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Hilary didn't run in 2020, Hilary conceded in 2016, and Democrats won, eliminating the necessity of conceding. You're wrong on all counts.

You're not only ignorant of facts, you're ignorant of your own ignorance. A walking, talking testament to the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Boy, for a newbie on DPF, you sure are arrogant.

I dont blame Trump for "wanting" to for a disrupted Liberal. I have 'wanted" to for many people even though I wouldn't normally. Only time I actually punched a woman was when I saw her abusing her kids fist punching them in the back of her truck. I dont provoke violence but I will stand up when needed.
To have voter fraud, you have to have voters. If Trump tells you in August a November election's rigged you know it's BS, there are no votes yet. The evidence didn't exist when he made the claim. For all his faults, Trump knows his base. He knows they'll give him a pass. Donald Trump knows his base. If they genuinely cared about election integrity, they would pay more attention. But that isn't why they voted for him.
OK you got us on a technicality. It was Election fraud.

Voter and Ballot fraud have to be adjudicated on a case by case basis after the election. It takes time, but it's happening. Wisconsin Supreme Court has said that claiming COVID as a reason to get an "Indefinitely Confined" ballot was illegal. They are going through them one by one. There were 200,000 Indefinitely Confined ballots. (Biden's margin was 20,000)

In Georgia, we had every kind of election fraud, voter fraud, and ballot fraud ever invented and then some, especially in Fulton County. The Secretary of State entered into an illegal and unconstitutional Consent Decree (election fraud) with Stacy Abrams that made it impossible to do signature matching on mail in ballots. We have video evidence, eyewitness evidence, data evidence, and demonstrations of voting machines that were unreliable (came up with a different count every time the same stack of ballots was scanned). I watched a hearing in the Georgia Senate Judiciary Committee in which evidence was presented all day long. The committee voted to do a forensic audit in Fulton County, but can't get it done because they keep getting stonewalled.

The Arizona Legislature was getting stonewalled and have been fighting tooth and nail to get an audit done in Maricopa county. They took the bull by the horns and is finally getting a full forensic audit done which will be completed next week.
I dont blame Trump for "wanting" to for a disrupted Liberal. I have 'wanted" to for many people even though I wouldn't normally. Only time I actually punched a woman was when I saw her abusing her kids fist punching them in the back of her truck. I dont provoke violence but I will stand up when needed.

Really couldn't be a better demonstration of EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

You forget when Trump says he wants to punch folks in the face. When he offered to pay supporters' legal fees if they were jailed for violent acts. But boy howdy Biden says he wants to take someone behind the bleachers and you remember that. The only difference is who said it. You don't want to hear a negative thing about Trump, so you don't.

When confronted with the fact Trump did call for violence- he gets a pass. Literally, word-for-word "do not blame Trump" for exactly the behavior you find so repulsive about Biden. Have to excuse Trump's calls for violence, have to rationalize them.

Can't just acknowlege Trump was wrong to say it. Can't just hold both men to the same standard. The guy (Trump) can't just be wrong. Being wrong would mean holding him to account.

It's exactly the point "liberals" are making.

It's a feedback loop. Trump's only accountable to people who won't hold him accountable for anything. It's really rather brilliant.
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Really couldn't be a better demonstration of EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

You forget when Trump says he wants to punch folks in the face. When he offered to pay supporters' legal fees if they were jailed for violent acts. But boy howdy Biden says he wants to take someone behind the bleachers and you remember that. The only difference is who said it. You don't want to hear a negative thing about Trump, so you don't.

When confronted with the fact Trump did call for violence- he gets a pass. Literally, word-for-word "do not blame Trump" for exactly the behavior you find so repulsive about Biden. Have to excuse Trump's calls for violence, have to rationalize them.

Can't just acknowlege Trump was wrong to say it. Can't just hold both men to the same standard. The guy (Trump) can't just be wrong. Being wrong would mean holding him to account.

It's exactly the point "liberals" are making.

