Build a first aid kit

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Oct 22, 2016
I want to build a first aid kit that I can treat most injuries .one that is a little above beginners level

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I built up a Major medical kit for the family, Minor surgical tools, trauma care, dental repair kits , countless types of dressings, potions, lotions, creams, suture kits, steri strips, melonin dressings, plasters, burn dressings, I'm lucky cos SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED is a highly qualified nurse practitioner / prescriber, butI still did some first aid courses for my own benefit.
I'm still preaching to anyone that will listen to have a first responder course mandatory in high school. You can do more good with knowledge and no supplies than the other way around.
I'm still preaching to anyone that will listen to have a first responder course mandatory in high school. You can do more good with knowledge and no supplies than the other way around.
Where can I find that kind of clasd

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I need to be trained. But I want to build the kit while get the training

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You can learn enough just on utube if you really want to. Of course a structured course is better, but a lot more expensive. Anyway, having bandages and common ailment treatments will make you more comfortable either way. Aspirin is one thing worth stocking up on. Not only a good pain reliever, but it's good for reducing fever. Many people die from fever in third world countries, that and diarrhea. Get an assortment of anti diarrheal too. In an emergency situation, food and water can become less sanitary quickly, causing all kinds of issues.
Where can I find that kind of clasd

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Check any local community college. Also, ask any fireman or cop as most are at least trained with that. You might be able to go to a college library and buy their first responder books from an older course. One, it would be cheaper, two, you have a good reference tool to keep after reading. And of course, you can share it with others in your click.
Only basic first aid here, was a volunteer for 6 year, so here is my kit based on a M3 army bag:


AUG 1-16


Flashlight, Clip-On 1
Hand Sanitizer 30ml 1 E 06/14

Tweezers 1 N/A
EMT Shears 1 N/A
Finger Splint 1 N/A
Tongue Depressors 2 N/A
Irrigation Syringe 10ml 1 N/A
CPR Mask 1 N/A
Tape, cloth 1/2" WP 1 ?
Tape, Transpore 1/2" 2 B 2007
Mini-Sharpie, red 1 ?
Gloves 5 B 2013
Alcohol Swabs 10 E 02-13
Polysporin Triple15g 1 E 02/18
AfterBite Gel 20g 1 E 02/18
Oral Rehydration Salts 2 B 2012
Advil Cold & Sinus Plus 24
Eno Antacid 5 E-01/14
Advil 200mg, tablets 48
Bentasil Cough Drops 20 E 04/14
Imodium AD 8 E 08/10

Moleskin 1 B 2007
Dressing Strip 2.3"x3.3' 1 B 2008
Steri-Strips 1/8"x3" 5pk 1 E 11/16
Steri-Strips 1/4"x4" 10pk 1 E 01/16
Steri-Strips 1/2"x4" 6pk 1 E 02/16
Telfa 2"x3", stick tabs 2 B 2007
Gauze Roll 2" 1 B 2009
Gauze Roll 3" 1 B 2009
Eye Patches 4 B 2009
Triangular Bandages 2 M 09/87
Regular Band-Aids, reg 20 E 01/20
Regular Band-Aids, large 5 E 09/16
Knuckle Band-Aids 10 E 03/20
Fingertip Band-Aids 10 E 03/20
Patch Band-Aids, large 10 E 03/20

AMK HeetSheet 1 N/A
Hand Sanitizer 59ml 1 E-11/14

SAM Splint, grey 1 N/A
Gauze Pads 3"x3" 10 B 2016
Abdominal Pad 5"x9" 1 B 2009
Instant Cold Pack 1 B 2008
Israeli Dressing 4" 2 E 09/12
Israeli Dressing 6" 1 E 09/12
Gauze Roll 3", Kerlix 1 B 2009
Gauze Roll 4", Kerlix 1 B 2009

As you can see I need to update some things. I have 3 containers of extra supplies but most thankfully expire before I need them. My various size Adventure Medical Kits (with extras added) get used more than my 2 M3 bags.
The above is the Field kit, I have an Extra kit which gets the newer stuff and I replenish the Field kit with this, that way the Extra kit always stays complete and ready to go while the Field kit gets dug into more at home.
don't forget the super glue,it burns when applied but is a must for a cut that needs stitches ,,,Fish Mox Forte (Amoxicillin) 500 mg/100 ct the same as what the doc will give you but one heck of a lot cheaper ,,band aid various sizes tape,,,I keep good old black electrical tape around all the time ,a couple band aids and a few wraps with the old black tape and back to work you can go,as long as you don't have something almost severed, it has gotten me back in the game more than once,,,you can spend a lot on medical supplies but for most cuts you don't need to,,,,,for the bad injuries I go for help and in 60 years that is two times,,,,and I have had one hell of a lot of cuts and injuries...................take it for what it is worth
Like grayghost68 says, it is important to know how to do first aid with found items. I got lots of fancy gear but you may not be in the same place as all your fancy gear.

Most self-treatable injuries involve bandaids so stack them deep. I cut my finger one night and 50 mins of direct pressure didn't do a darn thing to stop the flow, used gauge and duct tape, went to emergency and the wait was about 2-3 hours. After seeing all the people there and having to work in the morning I went home without treatment but work made me go the next day cause it was still flowing. Another time I needed 3 stitches in my palm after bending a hollow metal handle to fit in the garbage. Mostly though, you will run out of bandaids first; you want at least three per day per cut.
I'm still preaching to anyone that will listen to have a first responder course mandatory in high school. You can do more good with knowledge and no supplies than the other way around.

