. 1 yes it’s effective and 2 you need to know it’s effect in order to fight against it because others can and will use it. I’ve been sprayed probably 80 plus times. It burns every time however I have learned to ignore most of the psychological trauma of it through training. Or ignore me and learn it the hard way out there. Also if you think your gun will get the job done you may learn the hardest way that it won’t. Gun is a distance weapon. Only really useful past say 8ft. Anything else is OC and a blade and some good old fashioned Judo and Jujutsu. I’ll tell you I’ve used the OC, martial skills and the Knife waaaaaay more times than I ever have the gun. Hell a knife was pulled on me a bit ago, 2 hits with the OC and it was over. Also a month ago a knife again was pulled and the threat of OC was enough to make him give up. PLEASE GET BETTER GEAR AND TRAINING. survival skills are a great start but if you never made it to the forest alive than they are for ****. Lol
Kevin. My solar charger works the same. I have no idea why either. Lol. I think your additions sound reasonable if you have all the important things already. Having a phone be a back up to a compass is an ok idea. Rechargeable batteries are great. I’ve moved into enlopes and I’m super happy with their performance. My flashlights and all the other battery things I own accept for phone and tablet run on AAs and I recommend everyone move to that format.
@Roninsensei : Thank you so much for sharing! I've actually been super conflicted on what kind of defense blade I should go for. I really do like the karambit style knife though for it's curved grip and finger holes that doubles as a blunt striking weapon and prevents your hand from slipping down the blade, unlike a balisong for example which pretty much have little ramps to guide your hand down the blade as soon as you try to stab something lol. Just seems like I want a defensive blade that quickly deployed and hard to drop or disarm. Also, switch grips and you go from assassin mode to stab and slash mode; it's an incredibly versatile knife; using the top finger hole to flip it has also come in handy in the shop when I need to reach for a tool under the truck that's just out of reach lol; like a raptor claw lol. It was originally based on a Tiger's claw actually; one of the most effective shredding instruments found in nature lol.

I've also been looking at the KA-BAR TDI Law Enforcement knife; looks like a little messed up karambit sans the finger holes, and has a funky looking sheath. I've read a lot of reviews on it and watched a bunch of videos about it, and I really really like the rapid deployment of it. But it was kinda pricey, and the push dagger looked like it could be just as quickly deployed and more easily used in the heat of the moment when my body's being pumped up full of adrenaline.
A wharncliffe or tanto or recurve are fighting knives. I’m aware of the Karambit and its history. I’ve taught Kali/Escrima for years. I promise you it’s not a great fighting knife. Give me the Warcraft tanto any day over any karambit. Or the Ronin 2 by spiderco over a karambit. Or the vaquero voyager by Coldsteel. These are fighting and killing knives. If price is an issue than tell me your limit and I’ll find you something in your price range. If it’s not than save up and get a better fighting knife. If you want mixed use than I can help there as well. Believe it or not most military knives aren’t designed for fighting as much as survival and multi use. There are cheaper well made knives. I can find them easy. Stay away from BudK please, it’s all Chinese crap.
@Roninsensei : About 30-40 bucks would probably be the max I could spend on a defensive blade; fixed-blade because a folding defensive blade just seems kinda stupid lol. Ideally with some kind of handguard and a grooved handle. Oh, and all black blade and handle; I'm picky like that lol.

I'll have a KA-BAR survival knife in my purse/second line gear, but I figured on saving that for bushcraft activities and having a smaller defensive blade on my belt that looks good with the rest of the stuff lol; don't need a regular EDC blade because my leatherman has a perfectly fine knife on it lol.

I also probably don't even really need a defensive blade because my dad had me in martial arts classes since I was eight lol. Hence, I figured I could just go the small-cheapy-inch-long-push-dagger route simply to add the benefit of stabbing my opponents in melee combat whenever I punched them; something tells me they'll get all tuckered out long before I do, what with the increasing blood-loss and all lol.
I have had some ideas about EDC and BUGOUT bags.

