canning supplys

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Hey wildman, I haven't used any Mylar bags yet, how do they seal? I have a foodsaver with a vacuum port, would be cool to use it, so far have only used the rolls of bags, which by the are awesome! Last years veggies I put in ziplock bags are covered in ice and some freezer burn. With the food saver they say they will last three years easily, I'll let you know if that's true in a couple of years.

I use a hobbico sealing iron to seal the mylar but a regular iron would work too but for me the hobbico is easier and I had one in my shop already. Using a scrap piece of 2x6 across the top of the bucket as an ironing board I seal across the top of the mylar leaving about a ½ inch at the corner unsealed, then I take the food saver vacuum port hose and attach a plastic drinking straw to one end, I stick the plastic straw in the ½ inch opening and kind of pinch around it with my fingers to form a seal, suck all the air out, this is the tricky part you have to slide the straw out and seal that last 1/2 inch with the iron before any air can get back in the bag this is where the hobbico iron is better than a regular iron it takes a little practice but you’ll get the hang of it.
I've never heard of reusable lids, where did you get them? I know you can use a wax to renew lids but have not tried that. Right now lids may be cheap, but one day we may have to get used to working with what we have
They are called Tattler lids. Just look em up on-line. They are actually made right here in the USA, Fruita, CO to be exact!

I use a hobbico sealing iron to seal the mylar but a regular iron would work too but for me the hobbico is easier and I had one in my shop already. Using a scrap piece of 2x6 across the top of the bucket as an ironing board I seal across the top of the mylar leaving about a ½ inch at the corner unsealed, then I take the food saver vacuum port hose and attach a plastic drinking straw to one end, I stick the plastic straw in the ½ inch opening and kind of pinch around it with my fingers to form a seal, suck all the air out, this is the tricky part you have to slide the straw out and seal that last 1/2 inch with the iron before any air can get back in the bag this is where the hobbico iron is better than a regular iron it takes a little practice but you’ll get the hang of it.
I wasn't aware you could seal a Mylar bag. I wonder if a foodsaver would be hot enough to seal them?
Not trying to be a wiseguy or smart arse but have u tried searching under Ball Canning...they have been around longer than I have and I'm not a spring chicken They have a very nice site with loads of info....good luck on the canning.
Lot of great recipe ideas there too!
I wasn't aware you could seal a Mylar bag. I wonder if a foodsaver would be hot enough to seal them?

The foodsaver will seal them but the one I have won't suck the air out of a mylar bag like it will the foodsaver bags thats why I use the hose attachment.
The foodsaver will seal them but the one I have won't suck the air out of a mylar bag like it will the foodsaver bags thats why I use the hose attachment.
Can't wait to try it, thanks!
Not trying to be a wiseguy or smart arse but have u tried searching under Ball Canning...they have been around longer than I have and I'm not a spring chicken They have a very nice site with loads of info....good luck on the canning.
My first try at canning last year was straight out of the ball canning basics book, it's sold with the canning supplies in most stores. I've since looked on line and there is a ton of recipes you can find. I look at several ones and then kind of average them out with consideration to the spices I like best, like pepper, garlic and onion. Good luck.
I agree with the people who brought up Water Bath canner and tattler lids.

If you have a dishwasher you do not need the rack for sterilizing them. You can just use the dishwasher. I would get the magnetic little thing though that picks them up out of hot water, in case you still want to can after SHTF.

As for water bathing vs pressure canning. You do NOT want to pressure can every thing, that's why you want a water bath canner. Fruits, jams etc in a pressure cooker will go to mush. You mainly want to do things like meat in the pressure canner and fruits in the water bath canner. That's why you want both.

As for pressure canner, make sure to not go cheap, get one with out a gasket and that is metal on metal. Otherwise you will be replacing the gasket every year at a high cost to you-and again won't be able to find SHTF.

You do not need labels. I bought them at first but rarely use them. I think they are a waste of money. Instead get thin to medium grease crayons and right on the lids....if using metal ones and not tattler use sharpies directly on the lids-you will just throw them out any way! The labels are a waste and take forever to wash them off the jars-even the ones for canning.

I don't know about scoops-I guess with dry things that would be good. With wet things we use a metal ladle (like soup ladle from dollar tree!).

For dry canning, I would use the food saver, you don't have to worry about the oxy absorbers, and all that with it. And it looks like the cheapest one gets the best ratings! bonus!
buying used jars is regional around here I find very few used ones and when I do they want more then new prices (I can get new ones cheaper) they think they are such a novelty and mark them way up (grandkids clearing out grandma's things) sorry I can get new at walmart cheaper thankyou...they aren't that weird of a item to pay such high dollars for.

