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Yep. . . we do tend to go thru a lot of relish each year and the pickles can be drained and thrown into a food processor to make a quick relish. Guys love potato salad, egg salad sandwiches and deviled eggs. And I do like to have extra on hand in the just in case scenario
I've gotten a few Cukes for salads so far, but am hoping to have enough to can soon! I think I will be able to can some peas in the next day or two, but shelling them is time consuming! I did grill my first zucchini tonight for dinner, and hope to make some of those into pickles as well.
well. im finally trying my hand with bread n butter pickles for the first time..the cucumbers n onions are sitting in ice right now..and im glad that i reread about the vinegar..
I have so many cucumbers now that I pulled the plants out this morning. I'm still feeling a little guilty for it but have made enough pickles for two years and still have a pile of fresh cukes. Oh well, the okra needed the extra sunlight from clearing the fence anyways. I just started picking okra, but don't have enough to pickle yet. Maybe 1 full pint so far, but they are working overtime now.
Today was 23 half pints of corncob jelly, well really more like a syrup. I had a couple out of date boxes of pectin that I decided needed user, but that is OK. Really good as a sweetener and on pancakes, waffles , etc. Taste almost like honey! Then since my canner was going I did 10 half pints out Thia Dipping sauce. I use it when I need sweet n sour sauce. . . just thicken with cornstarch on the stove. Then did some rearranging in the stockroom. Haven't added today's in yet cause they are still cooling and the rings will get removed tomorrow, then I will store.
Stockroom is slowly filling up.
Today was 23 half pints of corncob jelly, well really more like a syrup. I had a couple out of date boxes of pectin that I decided needed user, but that is OK. Really good as a sweetener and on pancakes, waffles , etc. Taste almost like honey! Then since my canner was going I did 10 half pints out Thia Dipping sauce. I use it when I need sweet n sour sauce. . . just thicken with cornstarch on the stove. Then did some rearranging in the stockroom. Haven't added today's in yet cause they are still cooling and the rings will get removed tomorrow, then I will store. View attachment 7284View attachment 7285Stockroom is slowly filling up.
Impressive! I know how much work goes into all that!'s impressive all right..and to top it off.we deffently know of one person,that dont have a jar one to
Who are you prepping for an army? Thats only a small part of the room it seems. Good job.
Just my family. Got to keep in mind that we eat what we harvest thru out the whole year and I like to have enough stored for the just in case bad season. Last year was one of the worst so the stockroom shelves were just about empty. I do also have my dried goods stored in there along with some canned goods bought at the store when dirt cheap. The store bought cans are now down to only a couple shelves on a rolling rack. I have utilized all the wall space in the bedroom including the closet which is pretty good sized, but that mainly stores my bigger kitchen appliances, like electric roaster, separator, milk machine when not in use, fruit press and linens. Rolling racks come in handy when placing in front of closet door and when placing in front of the metal racks.
Well, I tried dehydrating cucumber chips. If I was starving I'm still not sure I would eat them! Really, really bad.....
I still have a mountain of cucumbers to do something with. Even though is said I wouldn't, I guess I'll make another dozen pints of pickles.
Did you try to put any kind of flavoring on your cucumber chips. BBQ or ranch. Another tip is slice really thin. I use my kitchen did attachment which does the job really well. When done they actually crunch like a chip. If cut too thick, its like chewing on a piece of rubber.
Did you try to put any kind of flavoring on your cucumber chips. BBQ or ranch. Another tip is slice really thin. I use my kitchen did attachment which does the job really well. When done they actually crunch like a chip. If cut too thick, its like chewing on a piece of rubber.
I used a little soy sauce and some salt. They sliced thin and crunch, but still taste revolting! Very green tasting, almost remind me of the kale chips I thought weren't fit for dog food either! I love fresh cukes and will eat them plain, but these chips weren't so good.
I used a little soy sauce and some salt. They sliced thin and crunch, but still taste revolting! Very green tasting, almost remind me of the kale chips I thought weren't fit for dog food either! I love fresh cukes and will eat them plain, but these chips weren't so good.
They're not for everyone. . kinda like my spaghetti squash pasta. Hunny won't go near them.
This week I was able to get almost 40lbs of corned beef for $10.06. I gave away 9lbs on my drive home and then another 4lbs to my BIL & MIL when they were over. Took another 3 lbs and made an Apricot glaze for dinner. Cubed up another 9 lbs for freezer to use as seasoning when cooking. Got a couple more 3 lb hunks for dinners and the rest I have made into a corned beef hash with potatoes, onions, carrots a little mustard, thyme and a few dashes of nutmeg. I have two big bowls of it sitting overnight in the fridge. Tomorrow I will be cold packing it into pint size jars for the pressure canner. Should fill up a couple slots on the canning shelves. . . now to rearrange to find room. . . Its really not a bad thing to be running out of room on those shelves. :)
I not only plan on canning chicken soup next month.but i also got to thinking of ground venison stew/soup now.on account i do have the venison for it.
My husband and I was recently canning pickles and burned our lungs and air ways. Now ,I have a couple of books on how to can. Not one of them tells you to have good air circulation when cooking vinegar. Not one of them tells you not to stand over the pot. Beware ....everyone of burning your air ways with vinegar. The pickles taste really good. Well worth making because they taste better than store bought pickles.
Your post gave me a good laugh, sorry it was at your expense. yes, I guess there isn't any advice to not inhale fumes, LOL, the same as not sticking your head in the oven or touching the hot pan. but, I guess some folks have to learn the hard way. I wish you better luck in the future and hope you didn't have to go to the doctor or anything.
I ended up getting 31 half pints and almost 1 pint. The almost pint will go into the fridge for hunny to eat on his morning toast but I will be cooking some biscuits tonight to go along with the smothered pork chops. Also doing mashed potatoes and maybe green beans. . . that last one is still a toss up. Hunny went back to work today so I've been cleaning house while working on my jelly. . . mainly the juicing process and straining, but now it's done I can start on my floors. Yippy for me ;). I was planning on using the shop vac this morning since hunny plopped it down in the middle of the living room floor last night. Called him to ask where he left the attachments and getting them out in the shed behind the house & out in the red barn, he then tells me that he needs to get a new filter for it and not to use it cause it will just blow the dirt back out. . . Well at least all the pieces are back together.

