Chicks, Chickens and Quackers!

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UK: “Apocalyptic Bird Flu” Jumps to Humans as Authorities Cull Millions of BirdsUK: "

Zoonotic transmission of an "apocalyptic bird flu," H5N1, has been reported in the UK, boasting a 50+% fatality rate for humans. However, digging deeper reveals that the asymptomatic "patient zero" was tested "constantly" until returning the result (false positive?) that authorities need to justify the ongoing culling of tens of millions of birds and claim that YOU cannot be allowed to raise your own animals to feed your family. Meanwhile, Australian grocers are rationing meat as asymptomatic workers are kept from work, resulting in abattoirs shutting down in Australia. How long will this test fraud scamdemic be allowed to continue? Until we stop it.

Bitchute: UK: "Apocalyptic Bird Flu" Jumps to Humans as Authorities Cull Millions of Birds
Forgive my ignorance on the raising of chickens, but why is there no mention of predators?

We have coyotes and short of providing bodyguard services to chickens, I can't figure out how to let them wander around without attracting trouble.

I have the land, but it isn't fully fenced.
Forgive my ignorance on the raising of chickens, but why is there no mention of predators?

We have coyotes and short of providing bodyguard services to chickens, I can't figure out how to let them wander around without attracting trouble.

I have the land, but it isn't fully fenced.

Many people do not let them free roam. Mine are in outdoor runs with heavy wiring, including the roof of metal.

Those that do free roam successfully have roosters and places for the birds to duck under for protection. Others have quail to sound the alarm early.
That's what I was afraid of. I think I'll just stick to my 2-acre fish pond. Although I do love eggs.

You and your family might regret not having access to eggs. A simple and cheap option is a Chicken Tractor. They are just wire and wood boxes turned upside down with small wheels. You move them every few days for the hens to get fresh grass, bugs and worms.

You don't need fencing to keep the chickens in and coyotes out, just fencing to keep a donkey in. It will run off the coyotes.

Spot on DH! Was going to modify my response as I forgot to put down donkeys. They are literally in every field with animals around here. The ones especially close to rivers have 2 to 3 donkeys!

Those without donkeys have Great Pyrenees
A simple and cheap option is a Chicken Tractor. They are just wire and wood boxes turned upside down with small wheels. You move them every few days for the hens to get fresh grass, bugs and worms.

Wow. Very inventive. Very cool. I like simple, but brilliant ideas. Leonardo Da Vinci thought genius was in simplicity.
Many folks like Heritage Breeds. After trying those I went with Hybrid birds, like Hy-line. These birds produce more eggs per food than any others. They also produce an egg a day! Mine did stop for about 2 weeks when they molted, but that was it. One bird actually lays 2 eggs a day! Never seen that before.
We keep ours in a covered run, too. It's attached to a coup that they go into at night. Our guineas free range and find a barn or a tree to sleep in, and we've lost a number of them to predators. I like the Heritage breeds, the large breeds. They are meat and eggs. The same for turkey, prefer the heritage breeds and they're in a very large covered run. I incubate both turkey and chicken eggs every year to rotate my fowl stock.
UK: “Apocalyptic Bird Flu” Jumps to Humans as Authorities Cull Millions of BirdsUK: "

Zoonotic transmission of an "apocalyptic bird flu," H5N1, has been reported in the UK, boasting a 50+% fatality rate for humans. However, digging deeper reveals that the asymptomatic "patient zero" was tested "constantly" until returning the result (false positive?) that authorities need to justify the ongoing culling of tens of millions of birds and claim that YOU cannot be allowed to raise your own animals to feed your family. Meanwhile, Australian grocers are rationing meat as asymptomatic workers are kept from work, resulting in abattoirs shutting down in Australia. How long will this test fraud scamdemic be allowed to continue? Until we stop it.

Bitchute: UK: "Apocalyptic Bird Flu" Jumps to Humans as Authorities Cull Millions of Birds

I work in poultry farming in the UK. Guess I’ll die 😂
Forgive my ignorance on the raising of chickens, but why is there no mention of predators?

We have coyotes and short of providing bodyguard services to chickens, I can't figure out how to let them wander around without attracting trouble.