BUT if you live in a area where they are marked reasonable for used ones. I would only use them for dry canning, or water bath, not for pressure canning. Because you don't know how they were taken care of, if they were ever microwaved, or used metal inside and hair line scratched, the pressure canner could make them explode, and then you would lose more then you gained by getting them used.
buying used jars is regional around here I find very few used ones and when I do they want more then new prices (I can get new ones cheaper) they think they are such a novelty and mark them way up (grandkids clearing out grandma's things) sorry I can get new at walmart cheaper thankyou...they aren't that weird of a item to pay such high dollars for.

BUT if you live in a area where they are marked reasonable for used ones. I would only use them for dry canning, or water bath, not for pressure canning. Because you don't know how they were taken care of, if they were ever microwaved, or used metal inside and hair line scratched, the pressure canner could make them explode, and then you would lose more then you gained by getting them used.
Yeah, I lost some tomatoes in a new jar, they can have defects too. I guess it's just part of learning to can. I wouldn't worry about using used ones though, just look at them carefully, and realize you may loose one occasionally.
here's the pressure canner cooker i got the other day

here's the pressure canner cooker i got the other day

View attachment 2168
Really nice, mine is still in the box but am hoping to get to use it this growing season. Looks like I'll be able to try canning some rabbit stew before long also. Did you get a water bath canner too. Actually you can use that pot to boil jars in without putting the lid on it. That will save you the money for two setups. My first read on canning was the ball guide to canning, you don't even have to buy it, just look up online. The biggest thing I've been warned about is to always follow the receipies exactly. If it says to boil 11 minutes, don't stop even a minute early. I'm far from an expert at this but so far I haven't given myself food poisioning! Good luck!
yeah i plan on using as a water bath canner as well as a pressure canner..i also have a 20or 23 QT cooking pot..i figure i can use it for stuff like chilli stew n all

here's the pressure canner cooker i got the other day

View attachment 2168
It looks nice Jim! You'll get your moneys worth out of it. When I first started canning I went by the Blue Ball book too but as you get familiar with it you can do your own thing, BUT take the longest ingredient to process and take that time to go by.
I think the pressure canners are kind of heavy and clunky. While great for pressure canning. I think that the water bath canners don't cost that much, and are a lot lighter and easier to use when you are water bathing. Plus you do NEED the lid to get it to boil really and to stay at a boil that long.

I was doing some research on tattler lids (buying them!) and I found this book that looks really good, and very scientific, as in times, and temps, etc to kill botulism. Many youtube videos and even books are kind of antidotical. As in, a lot of them will say UNsafe ways of canning and then follow it up with, my family has done this for years, and we are still alive. And meanwhile I'm thinking well thank goodness you aren't dead yet, but after seeing you do something that is clearly unsafe, I am cringing at the person who DOES die because they follow this BAD advice! So I prefer the scientific facts versus, well I ain't dead yet! lol

The above book has nothing to do with tattler that I can tell from the Amazon site. Although, the picture on the cover, has all cans with tattler lids, but so far from what I can read on Amazon they are not affiliated with Tattler. However, Tattler does have a DVD to also show safe canning methods. They have been making tattler lids since the 1970's I believe, so I think they would be risking a lot by making a DVD that would teach unsafe canning methods. So I am betting they have done some pretty good research on the subject to-so as not to get sued and lose their whole business! So I am planning on buying it as well.
I think the pressure canners are kind of heavy and clunky. While great for pressure canning. I think that the water bath canners don't cost that much, and are a lot lighter and easier to use when you are water bathing. Plus you do NEED the lid to get it to boil really and to stay at a boil that long.

I was doing some research on tattler lids (buying them!) and I found this book that looks really good, and very scientific, as in times, and temps, etc to kill botulism. Many youtube videos and even books are kind of antidotical. As in, a lot of them will say UNsafe ways of canning and then follow it up with, my family has done this for years, and we are still alive. And meanwhile I'm thinking well thank goodness you aren't dead yet, but after seeing you do something that is clearly unsafe, I am cringing at the person who DOES die because they follow this BAD advice! So I prefer the scientific facts versus, well I ain't dead yet! lol

The above book has nothing to do with tattler that I can tell from the Amazon site. Although, the picture on the cover, has all cans with tattler lids, but so far from what I can read on Amazon they are not affiliated with Tattler. However, Tattler does have a DVD to also show safe canning methods. They have been making tattler lids since the 1970's I believe, so I think they would be risking a lot by making a DVD that would teach unsafe canning methods. So I am betting they have done some pretty good research on the subject to-so as not to get sued and lose their whole business! So I am planning on buying it as well.
Good advice, I like the ' just because you're not dead yet', . I recently decided to go with the tattler lids too. Heard about them on this forum. If you find a good outlet/price let me know. I've got some of the greenhouse planted now and will hopefully put them to use before long.
their direct company has sales. I bought the Valentines day sale, but sadly I didn't get the gift certificate first or I would of saved another 20 percent!