I have a small, portable solar panel that--in good sunlight--charges a smart phone faster than plugging it into the wall, and I am at a loss to explain it. I ask you to take my word for it even if this doesn't make sense.

In any case, I can charge a 5×7 Kindle of the solar, and carry approximately 1,000 books on 3 thumb drives. It goes without saying that I would have an insulated metal case to protect against EMP, and in a waterproof case besides.

With extra rechargable batteries for the Kindle (and the specialized computer tools), I imagine I could have it operational for a few years at least if I played with this idea.

I have also seen a water purifier that works electronically with high-intensity ultraviolet light to sterilize the water. This unit is small, rechargable (from the panel), and good for about 5,000 gallons or more. I have also seen small, rechargable LED flashlights that were also waterproof.

I know that electronics are vulnerable, perishable, and difficult to fix under primitive conditions, but--in my scenario--do you think that the benefits exceed the liabilities? I'm talking about adding this stuff to an existing bag, not using the things as a substitue for, say, a hardcover advanced survival manual and Halazone tablets.

What are your thoughts?

you can buy rucksacks with Solar panels built into their outers so you can charge kit as you walk
@Roninsensei : Krav Maga primarily; that's what dad started me out on as a little kid and it's just sorta become my default, but I also have training in Hapkido, Aikido (primarily samurai sword-fighting), Jujitsu, Taekwondo, Shaolin Kenpo Karate, and Judo. (In order from most experience to least experience).

My go-to is Krav Maga unless I discover my opponent is also a Kravist, at which point I'd switch up tactics on them and use a blend of the other martial arts I have training in to keep them guessing by making my moves more unpredictable.

I'd REALLY like to take up Savate and Capoiera (almost more of a dance; music is a big part of it too lol), and the reason for that is because I have like ZERO kickboxing experience, and martial arts such as Savate and Capoeira would really come in handy if my hands are either tied up or otherwise preoccupied; probably carrying one of my nieces or nephew, seeing as it's hard for me to imagine being tied up and unable to escape lol; escape and evasion was probably the biggest part of me and my sister's training regime, especially after what happened in Utah. ...Kinda hate my dad; he was always more of a drill sergeant than a daddy; saw us less as his children and more like his soldiers in the coming holy war or whatever. Mixed-feelings on the way he raised us. =P
Oh, and I can't speak for others, but the reason I don't feel a need to spend hundreds of dollars on knives is because I can literally find or create a knife anywhere lol, and between the KA-BAR knife in my purse, the folding knife on my leatherman, the push dagger on my belt, (still leaning towards the small keychain push dagger lol), and the hatchet in my backpack, I don't foresee needing to create or find a knife for quite some time after bugging out and getting to my safe house. I have yet to build my safe house / bug out location; still looking for the perfect area with adequate natural resources in my general geographic region; no more than a hundred miles away; I'm currently looking at a reservoir/lake that's known for it's rubies and turquoise; probably some gold in the surrounding areas too, god I love living in the Treasure State lol. I figure between the lush forest, large body of water, rock formations, and valuable gemstones, I should be able to craft a nice improvised homestead using primitive technologies like clay pottery and roman cement. Get a sort Medieval chic vibe going on, plant some yams and whatnot, build some nice gardens with flowers, make it all purty lookin' lol; keep all my secret prepper gear and weaponry down in the DUNGEON via a secret hatch lmao; it's gonna be super cute. =P
Krav is good enough. Aikido is not a sword art. Don’t rely on it for that. Lol. Hapkido is just aikido with punching and kicking tossed in. Both are just Daito Ryu Jujutsu lite. Lol. Savate over Capo any day. Capo is not very useful unless you wanna do movie tricks than I say go for it. If you’ve taken Taekwondo than you can skip Capo completely. Just add some kicking back flips to what you already know. Lol. If you get a chance expand into Kali or Escrima. You’ll find similarities to krav and Jujitsu. The difference being they are more focused on weapons.
Also, trust me. I have the ability to knap out or even forge a knife and I’d still choose to spend at least 100 dollars on a decent knife. Is the Kbar a military model?
I will be performing no back flips in combat lol; probably wouldn't have the precision for that due to adrenaline; biggest reason I love Krav Maga so much; super simple and useful when your fight or flight instincts are kicking into high gear; most of my other martial arts training flies out the window because it requires too much precision; particularly aikido, very few of those techniques function the way they're supposed to unless you're totally relaxed, (I do whatever the first of the three primary styles are); my German sensei is like, 90 years old and studied under Ueshiba back before Ueshiba started teaching a de-militarized version of it; a lotta people seem to have the misconception that aikido is a peaceful/nonviolent martial art now because of that, but a big part of the original aikido was swordplay, although Kendo is a lot more in depth; aikido at least goes into the basics of how to use a katana, proper etiquette for handling it, etc. A lot of the training is also staff techniques which could translate over to a katana.