Even if an elective. Most seniors are just looking for credits anyhow, if you aren't in some kind of program already. For me, I was in an art program, so I had to go to summer school just to fit all my classes in, lol (graduated in the top 3%, so wasn't that folks, lol). I had 3 hours of art each day, so had to get other subjects in.

But most of my friends took oddball classes just to get their credits. This would be an invaluable option, and lead to a lot more people able to help others. What a great idea!
Yes acquiring skills is invaluable but don't let that stop you from getting all the kit you can, and a few decent books. There might be plenty of time to read in the future.
In many situations it is not always that hard to find a medical practitioner but they might not have the equipment. So trade can be made for medical assistance. I have seen this in Africa.
A tourniquet and suture kit may sound extreme in today's world but in an emergency with no help around I'd rather have someone who's never stitched before than no one at all. I agree with hipo on collecting gear now while you can, even if it's above your skill level.
Im doing a lil test.i have very small sore on my left fore arm.and 2 smaller sores on right fore arm.and knowing myself as i do.there's no telling how i got them.

Now here's the test.on my left forearm. Went with aloe vera stright from a aloa vera leaf.then a band aid.then,that leaf got planted.then i got out my 1st aid kit,in which i fixed up for the home.and got out the cortizone-10 with aloe vera in it.that went onto my right forearm.with band aids.the reason for to see if one works better and/or faster,then the other.Hopefully we'll know something in 2 or 3 days.if that long..

My home made 1st aid kit is coming along slowly. Plus i now have a sportsman series medical kit whitetail. .it has a wilderness &travel medicine which i find be a worth while read..
That lil test went good.the cortizone-10 and aloe vera did pretty much the equal time frame.

Queston for those that know.I have some WoundSeal powder that i had forgotten about .in which it expired 02/ it still good?or am i better off replacing it?
That lil test went good.the cortizone-10 and aloe vera did pretty much the equal time frame.

Queston for those that know.I have some WoundSeal powder that i had forgotten about .in which it expired 02/ it still good?or am i better off replacing it?

WoundSeal powder has a 2 1/2 year shelf life but as QuickClot generally expired after 3 years but the company expanded that to 5 years, Celox-Granules and Celox-A have a 4 year but the Celox-Guaze has 5 years

I know for a fact 6yr old QuickClot has worked but the powder like WoundSeal is questionable Jim, I would replace it because of the heat and humidity in the South. My medical box is stored in a room where temps never rise about 70deg and the humidity never goes above 33.

A working Wine Coolers makes for a good medical storage if one needs a storage. ;)
Where can I find that kind of clasd

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Almost any community college.

Also, consider the LPN course. It's less than a year, and can be taken part-time and is rather cheap tuition-wise.

Keep in mind that many first aid books are outdated, and things that used to be in vogue are now considered dangerous.

An example is the old cut and suck method for snake bite. It's been proven that it accomplishes nothing, and will--quite likely--make the situation worse.

Another example is Ipecac syrup. This medication induces vomiting, which may be of benefit in a drug overdose or poisoning...yet evidence shows this medication to be very, very, very dangerous...and was rightly banned in the U.S. with the CDC's blessing.

Another example is suturing. Suturing is often neccesary, but people overestimate its importance. Many wounds actually benefit from being left alone after getting disinfected. Most of the time, a clean dressing, a bandage, soap and water, and perhaps a little iodine are all that is needed.

And so on.

Don't get first aid stuff until after you're trained. Getting trained first will save you money and time because you'll know what you need and what's excess baggage.
the clean up is vital,one of the best things to have available in your kit is saline liquid to clean it up.
personally I have those ready made syringes with the stuff in it ( get it from work ).
In an emergency, I imagine one can use a diluted bleach solution to disinfect a wound.

It will burn like hell and probably irritate injured tissue, but I believe it would work.

Ignaz Semmelweiss discovered (in the 1840s, before Pastuer's germ theory of disease) that washing medical instruments and one's hands in bleach water (he called a "solution of chlorinated lime") would reduce sepsis (ie: blood poisoning) by more than 95% when helping a woman give birth.

I hope it never gets to this extreme, though.
I went into my emergency back pack and got out a bottle of something called " numb master " and tried it out for the first time . My main purpose for storing such stuff is to help the pain factor in case someone within my group need sewing up after motorized transportation doctors and hospitals are no longer available . Also in my kit is long forceps for removing bullets and such as well as surgical needles . -- My conclusion after using the " Numb Master " - It does help a lot but is slow acting , About 20 to 40 minutes after application seems to be when it has ultimate effect . -- I looked on E Bay and was taken back at the price of Numb Master . Perhaps it could be found over the counter cheaper , while stores are still operational . -- I have considered including Either in my medical kit for more serious surgery but am worried about what the results might be , so for have not added Either to my emergency kit . -- My daughter who lives in a house about 400 yards from mine is a nurse and on several occasions have borrowed my medical kit to administer medical help for neighbors for some serious stuff . As the kit makes it's travels , neighbors throw more stuff in it . I have had to go from a moderate size pack to a big pack and it is fairly full .
The thought of using Ether has come to mind several times. So far haven’t gone there, but maybe we should all consider it seriously now. There were implements in the old days they used to administer it. Would like to get my hands on one, instead of just covering a cloth with Ether and using it.
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The thought of using Either has come to mind several times. So far haven’t gone there, but maybe we should all consider it seriously now. There were implements in the old days they used to administer it. Would like to get my hands on one, instead of just covering a cloth with Either and using it.
I will throw out into the wind for advice or information on this old technology of using Either during the apocalypse . Probably more than just GeorgiaPeachie and I would consider adding such hard core preps into our emergency kit .

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