But, keep looking at their site, right now they have a president sale, but it's not that "good" of a sale. (the valentines day sale was better). So just keep a eye on their site. Seems to me that they probably ALWAYS have some sort of sale, you just have to find the one that's best for you.
And btw, I called tattler and have been emailing them. (I just started getting serious about the tattler lids). Ok back up here... I have been wanting to learn to can forever. I lived in a small apartment in NYC and although I bought the water bath canner, I was too scared to try it out. Fast forward, I moved to Kansas. And decided it was time to drag it out and just go for it! I am also part of another forum called Mary Jane's Farm...(she also sells long term shelf life foods!). Any way.... Mary Jane (the woman who started the forum) is a survivalist type of woman (lived pretty much outside-no shelter-as a park ranger for several years. And she started a magazine that is very very girly, but also a lot of survivalist type tricks and tips. Like she calls camping-glamping, cause she girlies it up. That kind of thing. Any how.... she is also into organic and all natural, good for the environment, and her magazine has touted tattler since the beginning so for about 8 years now, I've known about the tattler. But, they were so expensive, I didn't want to invest till I knew if I was really going to learn this and stick with this.

This is my third year canning. And since the first year I have been in love! And so I knew this was the year I was going to take the plunge and invest in the tattler lids.

So like a lot of folks I've been doing my research. I have found them on Amazon and at Lehmans. But, then I found a prepper youtube that had a link directly to the tattler lid people, and that seems to be the best deals I have found.

A couple of weeks ago I started communicating with Tattler and they are very friendly and very fast as long as it's business hours about getting back with you.

I will be honest here, I contacted them about 3 weeks ago and asked how long the Valentines Day sale was going on. And they said that Valentines day was the last day of the sale. I read the email several times, and that's exactly what it said. (not the day before, etc not through V-day-like maybe it would mean could be the day before, etc). Any way.... I was trying to wait it out for my tax return to come. And it just so happened to not come till Valentines day! So I got on to their website went to place the order, and the V-day special was GONE! So I tried to call them, but the office closes early on Fridays. So I missed them. So using the email they sent me three weeks ago saying the last day of the sale was on V-day. I said, according to the email you sent me the last day of the sale was Valentines day. I went online to order my Valentines day sale and it is not there any more. This is Friday, I tried to call, but didn't realize you closed early on Fridays. And left my name and contact info. This morning (their first day back to the office since Friday morning). I received a email from them, saying to call and they would give me the v-day sale over the phone. So I called and they worked it all out for me! (I'm very very impressed, I HATE some companies that have some auto answer thing, and you ask questions the computer sends you a bunch of crap that has nothing to do with your question and you never can actually get in contact with a real human to get your problems resolved. BIG difference with tattler themselves! They will contact you personally!).

Any way, the woman I spoke with, Kara, was very very nice. On the phone she answered a LOT of my questions, was very conversational, polite, nice, etc. I liked her a lot. And I liked that she answered my questions precisely and thoroughly. And she said if I ever had more help or questions to call any time and they would be happy to help.

So over all my experience so far with the tattler folks is amazing! Especially for this day and age!
And btw, I called tattler and have been emailing them. (I just started getting serious about the tattler lids). Ok back up here... I have been wanting to learn to can forever. I lived in a small apartment in NYC and although I bought the water bath canner, I was too scared to try it out. Fast forward, I moved to Kansas. And decided it was time to drag it out and just go for it! I am also part of another forum called Mary Jane's Farm...(she also sells long term shelf life foods!). Any way.... Mary Jane (the woman who started the forum) is a survivalist type of woman (lived pretty much outside-no shelter-as a park ranger for several years. And she started a magazine that is very very girly, but also a lot of survivalist type tricks and tips. Like she calls camping-glamping, cause she girlies it up. That kind of thing. Any how.... she is also into organic and all natural, good for the environment, and her magazine has touted tattler since the beginning so for about 8 years now, I've known about the tattler. But, they were so expensive, I didn't want to invest till I knew if I was really going to learn this and stick with this.