I have the land, but it isn't fully fenced.
We let our chickens free range year round, and in 6 years we have only lost one hen to a coyote. We have coyote, fox, bear, wolves, mountain lions, badger, weasels and hawks, owls and eagles here. We dont even lock the chickens up at night. In other parts of the country there are a lot more small predators than we have here, so free range may not be an option. Its not uncommon to see fox and coyote tracks on our back deck or even inside the chicken run. We've seen bears tracks around the coop and last summer we saw a bear looking through the windows in the coop. We lose more calves to coyotes than we've lost chickens.
We let our chickens free range year round, and in 6 years we have only lost one hen to a coyote. We have coyote, fox, bear, wolves, mountain lions, badger, weasels and hawks, owls and eagles here. We dont even lock the chickens up at night. In other parts of the country there are a lot more small predators than we have here, so free range may not be an option. Its not uncommon to see fox and coyote tracks on our back deck or even inside the chicken run. We've seen bears tracks around the coop and last summer we saw a bear looking through the windows in the coop. We lose more calves to coyotes than we've lost chickens.View attachment 15558
I am lucky to get 6 months out of 6 chickens,,,,,, to many predators around here,,, and they go in bunches, a few months will go by and then2 or 3 will disappear over night

I am thinking of shutting them in at night
I am lucky to get 6 months out of 6 chickens,,,,,, to many predators around here,,, and they go in bunches, a few months will go by and then2 or 3 will disappear over night

I am thinking of shutting them in at night
Thats probably a good idea where you live. You probably have a lot of coon, skunk and possums at your location.
Even though we've lost very few chickens I dont want to keep pressing my luck. I'm going to build a new chicken coop this spring, as soon as the ground thaws out, and it will have an automatic door opener.
I was left 10 chickens by the previous owners. i know why they left them. 1st week I got 4 eggs. Mr Bobcat started to get them. Even in the coop.
Coop became home to 3 useless house cats. About a year later Mr Bobcat found them. My barn cat somehow avoids him.
Still can’t figure out how he was getting in and out. But he has left my equipment stored there alone.
I have a pretty large area and currently down to 15 hens, several breeds from Rhode Island reds, leghorn, Moran, orpington, Americana, wyandott..(about to age out on me). I don't know off hand the size of entire area but have 2 separate coops...they all tend to roost in only one...I have a seperate area where I can keep new younger hens separate from the older for first 30 days then open it all up and they seem to all get along fine after that. I'm getting ready to put in order for at least 15 new 2 month old hens...I have never been able to allow mine to free range without something picking them off! it fox, hawk or whatever. I'm planning to expand the "free range" area in next month or two with netting over top so they will have very large area to roam. Had 20 ducks to hang out in pond a couple years ago...they dropped their dang eggs in the pond! One thing or another picked them off one or more at a time...frustrating! I loved my ducks (as worthless as they were for dropping eggs in the pond) and I love my hens too!
My ”chicken yard” was set up by idiots. 3/4 acre hillside that is useless was good.
5 ft fencing on 3 visible sides with electric run was good.
4 ft fence with no electric bordering a very thick box canyon was dumb. Mr Bobcat took the first rabbit I put out as bait. Climbed the fence. Another Bobcat moved in.
I would have a lot of work on a steep hillside to make it work after I figure out how the coop was breached.
Have some infrastructure, but not enough to make it feasible at the moment.
I have chicken wire buried in the ground all the way around perimeters of the chicken pen area..with chicken wire across the the entire area over top...vinyl tarps over a couple of areas for shade...and shade fabric panel hanging down another area to keep hot sun off animal typically native here to go after chickens can dig or climb its way into the coop..or at least has not been able to so far...IF I let them out to free range that's death sentence..
Somehow, I don't recall when growing up having family or neighbors even when I was in the rural mountains of Kentucky, having the chickens picked off to the extent mine get hit in north Florida, nowadays in a more populated area..weird! Maybe I have a short memory.
I live very very rural.
A friend has had chickens for 25 yrs has had Bobcat issues on her 1/4 lot In a small hamlet. I lived1/2 mile down the road, spent lot of time in the woods, and never saw a Bobcat in that half of the state In 50 years.
The creatures are adapting to more populated areas.
Update on goose (not that anyone else it poured the rain today but I spotted goose on take on appears goose is not actually injured....psyched by goose! I think female is on nest and male is "scouting" the that I think about it..I recall last year male goose did same..walked the whole property as if scouting out the territory and female was on nest....I think he's good to go...although is limping a bit...but he probably didn't see need to take flight.. either way, he's still around..I'm gonna leave him alone
Update on goose (not that anyone else it poured the rain today but I spotted goose on take on appears goose is not actually injured....psyched by goose! I think female is on nest and male is "scouting" the that I think about it..I recall last year male goose did same..walked the whole property as if scouting out the territory and female was on nest....I think he's good to go...although is limping a bit...but he probably didn't see need to take flight.. either way, he's still around..I'm gonna leave him alone
That is good news!

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