CERT Certified?

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Awesome Friend
Jul 5, 2017
Anybody here CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) Certified? I did it a few years back, they have good training in first aid, search and rescue, taking charge of your neighborhood during an emergency and so on. Some Counties will call up CERT's in case of emergencies to help local officials with whatever need they have. A couple years back we had a bad snow storm and some 911 operators could not get to work so the County Cert officials got some of us to that could come in to do 911 calls and got some CERT people with 4 wheel drives to go get the regular 911 operators. After the regular crew showed up, some of us stayed around to bring coffee and snacks to the operators and Police. All volunteer of course, we did not "have" to do it. After the classes they gave us backpacks full of tools, gloves, masks, flashlight and other stuff, even a green CERT hard helmet! LOL It is FREE, course and all! Just washed my CERT shirt and thought I would ask.
wouldn't get GOV. background checked and database registered for all the gold in Ft Knox >>> hope you aren't thinking you'll have any choices to serve or not in a major killing SHTF - like a Covid pandemic out of control ...

just like with the nationalized National Guard - you could find your azz on a bus to almost anywhere they need new bodies - no thanks
I can’t recommend enough for everyone toget all the free medical and emergency response training they can. There are many programs available depending on where you live of course. Try calling you local fire department for a start to see if anything is available. Skills, especially things as valuable as medical first aid and rescue are part of the basics for anyone wanting to be a prepper.
wouldn't get GOV. background checked and database registered for all the gold in Ft Knox >>> hope you aren't thinking you'll have any choices to serve or not in a major killing SHTF - like a Covid pandemic out of control ...

just like with the nationalized National Guard - you could find your azz on a bus to almost anywhere they need new bodies - no thanks
Like I said, it is ALL volunteer and NO background checks were conducted! Just sign up for the class, attend them, get certified and a back pack full of goodies and off you go! I can NOT be called up to do anything I do not want to.
Do you not have a concealed carry permit? You get background check for that! Bought a gun at a store, background check again, in most cases.
All they have is my name, phone number and email. IF, something happens and they need extra bodies, they call or email and ASK if I want to help, I can Never be called into any duty. All Volunteer with good training, for Free!
Like I said, it is ALL volunteer and NO background checks were conducted! Just sign up for the class, attend them, get certified and a back pack full of goodies and off you go! I can NOT be called up to do anything I do not want to.
Do you not have a concealed carry permit? You get background check for that! Bought a gun at a store, background check again, in most cases.
All they have is my name, phone number and email. IF, something happens and they need extra bodies, they call or email and ASK if I want to help, I can Never be called into any duty. All Volunteer with good training, for Free!

doubt if it was a CERT class then - background checks are conducted EVERYWHERE - it's an absolute requirement - they aren't letting some crazy azz Boulder CO Muslim into an official GOV program ....

sounds like it nothing more than a Red Cross type course - you get official CERT IDs with pics? - you get fingerprinted for the background check? - criminal check?

with the CERT program you can be installed in a community that supersedes the local civilian gooberment including the PD & FD chiefs

don't try to tell me about the CERT program - I'm VERY FAMILIAR !!!!!!

if you trust the likes of Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Shumer, Obammy to let a FED database of obligated civilians make decisions for yourself >> I doubt your prepperness
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doubt if it was a CERT class then - background checks are conducted EVERYWHERE - it's an absolute requirement - they aren't letting some crazy azz Boulder CO Muslim into an official GOV program ....

sounds like it nothing more than a Red Cross type course - you get official CERT IDs with pics? - you get fingerprinted for the background check? - criminal check?

don't try to tell me about the CERT program - I'm VERY FAMILIAR !!!!!!