Garden has been weeded and goat barn cleaned out. With three very new little ones I am trying to keep it super clean and sprayed down with bleach water. I did get in some cuddle time with each of them. Penelope is a good little momma but this is only Callie's second time around. She does not clean booties. . . so I go out a few times a day with a warm soapy rag to 'help' her out.
He is only pooping yellow baby poop and it does tend to stick. . . If not cleaned off, it will harden and baby will clog up which is not a good thing.
I ended up getting 31 half pints and almost 1 pint. The almost pint will go into the fridge for hunny to eat on his morning toast but I will be cooking some biscuits tonight to go along with the smothered pork chops. Also doing mashed potatoes and maybe green beans. . . that last one is still a toss up. Hunny went back to work today so I've been cleaning house while working on my jelly. . . mainly the juicing process and straining, but now it's done I can start on my floors. Yippy for me ;). I was planning on using the shop vac this morning since hunny plopped it down in the middle of the living room floor last night. Called him to ask where he left the attachments and getting them out in the shed behind the house & out in the red barn, he then tells me that he needs to get a new filter for it and not to use it cause it will just blow the dirt back out. . . Well at least all the pieces are back together.

Garden has been weeded and goat barn cleaned out. With three very new little ones I am trying to keep it super clean and sprayed down with bleach water. I did get in some cuddle time with each of them. Penelope is a good little momma but this is only Callie's second time around. She does not clean booties. . . so I go out a few times a day with a warm soapy rag to 'help' her out.View attachment 8696 He is only pooping yellow baby poop and it does tend to stick. . . If not cleaned off, it will harden and baby will clog up which is not a good thing.
All right, I guess I have to try making some jelly again. My first experience was kind of just sweet thick juice. Thanks for the inspiration!
Talked to someone yesterday and she said we should try making tomato jam, said it was delicious. I may try it. Still waiting for poke to come up to can. It grows well in disturbed soil, meaning if there had been a dozer or ditches being dug,last year then there should be a good crop of poke this year, I like to pick when it is just about 1-2 feet high and before berries set on as the berries are poisonous. Has anyone tried canning cattail?
Talked to someone yesterday and she said we should try making tomato jam, said it was delicious. I may try it. Still waiting for poke to come up to can. It grows well in disturbed soil, meaning if there had been a dozer or ditches being dug,last year then there should be a good crop of poke this year, I like to pick when it is just about 1-2 feet high and before berries set on as the berries are poisonous. Has anyone tried canning cattail?
Reminds me of a good song, ‘Polk salad annie’.... seems like canning Polk would be like trying to preserve lettuce, it would probably turn to mush. I need to ask Wgregmiller to try freeze drying some lettuce and see if it’s still edible afterwards. So can you eat cattails?....
I heard tomato jam was a pretty darn good savory jam. . . kinda like tomato pie. I haven't tried either except I did use green tomatoes to make a mock apple pie once before a freeze one year.
Reminds me of a good song, ‘Polk salad annie’.... seems like canning Polk would be like trying to preserve lettuce, it would probably turn to mush. I need to ask Wgregmiller to try freeze drying some lettuce and see if it’s still edible afterwards. So can you eat cattails?....

We haven’t tried lettuce. We have some herbs and stuff, and that works well.

Now you have the wife thinking, but I ain’t eating polk. Or is it poke? With the exception of shrimp, if it stinks when you cook it I ain’t eatin it.
I would think poke would can up as any greens. Sorry guys but I love greens. . . fresh, frozen and yes even canned when it is not season. I've only eaten poke fresh.
I have a lot of spinach growing now and you just motivated me to try canning some of the excess this season. I will pass on the poke, or polk, though.
The wife and I are looking forward to canning. She buys cases of canning jars and other canning supplies every time she goes shopping. The problem is the house may not be finished until at least October. We'll probably have to settle for freezing what we can this year.
Reminds me of a good song, ‘Polk salad annie’.... seems like canning Polk would be like trying to preserve lettuce, it would probably turn to mush. I need to ask Wgregmiller to try freeze drying some lettuce and see if it’s still edible afterwards. So can you eat cattails?....
It is like spinach when you can it. Plus you don't have to grow it. I like free food. Cattails are great. Early spring you can just reach in and pull the center out and eat it right then and there or you can fry, the heads you can also do a lot with, but you don't eat after they go to seed. You wouldn't like the fluffy stuff. You can get good info from the book "Stalking the Wild Asparagus", there are a lot of wild foods out there. Wild mustard is up now too. You can use the leaves like wilted lettuce.

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