And I'm not sure if it's a military model or not; it looked big and sharp but small enough to squeeze into my handbag and that was good enough for me lol; I'll try to get a link to it real quick.
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Meh the tanto tip has pretty much one use. You would almost never attempt skinning or processing animals with it. It’s designed to do the maximum amount of trauma to the body in slashing and stabbing. If you plan on using it to do much else (ok maybe opening a can) you’ll find it’s a terrible design for other tasks. It’s a crap wood processer and skinning tool. There’s only a small tang going into that handle and most hard tasks it will bend or break on. I can show you hundreds of Kabars failing at the handle because of the small tang. You have an axe which should do most of the wood processing for you so that’s why I threw in a small animal processing blade.
Love the leatherman wave knife for skinning small game animals; used it quite a few times and it's still razor sharp lol. Might not do as well on larger animals, but I plan on living off of plants and insects for the most part; particularly in the beginning when stealth is likely a bigger priority. Fishing, trapping and snaring small game animals will be all I'd need for meat; I wouldn't even wanna risk trying to kill anything larger than a coyote out of fear of wasting any meat due to all the flies and possibly hot, humid weather; not confident enough in my butcher/hunter skills to risk that, plus it's especially unnecessary if I'm just acquiring food for myself. Nope; fish, rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, insects and plants will suffice just fine; I could make a mighty fine stew outta that, maybe throw in some berries for extra flavoring lol. #BushcraftCuisine XD
I’m well aware of Aikido. I have a Sandan in the Yoshinkan. I became serious about my Kenjustsu and found that the Aikiken was seriously lacking and got my ass handed to me by real kenjutsu and kendo players. Ps when Ueshiba was tougher it’s because he was teaching Daito Ryu lite. I have 42 years of martial arts training focusing mostly on Japanese arts but found myself wandering to a lot of places. I’ve had the pleasure of learning from some of the greatest and world renown Sensei and Sifu and Professor. I’m certified to teach 7 styles of martial discipline. Aikido, Daito Ryu, Wing Chun, Ninjutsu Aka Bujinkan (mainly freestyle Jujutsu’s this one is. Lol) Escrima, Kempo, and Aiki Okami Ryu Jujutsu. I’m a bladed subject matter expert and have testified in court on the subject and taught seminars world wide on the subject. So when it comes to this stuff I kind of know a lot about it. Not to mention I’ve been a contractor and bodyguard as my life’s profession. 😉
Now I'm currently looking at this knife as my 1st Line defensive blade:

And combining it with this sexy sheath lol:

That'll help make it blend in with the other two leather holsters on my belt; can't be committing any crimes against fashion, now can we? XD

Main reason is because as much as I like the little one inch push dagger, I'd really like the ability to also slash at arteries. This karambit isn't double edged though, but that can be easily fixed with the metal file on my leatherman and the kitchen knife sharpener lol. My uncle might have a grinder too, but if not no biggie; I've made a lot of knives double edged with my leatherman before, it just takes a really long time lmao.

I also like the finger hole that doubles as a brass knuckle or glass breaker. :)
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Now that video REALLY puts things into perspective so much more effectively lol. Thank you very much for sharing! I stand corrected! XD

(I'm a visual learner lol. =P)
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