Cash or no cash?

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Yes, the money will pretty much be worthless. Some are buying gold and silver, but I agree that the barter system using everyday essentials will be the route most survivors will follow. I have seen people recommend using alcohol as a barter item, but I would only feel comfortable with that if there was considerable distance gained away from the recipients before they started chugging it down. I personally would not use ammo was a barter item unless I was desperate for some specific goods. Ammo will be next to impossible to replace, so hanging onto it makes better sense. Heck, whether it is due to stock-piling or panic-buying, a person can't find anything in the way of ammo now.
Yes, the money will pretty much be worthless. Some are buying gold and silver, but I agree that the barter system using everyday essentials will be the route most survivors will follow. I have seen people recommend using alcohol as a barter item, but I would only feel comfortable with that if there was considerable distance gained away from the recipients before they started chugging it down. I personally would not use ammo was a barter item unless I was desperate for some specific goods. Ammo will be next to impossible to replace, so hanging onto it makes better sense. Heck, whether it is due to stock-piling or panic-buying, a person can't find anything in the way of ammo now.
I think everybody is right on about the cash thing. Didn't have much stocks but sold all and bought items for our survival storage. I didn't want to be caught with my pants down like in the last big crash. Loss my a** then. The $75,000.00 in stocks (now in survival stuff) will be worth 10 times that WTSHTF. My wife liked to sh*t when I told her what I was doing. She is thankful now that she sees what is comming. It's like I always said that if you have a BAR of gold and are starving and dying of thirst and I have a can of soup and a gal. of water, you will give me that bar of gold for the can of soup and the gal. of water. I have no confidence in money.
Wouldn't plan on bartering with alcohol unless you don't plan on bugging out. Imagine carrying around all that liquor. What a pita.
I think barter system is where we will go once the SHTF. I agree that certain things will become extremely valuable. Who knows matches maybe the most valuable items next to food or ammo.
Ok this may sound really dumb, but i am still processing everything I am learning. So does anyone think that eventually money will have a value again? Like, I saved and after the SHTF and everythng gets built back up and starts over, per say, that money would again have a value?
History says no. I think that if your saving for emergency you should look into universal currency. Precious metals, spices, alcohol, seeds, ammo, cigarettes, canned foods ands so on.
History says no. I think that if your saving for emergency you should look into universal currency. Precious metals, spices, alcohol, seeds, ammo, cigarettes, canned foods ands so on.

Thanks, I was kinda figureing that would be the best way to go, but I had to ask ! LOL
Now, answer me this. In a future with little to no gas, what would you trade for a well broke, sound horse with saddle and bridle? I figure what we have to offer will be worth a fair bit in times to come.
I think they can be as well as long as someone can recognize the need for the skill.
What would you trade for a Klondike bar? They say history repeats itself. Back in the Great Depression bartering became a way of life and money is used today. Sure money will come back in some form. Time has proven that over and over. It won't be dollars though it will be something else. Just like in the civil war. Confederate money was used.
I think I'll clone RV and sell them. When I clone you the gold gets cloned too right?
i beleave money will have value at least some value after SHTF at first..but after that,it's value is worthless..and if things stay way..only way i see cash money getting it's value back,is if the econemy comes.but i dont see that happening when SHTF..
the best defence is having what you will use/need. Rather than needing to buy it later.

Having a mix of assets is useful though. During a long term economic collapse under hyper inflation cash is not useful. If industry slows down the value of gold and other precious metals will also reduce. Things like food should hold value unless there is mass die offs increasing supply.

IMO the best investment is buying things you need to live. But expecting for instance North Korea to launch missiles prompting the onset of WWIII even then cash supply won't be of great use and having your needed supplies will still solve. Can't go wrong with what you need. I would never plan beyond about 3 to 5 years. If your money isn't making money whatever, if it is making money.. well let it make money. Once you have the essentials you should be as well prepared as you are going to get anyway. Currency value will go down over time 99.9% of the time though over the long term, having a business of some sort is the best go imo if it can generate income. I think the whole produce your own approach.

Its your money. I would be in a tropical location right now if I had a lot of cash to burn. Likely somewhere in Latin America.
i beleave money will have value at least some value after SHTF at first..but after that,it's value is worthless..and if things stay way..only way i see cash money getting it's value back,is if the econemy comes.but i dont see that happening when SHTF..

Do you believe if the SHTF that the USA will return to the 1800s way of life forever? With no Gov, no commerce, no armed forces or police depts....
the best defence is having what you will use/need. Rather than needing to buy it later.