It's a feedback loop. Trump's only accountable to people who won't hold him accountable for anything. It's really rather brilliant.
You are taking this out of context just like so many on the Lib side accuses Republicans of doing. ,.

addressed the "tomato" incident specifically
"Just as I was going up on the stage, I was told by the Secret Service, 'Sir, there's a person or two people in the audience that have tomatoes. They are going to throw them at you, we think. If they do throw them, you have to be prepared.' Now, if you get hit in the face by a tomato, let me tell you, somebody with a strong arm at least, let me tell you, it can be very damaging. Not good. So I was told people were in the audience, two people, with tomatoes and they're going to throw them at me. What I did is I say, 'By the way, if you see anybody with tomatoes, right at the beginning, you gotta stop them. Do whatever you want to do.' I have no objection to what I said, I would say it again. People are there doing harm, you have to go and you have to use equal force. It's not fair, it's a one-way street."

Trump also said in that interview that he doesn't take responsibility for the chaotic and sometimes violent atmosphere of his events.

"I don't accept responsibility, I do not condone violence in any shape," Trump said. " ... The fact is, we have very peaceful rallies."
That's exactly what I mean when I say Trump gets a pass. You see it with the left, because that's the only place you're willing to look.

To have voter fraud, you have to have voters. If Trump tells you in August a November election's rigged you know it's BS, there are no votes yet. The evidence didn't exist when he made the claim.

Actually he knew it was coming because several states changed their voting laws without the state's legislature voting on it. He IS the president, and knew Dominion voting machines are hackable, because they was already proof of it, then there's the little fact that other countries would be involved. It's not difficult to see what is happening if you look and can think ahead. Let's not forget this is a prepper forum for and by people who have the ability to see things for what they are and can look ahead to the consequences.
Hilary didn't run in 2020, Hilary conceded in 2016, and Democrats won, eliminating the necessity of conceding. You're wrong on all counts.

You're not only ignorant of facts, you're ignorant of your own ignorance. A walking, talking testament to the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Democrats who praised 2004 objections to Electoral College certification now slam Hawley
Democrats objected to electoral vote certification last 3 times a Republican was elected president

Democrats who praised 2004 objections to Electoral College certification now slam Hawley | Fox News

It's been my experience that people who site the Dunning-Kruger effect are the very people for which it was established.

FACTS don't have feelings.

It's not hate speech because you hate the speech.
"Just as I was going up on the stage, I was told by the Secret Service, 'Sir, there's a person or two people in the audience that have tomatoes. They are going to throw them at you, we think. If they do throw them, you have to be prepared.' Now, if you get hit in the face by a tomato, let me tell you, somebody with a strong arm at least, let me tell you, it can be very damaging. Not good. So I was told people were in the audience, two people, with tomatoes and they're going to throw them at me. What I did is I say, 'By the way, if you see anybody with tomatoes, right at the beginning, you gotta stop them. Do whatever you want to do.' I have no objection to what I said, I would say it again. People are there doing harm, you have to go and you have to use equal force. It's not fair, it's a one-way street."

This is Trump, giving supporters permission to use force. We went from "republicans don't call for violence" to "violence is OK if republicans can rationalize it" awful quick.

I don't see the need to tie ourselves in knots. It's the easiest thing in the world to say calling for violence is wrong, that both Biden and Trump are wrong for doing it. I don't know why it's impossible to look at things clear-eyed and objectively and just say Trump's wrong. There will always be an excuse, a justification, a rationalization or his behavior- no matter how outrageous, no matter how indefensible. He knows it. He knows he could shoot a guy on 5th Avenue and get away with it.

I don't want to beat a dead horse, but you're still making my point for me. Trump's supporters won't hold him accountable for anything- and they're mad at anyone who will.
The MSM attacked Trump for everything he did, every day of his presidency. Look at this NBC news article criticizing him for signing "a dozen in his first month!" WOW, I can't seem to find the NBC article expressing outrage at Biden's 42 in his first twelve days. Maybe you can find it, but I bet you won't look. If you don't look for it, it doesn't exist, AMIRIGHT DEMS?!?!?!? AHAHAHAHAHA

Here's the Full List of Donald Trump's Executive Orders
It's been less than a month since Donald Trump took office, and the 45th president has already signed a dozen executive orders.