This is my third year canning. And since the first year I have been in love! And so I knew this was the year I was going to take the plunge and invest in the tattler lids.

So like a lot of folks I've been doing my research. I have found them on Amazon and at Lehmans. But, then I found a prepper youtube that had a link directly to the tattler lid people, and that seems to be the best deals I have found.

A couple of weeks ago I started communicating with Tattler and they are very friendly and very fast as long as it's business hours about getting back with you.

I will be honest here, I contacted them about 3 weeks ago and asked how long the Valentines Day sale was going on. And they said that Valentines day was the last day of the sale. I read the email several times, and that's exactly what it said. (not the day before, etc not through V-day-like maybe it would mean could be the day before, etc). Any way.... I was trying to wait it out for my tax return to come. And it just so happened to not come till Valentines day! So I got on to their website went to place the order, and the V-day special was GONE! So I tried to call them, but the office closes early on Fridays. So I missed them. So using the email they sent me three weeks ago saying the last day of the sale was on V-day. I said, according to the email you sent me the last day of the sale was Valentines day. I went online to order my Valentines day sale and it is not there any more. This is Friday, I tried to call, but didn't realize you closed early on Fridays. And left my name and contact info. This morning (their first day back to the office since Friday morning). I received a email from them, saying to call and they would give me the v-day sale over the phone. So I called and they worked it all out for me! (I'm very very impressed, I HATE some companies that have some auto answer thing, and you ask questions the computer sends you a bunch of crap that has nothing to do with your question and you never can actually get in contact with a real human to get your problems resolved. BIG difference with tattler themselves! They will contact you personally!).

Any way, the woman I spoke with, Kara, was very very nice. On the phone she answered a LOT of my questions, was very conversational, polite, nice, etc. I liked her a lot. And I liked that she answered my questions precisely and thoroughly. And she said if I ever had more help or questions to call any time and they would be happy to help.

So over all my experience so far with the tattler folks is amazing! Especially for this day and age!
I work for a company that I'm sure started out really good, to both employees and customers. Then, somewhere along the line they grew, and grew, and became this large monster at a corporation that is consumed by nothing but greed, wanting more and more. My point here is I would rather do business with someone that still takes time, and seem to want to help over someplace like Walmart that may be a little cheaper, but has zip for service. Don't get me wrong, I like cheap, I just know it's important to support each other sometimes, not just the large corporations. By the way, thanks for all the great info! I've had the lids on my want list for a while now, I'll keep an eye out for the next sale too.
EXACTLY! That's how I feel too. Believe me, I want to save money just as much as the next guy. But, not at the expense of losing being respected and appreciated by the seller. I HATE the way big corps are going. I also hate the outsourcing. I am NOT nationalistic, nor racist, etc in any way what so ever. BUT, I do care about my own family having jobs and having money to live. The more things are outsourced, the further we get from having good jobs and money for me and my family. So I like to support businesses that are along those lines more then rewarding businesses who couldn't give a fig about me as their customer, and would rather save a penny by hiring people not here to do customer service, making, blah blah blah.... not worth it long term. Right now it may save me a dime or so, but in the end it's going cost us much much more when we have no jobs left here...
oh and just for reference on what I thought a good sale from them was. Was the V-day sale.

Valentine Special! - 2 Doz Reg, 2 Doz Wide, & 1 DOZ EACH PINK! $43.95

I directly copy and pasted that from my confirmation email from them. I bought 2 of those specials. So a total of 12 dozen lids for about 90 dollars. Now had I bought the gift certificate they had on the site a few weeks back that was 20 percent off, I would of saved a additional 20 percent!

But, I think the above deal was pretty darn good. So I would wait sales out till something similar. I plan on buying more lids as I go.... gradually stocking up on them.
oh and just for reference on what I thought a good sale from them was. Was the V-day sale.

Valentine Special! - 2 Doz Reg, 2 Doz Wide, & 1 DOZ EACH PINK! $43.95

I directly copy and pasted that from my confirmation email from them. I bought 2 of those specials. So a total of 12 dozen lids for about 90 dollars. Now had I bought the gift certificate they had on the site a few weeks back that was 20 percent off, I would of saved a additional 20 percent!

But, I think the above deal was pretty darn good. So I would wait sales out till something similar. I plan on buying more lids as I go.... gradually stocking up on them.
Thanks for the info, can you post their website so I can watch for sales?