Having a mix of assets is useful though. During a long term economic collapse under hyper inflation cash is not useful. If industry slows down the value of gold and other precious metals will also reduce. Things like food should hold value unless there is mass die offs increasing supply.

IMO the best investment is buying things you need to live. But expecting for instance North Korea to launch missiles prompting the onset of WWIII even then cash supply won't be of great use and having your needed supplies will still solve. Can't go wrong with what you need. I would never plan beyond about 3 to 5 years. If your money isn't making money whatever, if it is making money.. well let it make money. Once you have the essentials you should be as well prepared as you are going to get anyway. Currency value will go down over time 99.9% of the time though over the long term, having a business of some sort is the best go imo if it can generate income. I think the whole produce your own approach.

Its your money. I would be in a tropical location right now if I had a lot of cash to burn. Likely somewhere in Latin America.
How are you on Patagonia Chile. I need some help.
not all shtf scenarios, lead up to the point where money loses all value. after hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes,,,, money will still be good. so having some money set aside seems like a good idea to me. of course i have a month's supply of food and water, and other items to allow me to "survive" a catastrophe. but i have some money stored also for that just in case scenario. also money stored is a good thing to have for other emergencies.
Do you believe if the SHTF that the USA will return to the 1800s way of life forever? With no Gov, no commerce, no armed forces or police depts....

there's diffrent types of is the economic vaule if the econimy falls through the floor.there's a very slim chance it'll come back,but i dont think it will.then there's all the others..emp's,mega quaks n so on.if some thing like that happens.tthen papaer money is good for starting a fire with.the coins might have value.but i wonder about that.then there's gold silver dimonds gems n all.not everyone will lose value in them..and of course.what ppl (really) water clothes for the diffrent first aid and so on.and as for no gov armed forces or cop to every 400 people.and as for the gov and armed forces they'll have thier hands full.which means people will need to start (thier) own sorce of commerce..
someone mentioned useing silver for bullets..i dont remember what show it was..they did a test on silver bullets..and as it turns out,silver bullets dont have half the accrocy as copper or lead if you stock up on need some sorce of use for it other then barter..and as for gold has a good electric it's good for electric wireing if you can insalate it..
I don't see me having that problem
Wow you've just shown me my greatest skill. I have always been able to dispose of money on a grand scale. Now if I can just learn to market that skill.
I believe that our country is very close to economic collapse and paper money will have no value when that happens. Our first priority has to be taking care of our own, stocking up on food, water, weapons and ammo and first aid items. Once you have enough to support your family for at least a year, you might consider purchasing antibiotics at pet stores - you can get Tetracycline, Cephalexin and Amoxicillin in the fish section - to use for barter. If you don't have to bug out, stocking up on small bottles of alcohol - Whiskey, Rum and Vodka - could be used for first aid as well as bartering. An excess of anything necessary for your own survival can be used for barter. The problem with having things to barter, depending upon how desperate the situation becomes, is once someone knows you have something valuable, they will assume you have more and you could become a target. With society being the way it is in America today, my plan is to stay hidden, isolated and self-sustaining. It will take a long time for some type of order and control to return.
As true as that is paper money in the doomsday is only worth as tinder for a fire
or ass wipe, some may use it as rolling paper.
I believe in keeping some spare cash,not a lot but some,as not all scenarios will be the end of the dollar.Some disasters can be somewhat short term or just localized with not much effect on money.But most scenarios I do think the paper will end up worthless.Tender will become tinder.

I'm also not much into bartering,but I stock a little bit of stuff for trading,however I too,prefer keep a low profile and remain secluded from others except for those in my small prepping community.I'm not into precious metals either,not that I don't think they won't have some value,but i'm in with the "you can't eat it" crowd and what you buy it for today is not what you would get out of it after shtf.The only precious metals that I stock come in the form of copper,brass and lead.
I'm thinking that post SHTF, $500 worth of bills will have $0 buying power. Our money is based on FAITH. In the absence of our government, or the faith that it will be up and running soon, those bills are worth only the paper they are printed on. On the flip side, $100 worth of cigarettes may end up trading for up to $1000 worth of goods and/or services post something to consider.... ;)

Same for gold and metals really. Who's going to trade you a can of food for a pretty piece of metal? Nobody. But some cigs to a smoker, some ammo, or a lighter, and now you're talking.
Of course, in a SHTF situation, paper currency will be valueless. As far as precious metals and gems, who will apply their value? That will be the difficult question. For local disaster situations it is good to have some cash around, as credit machines may be temporarily out of order. I always travel with a phone card as part of my kit, as there are times when my cell phone may not work and someone may be willing to let me use a landline provided I can pay for the call. Its just one thing to think about.

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