Here's the Full List of Donald Trump's Executive Orders (
This is Trump, giving supporters permission to use force. We went from "republicans don't call for violence" to "violence is OK if republicans can rationalize it" awful quick.

I don't see the need to tie ourselves in knots. It's the easiest thing in the world to say calling for violence is wrong, that both Biden and Trump are wrong for doing it. I don't know why it's impossible to look at things clear-eyed and objectively and just say Trump's wrong. There will always be an excuse, a justification, a rationalization or his behavior- no matter how outrageous, no matter how indefensible. He knows it. He knows he could shoot a guy on 5th Avenue and get away with it.

I don't want to beat a dead horse, but you're still making my point for me. Trump's supporters won't hold him accountable for anything- and they're mad at anyone who will.

You are, in typical left fashion, twisting his words. You say he said " People are there doing harm, you have to go and you have to use equal force. It's not fair, it's a one-way street." Sounds like "defend yourselves" to me.

You keep using 2016 "orange man bad" CNN talking points. Can you tell us which policies you object to?

Do you even recognize YOUR people?

"Death to America" as they burn flags. Is that ISIS? Whaaaat? It's the American left? How is THIS not domestic terrorism?!?!?!?!?

Hillary didn't run in 2004, either.

You're nothing if not consistent.

Hillary Clinton Urged To Challenge Election Results In Three Key States, Vote Totals Could Have Been Hacked

Hillary Clinton Urged To Challenge Election Results In Three Key States, Vote Totals Could Have Been Hacked (

Despite Objections, Congress Certifies Donald Trump's Election
Congress made the election of Donald Trump official Friday, certifying the votes of the Electoral College in a formal joint session of Congress.

Despite Objections, Congress Certifies Donald Trump's Election (

Hillary Clinton still today has ‘not really conceded the 2016 election’

Hillary Clinton still today has ‘not really conceded the 2016 election’ (

Hillary Clinton: ‘We Still Don’t Know What Really Happened’ in the 2016 Election

Hillary Clinton: 'We Still Don't Know What Really Happened' in the 2016 Election (

In 2106, we didn't have a Chinese owned Dominion running our election, and several states changing the ballot laws to include previously ineligible "voters" without going through the proper state legislative votes.

You keep chanting and supporting "death to America" though.
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My point was in his total Presidency! If you add up what Biden is trending we will reach that in less than 5 weeks.

With Biden's average, we will meet President Trumps WHOLE 4 YEAR PRESIDENCY in 4 weeks of Bidens rule.
You claimed that Republicans were/are opposed to EOs. What is your point now? They’re okay..... but not so many!
Apparently both you and that other dude tehobie just came here to be arrogant and obstinate.
I came here to discuss prepping. Unfortunately most of the activity is in the politics forum.
You are, in typical left fashion, twisting his words. You say he said " People are there doing harm, you have to go and you have to use equal force. It's not fair, it's a one-way street." Sounds like "defend yourselves" to me.

You keep using 2016 "orange man bad" CNN talking points. Can you tell us which policies you object to?

Do you even recognize YOUR people?

"Death to America" as they burn flags. Is that ISIS? Whaaaat? It's the American left? How is THIS not domestic terrorism?!?!?!?!?

I have no interest rationalizing other people's bad behavior. Like I said- Trump's wrong to invoke violence, Biden's wrong to invoke violence, left wing and right wing nuts are wrong to invoke violence.

"My people" don't hang up their values because someone in power gives them permission to.
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I have no interest rationalizing other people's bad behavior. Like I said- Trump's wrong to invoke violence, Biden's wrong to invoke violence, left wing and right wing nuts are wrong to invoke violence.

"My people" don't hang up their values because someone in power gives them permission to.

So, I hung up my values? What values? What Trump POLICIES do you object to?

Read more carefully. Hillary urged to challenge results- and does this really all come down to Hillary Clinton? Talk about living rent-free in your head.

She wasn't senator in 2016, and couldn't have lodged objections to the certification policy. You know youtube, you can look up her concession speech.

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