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Well darn, there go's another myth. All us survival / prepper / gun toting folks are supposed to be xenophobes, homophobes, racist and intolerant. I guess we will just have to try and be more like the liberal democrats and learn to be nasty people.
My daughter is a "let's be friends" and I couldn't be more happy about it, or love her any more than I do. She doesn't tell strangers about her preference. If they find out and don't like it, she doesn't care, and has no desire to make a scene about THEIR preference. Life goes on.
I had it pegged for a drive-by post a while back, but I didn't want to say anything yet. Possibly trying to troll for homophobic responses?

I think you may be correct. I’m active on other forums, some for entertainment and others for education. There just seem to be some losers out there in cyberspace that have nothing better to do than log on and try to create chaos and dissension among the members.
Maybe she wanted to play the victim and nobody gave her that "Oh, you poor thing, how mistreated your were" comments. If so she really came to the wrong place. Pepper believe in grow a pair (metaphorically speaking) and standing up for yourself.
Personally, I think this should be a sticky. I would also like to add that I liked her (I hope I am using the correct pronoun) approach. I think she should use it everywhere, to save everyone time. She should definitely use this approach in job interviews, when she gets pulled over, goes to the hospital, opens a bank account. and with any social gathering.
I actually did that as a Test driver by Mercedes. Told an older driver to stop smoking in the prototype a directed by Mercedes AND COMPANY POLICY, or I would report it.
Got the usual "you just started here smartass, shut the F**k up" and he got echoed by a few others. After the daily briefing, the guy who got me the job asked why I said that on the first day, as I was not gonna make any friends like that.
I said that:
(1) I did not come here to make friends
(2) I came here to work
(3) I already have friends and
(4) Life is too short to waste my time finding out who I could trust in the company and who I COULD NOT TRUST. I was just sorting out the As*holes.

He laughed out loud and then exclaimed that I had indeed found who was good and was not to be trusted, on my first day, based on his experiences in the company....
that is what I call: TIMESAVING. Live free, GP
Maybe she wanted to play the victim and nobody gave her that "Oh, you poor thing, how mistreated your were" comments. If so she really came to the wrong place. Pepper believe in grow a pair (metaphorically speaking) and standing up for yourself.
Yup! Totally agreed.
I never read anywhere that you can't prep because you are gay. Prepping doesn't discriminate, though some preppers will.
I run an Aussie Prepper Forum, we have a lesbian administrator. Who cares!!

Oh, and welcome!
Hello, I'm a heterosexual, who likes a variety of different porn. Sometimes it's MILF, sometimes it's college girls, sometimes it's step sister, or step mom. POV is pretty good most of the time, sometime JOI. I've never successfully done CEI. I'm not really into bi racial, I hope that doesn't offend you. It's not a racist thing. I also recently bought four Real Sex Dolls for when SHTF and I intend to run a brothel with them to make money to survive. The other day, my wife went to help her mother and I had a few drinks. I got curious and started messing around with Stephanie. She was into it too, and it was supposed to be special, being the first time and all, but I couldn't finish her, or myself so it just ended up awkward and disappointing, and I'm not even sure if I want to do it with her again now things are just weird between us and she's just sitting their staring at me in silence and disgust. I don't think she'll tell my wife so that's good, but I may have lost the respect of my whole harem if she tells the other girls. I don't know. Please don't judge me.

So...... is Stephanie still single and available?
*cough* Asking for a friend.
*cough* Not for myself, of course.

So...... is Stephanie still single and available?
*cough* Asking for a friend.
*cough* Not for myself, of course.


I have first dibs on her...for my friend, of course....but she only posted once over 3 months ago. I think she’s gone with the wind.
I have first dibs on her...for my friend, of course....but she only posted once over 3 months ago. I think she’s gone with the wind.

Ummm.... Stephanie is the unsatisfied Real Sex Doll, not the OP of this thread.:cool:
this is my opinion on,straight/gay or Bisexual I don't care what goes on behind closed doors,,,,,,,,,,,,,,as long as I don't have to watch

So...... is Stephanie still single and available?
*cough* Asking for a friend.
*cough* Not for myself, of course.


Steph and I are on again/off again. It’s complicated. The other girls are good to go though. What does your friend have in mind? I owe about $30k on my credit card, so, bring all your “friends”. I thought things were going to go off the rails and I wouldn’t have to pay the card off.
Steph and I are on again/off again. It’s complicated. The other girls are good to go though. What does your friend have in mind? I owe about $30k on my credit card, so, bring all your “friends”. I thought things were going to go off the rails and I wouldn’t have to pay the card off.

That is a very interesting "free retirement plan" you have there. lol