if you trust the likes of Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Shumer, Obammy to let a citizen database of bodies make decisions for yourself >> I doubt your prepperness
Yes have an picture ID and No background check was conducted. The county I live in does Not call upon CERT people like other counties and such do. We were given the same training and only asked to volunteer in extreme emergencies. As they put it, they do not want to take the liability of calling us up.
As far as trusting biden and the rest of the demoncrats...not a chance in hell!
Doubt my prepperness...that is your choice, but rest assured I do my best to be prepared for whatever may come to best of my ability, and funds!
I have had 3 background checks done in my lifetime, 1st was getting a concealed carry permit, 2nd was joining the Marines and 3rd was taking our County Citizens Police Academy. Not for the CERT training!
Got the backpack and all the cool stuff. Even triage tags. We are asked to volunteer all the time for a number of events. But now we moved, but I still get the emails. A number of us in our group were also hams.
Yep, we had our local ham radio club come in and give us training and showing how hams would work in an emergency. Always wanted a ham but can't afford one. Other than the time I listed above, the only other times we have been asked to help were with missing people. Like I said in another post on this, my county said they did not want the liability having us in dangerous situations. I have been thinking about taking the class again in my county a mile down the road, they use CERT members all the time. They told me I would have to take the class again, which is cool, I enjoyed it!
It was fun, but if I remember right, was about 12 weeks long, one night a week. Some of the things we helped with after graduation...the Bosque walks (Rio Grande) mostly persuading homeless to not camp there and start fires. Traffic control, Helped in the medical tent at the Pork and Brew...it was an extreme heat day and people were drinking. Was watching people walk by and pulling them in the tent if they looked heat strokish. Had a fan and ice to cool them down. Had a freeze a few years back, the natural gas was turned off a big area, so no heat in alot of places, so we helped at the evac center at the Indian casino in the ballroom. Also helped with the last day of class exam with the others that took the classes after us. They needed victims for scenarios. Right now, saw an email that was asking for volunteers to help at an info table (regarding covid) at the airport, geared to get the attention of new arrivals to the state. Also help needed at the covid vaccine sites.
We learned real quick that if you were a weirdo in class, you wouldn't be called on the email list to help. The stuff we got for free was very cool, and they would offer free CPR first aid classes to all graduates anytime.
It was fun, but if I remember right, was about 12 weeks long, one night a week. Some of the things we helped with after graduation...the Bosque walks (Rio Grande) mostly persuading homeless to not camp there and start fires. Traffic control, Helped in the medical tent at the Pork and Brew...it was an extreme heat day and people were drinking. Was watching people walk by and pulling them in the tent if they looked heat strokish. Had a fan and ice to cool them down. Had a freeze a few years back, the natural gas was turned off a big area, so no heat in alot of places, so we helped at the evac center at the Indian casino in the ballroom. Also helped with the last day of class exam with the others that took the classes after us. They needed victims for scenarios. Right now, saw an email that was asking for volunteers to help at an info table (regarding covid) at the airport, geared to get the attention of new arrivals to the state. Also help needed at the covid vaccine sites.
We learned real quick that if you were a weirdo in class, you wouldn't be called on the email list to help. The stuff we got for free was very cool, and they would offer free CPR first aid classes to all graduates anytime.
Sounds about right but we went every Tuesday and Thursday night. We also played victims and helped set up things and such for the class behind us. They gave us CPR training in the class and also more CPR training afterwards if we wanted it. I stopped going about 5 years ago when now CPR just consist of chest compressions so don't believe I need more training on that, pretty clear cut CPR now! I know some people from the next county CERT and they have been called for traffic control after sever storms, search and rescue and other stuff which is why I want to take their class. I almost turned my CERT bag into a bug out bag but decided to leave it the way it was, just in case, you never know!
It was fun, but if I remember right, was about 12 weeks long, one night a week. Some of the things we helped with after graduation...the Bosque walks (Rio Grande) mostly persuading homeless to not camp there and start fires. Traffic control, Helped in the medical tent at the Pork and Brew...it was an extreme heat day and people were drinking. Was watching people walk by and pulling them in the tent if they looked heat strokish. Had a fan and ice to cool them down. Had a freeze a few years back, the natural gas was turned off a big area, so no heat in alot of places, so we helped at the evac center at the Indian casino in the ballroom. Also helped with the last day of class exam with the others that took the classes after us. They needed victims for scenarios. Right now, saw an email that was asking for volunteers to help at an info table (regarding covid) at the airport, geared to get the attention of new arrivals to the state. Also help needed at the covid vaccine sites.
We learned real quick that if you were a weirdo in class, you wouldn't be called on the email list to help. The stuff we got for free was very cool, and they would offer free CPR first aid classes to all graduates anytime.
Just an FYI question, did they do a background check on you and your husband when you took the class?
I was a certified first aider when I was working on Construction Sites, long time ago now.
Stuff can be stolen, lost in a fire, etc. knowledge will be yours for your entire life. Skills are much more valuable than a bag full of gear.
I don't remember them doing new fingerprints, but husband already had a clearance from work, and so did I. It would of been easy enough if they just ran our names. But I doubt it was mandatory, because you can go on Fema's website right now and take complimentary classes, then print out your paperwork.
I know what you're saying about the hands only CPR. I never took them up on their classes because it was required for my job anyway, and I would sign myself up and my employees up for the daylong CPR and first aid classes. Wasting time with the hands on. Our CERT classes had stressed that they wanted us to be a help to our own family first, then our neighborhood area next if something big hit. Our instructor was a former fire chief and we enjoyed him.
Anybody here CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) Certified? I did it a few years back, they have good training in first aid, search and rescue, taking charge of your neighborhood during an emergency and so on. Some Counties will call up CERT's in case of emergencies to help local officials with whatever need they have. A couple years back we had a bad snow storm and some 911 operators could not get to work so the County Cert officials got some of us to that could come in to do 911 calls and got some CERT people with 4 wheel drives to go get the regular 911 operators. After the regular crew showed up, some of us stayed around to bring coffee and snacks to the operators and Police. All volunteer of course, we did not "have" to do it. After the classes they gave us backpacks full of tools, gloves, masks, flashlight and other stuff, even a green CERT hard helmet! LOL It is FREE, course and all! Just washed my CERT shirt and thought I would ask.
We have a really active CERT team in our county!!!!
Yep, we had our local ham radio club come in and give us training and showing how hams would work in an emergency. Always wanted a ham but can't afford one. Other than the time I listed above, the only other times we have been asked to help were with missing people. Like I said in another post on this, my county said they did not want the liability having us in dangerous situations. I have been thinking about taking the class again in my county a mile down the road, they use CERT members all the time. They told me I would have to take the class again, which is cool, I enjoyed it!
OUR ham radio club ARES team are really active too!!!

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