Average American savings

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Cuba is actually a popular tourist destination...

I’d better stay clear of Cuba. I wouldn’t want to get arrested for pissing on Fidel’s grave.

I was raised to always save and put a portion of what ever I make into a savings.
But this last 8-10 years I kept thinking what is my money doing for me in an account not making much. I think it’s better spent buying hard goods that actually go up in value.
Ammo was a great investment from what it cost a few years ago to what I can sell it for right now.
Hell, I’d love to see the place. Old cars, beautiful beaches and women. What right do I have to forbid other countries to trade with them. At best the US could say WE aren’t trading with you, but what gives us the right to tell other countries they can’t. We have made sure Cuba stayed poor for 50+ years. Has it changed the govt there? No. All it’s done is made a lot of civilians suffer.

Not trying to start an argument or attack any country per se, but Cuba is a much nicer place to visit than Florida, still retains its style and culture without trying to rip europeans off.
Hell, I’d love to see the place. Old cars, beautiful beaches and women. What right do I have to forbid other countries to trade with them. At best the US could say WE aren’t trading with you, but what gives us the right to tell other countries they can’t. We have made sure Cuba stayed poor for 50+ years. Has it changed the govt there? No. All it’s done is made a lot of civilians suffer.
And don't forget about the cigars. They still.make the best cigars in Cuba. I personally don't give a crap about the governments in other countries. Thats the citizens of that country to figure out.
She's still pretty sick. The doctors rescheduled her for the 12th. Im going to move her out to the couch later today. Its a lot warmer next to the wood stove than it is in our bedroom.
Just like any cold, lots of fluids and rest, and make sure the temperature dosent get too high. Our bodies are amazing machines and very capable of fighting off infections when given these things.
Cold hard facts.......but this time, ALL of them.

In Charts: U.S. Stock Performance During Past Presidential Elections - Janus Henderson Investors

I'm not saying Trump didn't increase the economy. I'm saying he took no effective action himself....he only continued the trend Obama started, and Obama started it from scratch over the course of 8 years.

We Looked At How The Stock Market Performed Under Every U.S. President Since Truman — And The Results Will Surprise You (forbes.com)

In this last one, Trump didn't even make the list. LOLOLOL And Obama was SECOND!

Cold hard facts:
US dollars may soon be worth less than the ink used to print them, so saving fiat money may not be the best way to preserve your wealth. Venezuela, which we will soon be emulating if Brent gets his wish, had something like a million percent inflation rate. After a million percent inflation, the dollar would be worth one ten thousandth of a pre-inflation dollar.
Got $100,000 saved up? Congratulations, you have enough money saved up to buy a cup of coffee.
I dont feel so bad about all the money i sunk into guns, knives and ammo now. Lol
Even when I didn’t make crap for a wage I lived below my income and managed to save some. If you don’t save for the emergencies that you know are coming then you’re screwed when they do.
I have been there. In the 1980s i supported my family of 6 on 10 dollars an hour and paid the mortgage. Didnt have the cell phone bills, sattelite tv, netflix etc. back then. We were poor but managed to survive. Sometimes i would work two jobs. People need to live below their means.
I'm not saying Trump didn't increase the economy. I'm saying he took no effective action himself....he only continued the trend Obama started, and Obama started it from scratch over the course of 8 years.

Here’s how Obama’s economic policies have affected my family personally, specifically his laughable ‘Affordable Health Care Act : my monthly health insurance premium had increased by 3X...so far. :mad:
You're right. I really don't want kicked off this page. 1. It provides me a source of never-ending entertainment what with all the talk of a civil war and all that BS and 2. believe it or not I do use the page for it's intention - information on actual prepping.

I'm sorry if I've offended or insulted anybody.

Where does this dude get off throwing insults at other posters????
Oh yeah, one thing we can agree on is Obamacare is a **** show. No argument from me there, at all.

Then again, Trump said he'd get rid of Obamacare. What happened to that little promise? 🤔

Here’s how Obama’s economic policies have affected my family personally, specifically his laughable ‘Affordable Health Care Act : my monthly health insurance premium had increased by 3X...so far. :mad:
Trump said he'd get rid of Obamacare. What happened to that little promise? 🤔
Spineless Republican Lawmakers, that's what.

And there is something I think I need to reiterate, because I have not mentioned it recently.
I am not now nor ever have been a Republican. I vote for Republicans when they are aligned with my interests, and have not been able to vote for a Democrat for a while. I have been known to write in my own name on the ballot when neither the D nor the R are acceptable. I even voted for a Black Independent for Governor of Mississippi once.
You're right. I really don't want kicked off this page. 1. It provides me a source of never-ending entertainment what with all the talk of a civil war and all that BS and 2. believe it or not I do use the page for it's intention - information on actual prepping.

I'm sorry if I've offended or insulted anybody.
you have done a fine job of alienating many of us here,,,,,,I read your post and at times think the only reason you are here is to stir the pot
Honestly? Sometimes I read content on here that chaps my ass and I'm appalled, shocked, and/or horrifically amused that people think some of the stuff on here is true, but you know what? You're absolutely right, GG. I need to do better at replying or commenting on those posts. By 'do better' I mean to be a little more political and polite, for instance. Those post I find hard to believe, myself, are the beliefs of others and all are entitled to their beliefs based on their perception of reality. For that I am sorry and will try to utilize more restraint in the future.

you have done a fine job of alienating many of us here,,,,,,I read your post and at times think the only reason you are here is to stir the pot

Yes, thank you!


And there is something I think I need to reiterate, because I have not mentioned it recently.
I am not now nor ever have been a Republican. I vote for Republicans when they are aligned with my interests, and have not been able to vote for a Democrat for a while. I have been known to write in my own name on the ballot when neither the D nor the R are acceptable. I even voted for a Black Independent for Governor of Mississippi once.
Honestly? Sometimes I read content on here that chaps my ### and I'm appalled, shocked, and/or horrifically amused that people think some of the stuff on here is true, but you know what? You're absolutely right, GG. I need to do better at replying or commenting on those posts. By 'do better' I mean to be a little more political and polite, for instance. Those post I find hard to believe, myself, are the beliefs of others and all are entitled to their beliefs based on their perception of reality. For that I am sorry and will try to utilize more restraint in the future.
I read or watch most of what is on here about the election,,,much of it is very believable some,,,I just move on from because it is just to outlandish ,,,,,I am sure I have pissed a few off with my comments
I look at this election and even thou I am sure there was a lot of fraud,,,,,,we have lost and we are stuck with the outcome,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,do I like it,,,hell no,,,can I live with it,,,,,,I HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO LIVE WITH IT

Oh yeah, one thing we can agree on is Obamacare is a **** show. No argument from me there, at all.

Then again, Trump said he'd get rid of Obamacare. What happened to that little promise? 🤔
A miserable prick by the name of John McCain is what happened to it. The promise was within reach but this "never Trump" hack saw it as more important to go back on his word to repeal it rather than give Trump a win. In his own words after casting his vote, "Let's see Trump make America great again now!" He didn't represent our interests at all, just his own little vindictive ones.
True delusion is not accepting facts and clear figures when they're presented to you. Clear delusion is adhering to a false paradigm when presented with overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Trump rode Obama's recovery wave. A chimp in the White House would have had the same effect by just keeping the Oval Office chair warm.

You are delusional. Trump reversed the trend Obama started and the effects were immediate because businesses suddenly had confidence to expand and hire people under his policies that they did not under Obama's anti-business policies.

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